

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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177 Chs

Chapter 123 Unexpected News

After sweeping through the human border areas for nearly a month, the orcs finally began to gather forces and prepare to storm human cities.

 Since then, the war between humans and beasts has officially entered the second stage, the urban attack and defense war.

Greedy desires are always the hardest to control!

As long as a few human fortress cities in the border areas are pulled out and the Snow Wind Legion is crippled, thousands of square kilometers of human land and massive wealth will be completely opened to the orcs.

For this reason, the orcs even did not hesitate to throw tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of corpses under the tall and strong human city walls.

Even after paying such a heavy price, eight to ten times the result was a defeat, with countless orc warriors piled dead under the city walls. But the two successful times allowed the orcs to gain a lot of human wealth and resources, making a lot of money.

At the end of the war, although the orcs were once again driven back to the orc wasteland by the human coalition, the wealth swept away by the orcs eventually fell into the hands of the chiefs and nobles of the three major orc tribes and the clan leader tribe.

As for the hundreds of thousands of orc warriors lost, the clan leaders and nobles will not even shed a tear. With the orcs' strong fertility, new warriors will be on the battlefield for them again in just a few years.

Outside the former army city, more and more orc troops gathered, and the darkness stretched as far as the eye could see. It was impossible to count how many orcs had gathered.

  The orcs built three huge military camps directly in front of the former military city and in the south and north directions.

 Different from the way the human army besieged a city, the orcs would always open a passage in one direction.

It would be wrong to think that the orcs were kind-hearted and left an escape route for the humans. If the city was not besieged, the soldiers would not have the determination to defend the city. Soldiers who were lucky and timid could escape through this passage. Adventure escape.

But there are very few human soldiers who can actually escape through this passage. Without the support of the city wall, how can the human soldiers escape the pursuit of the orc cavalry in the wilderness?

 Hence, in the war, many human warriors would die together with the orcs in the city after the city was broken, rather than being humiliatingly chased down by the orcs on the way to escape.

The orcs did not attack the city immediately, and there were still orc troops flowing into the three military camps. Some orcs were sent to the nearby woods to cut down trees and make rough and simple siege equipment such as rams, rams, and ladders.

On the city wall, human soldiers were also busy going up and down. Giant crossbows and catapults were pushed up to the top of the city. Bundles of crossbow arrows were transported from the warehouse to the city wall. Hot oil and rolling wood were pushed under the crenelations. Under the inner city wall were huge rocks piled up like hills.

 A war is about to break out.

  Orc Wasteland.

 A group of human soldiers riding silver-horned stags ran in panic, looking back while running.

Chasing behind this group of human soldiers were thirty or forty wolf cavalry. The wolf cavalry waved their swords and shouted loudly while chasing, constantly urging the wolves beneath them to speed up.

This group of human soldiers seemed to be chased in a panic and turned onto a narrow mountain road. The mountain road became steeper as it went up. It was obviously a dead end.

Seeing the pursuit getting closer and closer, each of the wolf cavalry became even more excited. They couldn't help but stand up from the back of the wolf with their machetes in hand. You must know that the rewards from the major tribes outside for this small group of human soldiers have reached one hundred gold coins per head.

The fleeing human soldiers suddenly stopped, all turned their deer heads, took out the bows and arrows from their backs, and began to draw and rock the arrows.

The few wolf cavalry running at the front seemed to feel that something was wrong. They tried to stop, but it was extremely difficult for the running cavalry to stop suddenly, and they were dragged forward by the cavalry behind them.

The human cavalry in front began to fire arrows quickly and condescendingly, and the several wolf cavalry at the front were shot from the wolves one after another.

Bows, arrows and spears were also shot from the woods on both sides at the same time, and wolf riders were constantly shot to the ground.

 "No, it's a trap, run!"

Dozens of wolf cavalry are pushing together on the narrow mountain road. How can it be so easy to turn around and run down?

The soldiers of the 7th Squadron had already rushed out of the woods on the left and right sides, and the soldiers on the mountain road drove the silver-horned stag back to kill them.

Arthur was the first one to rush forward. He jumped directly from the back of the stag, "crazy thunder exploded", and chopped it down in the air with his fighting spirit skills.

Violent vindictiveness hit the wolf cavalry team. The three wolf cavalrymen trailing behind were knocked over by a sword, and the wars beneath them were shattered into bloody pieces by the exploding vindictive energy.

The wolf cavalry were in complete chaos and pushed and fled down the mountain. However, under the attack from three sides by the 7th Squadron, only five of the dozens of wolf cavalry escaped in the end.

Now, Arthur and the 7th Squadron have changed their previous fighting method of forcibly breaking into and attacking the orc tribe. They no longer strive to loot the entire orc tribe. Instead, they use various methods including sneak attacks and ambushes to kill one enemy and rob them. Walk.

The 7th Squadron, which has changed its combat methods, may gain less than before, but it has more attack options and becomes more difficult to deal with. Even a medium-sized orc tribe can do it if it has the opportunity.

Arthur turned over and mounted the silver-horned stag again, "Brothers, let's fight back. These wolf cavalry are all the warriors left behind by that tribe."

Without making any rest adjustments, the 7th Squadron returned to the werewolf tribe that had been chasing them.

When the menacing forty silver-horned stag cavalry approached the tribe, a dozen orc warriors rushed out from the closed village gate, including the five wolf cavalry who had escaped before.

Just as Arthur said, these orcs who rushed out are already the last warriors of this tribe.

 The 7th Squadron killed all these orc warriors in front of the tribal village with a single charge.

Just when Arthur was raising his sword and preparing to lead people to break into the camp, an unexpected scene happened.

The closed door of the village opened, and an old werewolf came out holding a piece of white cloth. After walking a few steps forward, he knelt down trembling, "All the warriors in the tribe died in the battle, and there are only a few left in the village. They are just women and children, we are willing to surrender, please let them go."

 For orcs who value honor, surrender and kneeling are the greatest humiliations. The evil reputation of Arthur and his team has now spread throughout the orc tribe, leaving no grass behind wherever they go. The old werewolf would rather be humiliated in order to save the tribe.

Looking at the trembling old werewolf in front of him, Arthur suddenly remembered the question Arya asked him, and slowly put down the sword in his hand.

"Humans and beasts have been enemies for generations. Your army is still on our land. Why should I let you go?" Arthur's voice was cold.

"As long as you let go of the women and children in the tribe, we are willing to offer all the wealth in the tribe."

"This is not enough. If we kill you all, the things in your tribe will still be ours."

 The old werewolf's eyes flashed, as if he was having a fierce struggle in his heart.

 After a while, the old wolf said slowly: "I would like to tell you some news."

Arthur was slightly curious, "What news can change the lives of so many people in your tribe?"

"I know a place where many human slaves are imprisoned. Is it okay to trade their lives for the lives of our tribesmen?"

Arthur was stunned for a moment.