
(3)Chapter 58: There are more than just rules in the family

Gu Yuebo stopped the school elder from speaking and gestured for him to sit down and talk.

The school elder sat down again, and heard Gu Yuebo sigh: "You are still so insightful, a smart man, and you can understand everything you say. But it's a pity that your mind is still small, and you only care about your own little piece of land. Now I tell you, the school is small, and the family is big."

  "I know what you are worried about. You are afraid that other students will be suppressed by Fang Yuan, and eventually their spirit and energy will be suppressed. Hehe." Gu Yuebo shook his head slightly and pointed at the school elder, "You worry too much."

  "What do you think the family does? Do you rely on your school to train newcomers? No, behind every student, there are their parents, their elders, and their friends. As long as these people are supporting, encouraging, and expecting, the younger generations of our Gu Yue family will have confidence and energy in their hearts."

  "Fang Yuan has indeed exceeded my expectations many times, and there is a hint of sudden emergence. I have been secretly paying attention to Fang Zheng, and I have long known about Fang Yuan's robbery and extortion. Let him continue to rob, and use him well Good grinding Fang Zheng, Mobei, and Chicheng are very good. At least this year's students are the most solid one for the fist and feet I have seen. " . During this turning period, under the oppression of Fang Yuan, other students could not turn their bodies. "" Then make them unable to turn his body! Every year, the family has a new student to enter the school. This session is not possible, and the next session. Gu Yuebo's expression eased a little. He looked at the school elder and said, "Do you know why you have been the school elder for decades and are still the school elder? Be more generous. I know Fang Yuan has touched your dignity and offended you, but why do you have to be so petty with a youngster?"

  "I also know that Fang Yuan is a little precocious, but he is still a teenager and impulsive. Otherwise, he would not have hurt the guards and embarrassed you in public. He was holding back a lot of anger in his heart. I'm angry, that's understandable. From a genius to a mortal, it's normal to be hostile to the family. "

"He is still very naive, you can see it when he tries to hide his alcohol bug. How can he hide his alcohol bug? He is not mature and still has naive ideas. Don't think of him as so scary. I compare him to a wisdom Gu, which is a compliment to him. At most, he has some cleverness, but not great wisdom. If he conceals his intermediate level cultivation without making a sound, or accepts the position of class leader without any emotion, then he is really scheming. "