
Guardian Angel: Past life

castiel has had enough of everything.

Raven_Kreischer · TV
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3 Chs

Part Two

POV Change.

Clutching the letter in my bloody hand, I re-read the words over again once more. My eyes have not left the forsaken paper since I found them. They were submerged in a bath of crimson; the blade that they once showed me on the side of the tub decorated in a new crimson layer. I should have taken the damned blade when I had the chance. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I could feel the disgusting sympathy seep from their skin into my own. It burned. My eyes left the letter for the first time since we arrived at the hospital and Looking up, I saw their parents who of which were acting, pretending as if they cared about Cas. If they cared, they would have noticed the immense sense of sadness that appeared to be perspiring from their son's skin. I could feel the rage that was bottled up seep through my pores. A nurse walked up to me and asked if I needed a bandage for my hand. I shook my head no in response for it was not just my own blood on my hands. It was theirs. I was the one who tried to save you from the crimson darkness that tried to consume you once more. I remember how cold your corpse was; the dead silence that rung throughout the bathroom when I tried to wake you up; I remember your once deep ocean eyes which were now cloud. The most saddening part of what had happened was the fact that even after you realized what you were doing, a small smile was still plastered on your face. Even in death, you knew what you wanted. You don't regret it and it's okay. You were put through hell and back and I tried to save you. I tried so hard.