
Guardian Of Chaos

Guardian Mages, elite groups who specialize in magical combat and fight to protect their kingdoms. This profession was a huge honor and what Koda Fortis strived to be in the future. However, born a mere peasant in the Kingdom of Argio, Koda will have to prove that he's worthy enough to join the ranks. In order to prove his worth, Koda enrolls into one of the most dangerous schools in the kingdom, Costa Academy, a school famous for producing some of the strongest mages in history while also being famous for its numerous casualties and endless amount of injuries. Koda will have to fight harder then anyone if he wants to survive and achieve his dream. In a world where might made right, he would have to defeat everyone standing in his way.

RecsOriginOfChaos · Fantasy
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Koda Fortis took a deep breath, holding his twin daggers at the ready as he gazed at his opponent, a blood red fox with three tails about the size of a large horse . He could feel the accumulated sweat trickling down his bare back, trailing over his numerous cuts before soaking into his ripped jet black shorts. Despite the stinging sensation of his wounds and the pain from his overexerted muscles, he remained calm and steady as he bent his legs, ready to push off again. He loved the feeling of breaking past his limits, of getting stronger then he already was, which was why he wasn't going to stop just yet.

Letting out the air in his lungs, Koda sprang forward, throwing one of his knives towards the fox as he focused magic into his legs in order to increase his speed. The fox easily avoided the knife before also darting forward, bright silvery claws catching the light as he moved at a near blur.

Koda flipped his knife to his other hand and parried one set of claws away while narrowly dodging the other. The moment when the two were about to pass each other, Koda turned and prepared to attack the foxs flank, but was knocked backwards by one of the three tails. The tail looked bushy and rather soft, but it was like being hit with a moving wall as it literally pushed him quite a distance away. It was plain to see that the fox wasn't even breaking a sweat while Koda, who was barely hanging on, was nothing BUT sweat.

It was painfully clear who the victor was and though he hated to admit it, it was time to call it quits. Normally Koda would continue late into the morning, but today there were places he had to visit so the fighting would have to wait. He reluctantly put his dagger into the sheaths located on his biceps before standing up straight, a smile on his face.

"Hey Kuu, lets call it in for the day," Koda said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "If we keep going, we're going to destroy more parts of the forest then we already have. I don't think my wife will appreciate the wreckage much."

Looking around, Koda couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the sheer destruction the two of them had caused. Trees were toppled or shredded, the ground had miniature craters, the air was filled with dust, and the most of the shrubs and bushes had been either obliterated or flattened. It was definitely their fault but Koda couldn't help but laugh at how much they had let loose despite telling Julia that today was only gonna be a light sparring session.

Despite being told to stop, Kuu, the demonic fox, was still crouched down and glaring at him with his blood red eyes, fangs bared and claws at the ready. Koda couldn't blame him though as he had chopped off one of his tails before being sent flying backwards, specifically the tail that had hit him, severing it off at the base. Of course, since Kuu was a demon, he could just regrow it, he obviously simply wanted to get revenge for having to endure the pain.

"I'll tell you what," Koda said as he walked forward, ignoring the growling and the threatening swipe of Kuu's paw. He grabbed the dagger that was stuck up in the tree and pulled it out with some difficulty before wiping it off and putting back into its sheath. "When we get home, I'll get Julia to get you a bigger portion for breakfast. How's that sound?"

Kuu stood his ground for a few seconds longer before he finally retracted his claws and stood up straight. He seemed pleased with the deal and even bent down low for Koda to climb onto his back.

The youth laughed as he grabbed his shirt and threw it on before pulling himself up onto the back of the blood red fox. "Alright Kuu, lets head home so we can eat."

Kuu gave a low growl as the fox took off, disappearing into the forest.

//////I basically redid the prologue and the entire story because it wasn't going as planned. Sorry about that.