
Guardian Alphas

Both Gael and Adrian are alphas. Born at the same era and for the same goal. Nature wants them together but will one alpha bow to another? They will fight, love, cultivate and grow stronger together as they build a family but will they build this family together or apart? It is a story of resilience and love. We laugh as we cheer them on. It's a boy love story like never told before.

Cate_mae · Fantasy
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55 Chs

36. A Postponed Date

We cultivated for the whole night and that's when we felt the spiritual energy start to deplete. We couldn't leave any and after we felt it completely diminish, we stopped and that's when we thought of investigating where it had come from. It was strange that there was such abundant spiritual energy in Zar.

The cave looked like it was once inhabited but nothing in it looked like it was inhabited by humans. It was strange because for once, no normal humans could get on this side of the mountain. And secondly, humans didn't require or even know about let alone use spiritual energy.

Now that we could stop and look at the cave keenly, we noticed that there were some drawings on the walls and some strange writings. None of us, including our beasts could read the writings. We decided to take photos using my connector and see if we could find anyone to read it for us.

After thorough investigation, Adrian, who could control space, noticed that a small space in the rear end of the cave had unstable energy. He noticed that the air on that side wasn't the same with normal spaces. Since we did not know these things well, we left it at that because we didn't want to tamper with something we didn't know what it was. We didn't want to bring any kind of a disaster to the world we were supposed to be protecting.

"Wait!" Kay said as we were about to walk out.

"What is it Jay?" I asked because it seemed like Adrian was disposed for a while since it was now Jay in control.

"I know what the disturbance in the air is," I looked at him and waited for him to continue.

"It is a portal to another world. It seems like it has not been used for a while (And a while he meant hundreds of years by the way) and it is through that that the spiritual energy was sipping in through into our world. It seems whichever world this portal goes to is rich in spiritual power and mana and probably it is full of cultivators," he explained and then he disappeared and Adrian took control again.

"Don't you ever do that again Jay!" Adrian said and then continued, "next time just tell me what you want to say."

With the knowledge at hand, we decided to leave it at that and then consult the Oracle later for his input. We wanted to know what the drawings and the writings meant. Maybe this was a clue to what we would be facing in the near future.

We left the cave, put the stone that was hiding the opening into place and then went back to our camping site. Our date has been... (should I say destroyed seeingthat we cultivated the whole night?) No. It had been postponed. We weren't going back till we had our 'we' time. We deserved it and we needed it otherwise we would explode from all the work and cultivation. (Don't forget we are still university students)

Don't scholars say that 'no work and no play makes Gael a dull boy? (Ha! Ha! Ha! Corny, right?). I didn't want me or my Adrian to be dull. No. I needed us in top form just in case of any eventualities.