
Guardian Alphas

Both Gael and Adrian are alphas. Born at the same era and for the same goal. Nature wants them together but will one alpha bow to another? They will fight, love, cultivate and grow stronger together as they build a family but will they build this family together or apart? It is a story of resilience and love. We laugh as we cheer them on. It's a boy love story like never told before.

Cate_mae · Fantasy
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55 Chs

12. I Didn't Mean It

We got to his home and the usual happened with servants acting as if the king has arrived. When we entered the house, we were met by a middle aged lady whose aura told me that she was sick. She didn't look sick per se, but like I told you, I am talented in telling what other people are suffering from.

"Mom, how are you? I didn't want to wake you up in the morning because of your health. How are you feeling?" Adrian greeted her and they hugged.

"I'm well son. I could be worse. And who is this?" She disentangled from the hug as she looked at me with a not so friendly gaze. I guess it was rare for her son to being anyone home from what he had told me.

"This is Gael mom. He's a friend from school," he said with a smile. She scrutinized me, looking at me from shoes to my hair, and I could tell that she clearly didn't like me.

"And when did you start bringing 'friends from school' into our house Adrian?" Her annoyance was rising and it could be heard in her voice. I didn't want to be treated like trash the way most of these rich people treat those who they think are not worthy and I was about to walk out.

"Eerrr, mom, his name is Gael 'The Alpha' Hunter," he said and I swear I thought I heard him stress 'The Alpha' in my name. "And he's twenty-one just about to celebrate his twenty-second birthday," he finished and looked at her.

They looked at each other and I could see her face changing to a knowing look. did they know something that I didn't? Adrian nodded his head and the woman looked at me. I swear I don't know how women do it

because the woman who was looking at me with disdain a while back was now looking at me as if I was the goddess Riu and made the sun shine every morning.

"Sorry son. Forgive my behavior. It's just that Adrian doesn't have friends and I was wondering why he would bring one home. I didn't mean anything by it. You are very welcome here anytime. This is

your house too. Adrian's friend is a son to me," she finished and then pulled my hand, "Come. Come. Let's go to the lounge and you can tell me all about yourself.

When she held my hand like that, I felt like I could feel. her pain and I instantly confirmed my theory that she wasn't well. But I just couldn't ask her and so, I just followed her.

I looked at Adrian asking him to save me with a look but he smiled at me and shook his head. The the woman held my hand, that's when I could clearly sense and smell that she was sick. The touch amplified it and I was able to pinpoint the problem. I couldn't help myself and so I asked, "Ma'am, why haven't you gotten treated for the Almain syndrome?" I asked and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"What did you say?" She seemed like she couldn't believe what I said.

"Almain syndrome. That's what you have, right? Your doctors must have told you that. And it seems your genetic make-up is good because even though you had been having signs here and there they weren't so pronounced and it has become vital as you grew old," I finished as a matter of fact.

I believed that with the way medical technology has advanced in Zar and in the whole galaxy, and with how rich they were, they could afford her treatment. I'm a Medical Engineering student and I had studied all the rare diseases there are because I wanted to help those patients who couldn't afford expensive medical procedures for their diseases and so they just died like that. I believed that in time, I could come up with cheaper ways of treating them.

Aiden's mom looked at me and then called a servant, "go call both masters for me here now. Tell them it's urgent!" She said seeming flustered.

I wondered what I had done wrong. Should I make a break for it? I'm strong, I know but will I be able to outrun all the guards and servants?

"Sorry ma'am if I said something wrong. It wasn't my intention to infringe on your personal life," I apologised because I also thought that I had been out of my mind to just ask her about her sickness. I should have kept my mouth shut. And since Aiden and I were now friends, I didn't wasn't him to think that I was disrespectful to his mother.

Instead of saying anything, she held my hand and I could tell that her heart was beating very fast. I started talking to her soothingly so as to make her calm down. When she realised what I was doing, she looked at me with a smile and I let out the breath I had been holding.

I really didn't mean to make her flustered.