
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Video Games
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66 Chs

the lawfirm

Looking out of the window, Keith looked at the beaches near Bonham Canyon. The sun was still high in the sky, reflecting off the water as it gradually started to lower with the passage of time.

He would arrive at Los Santo's within a couple of minutes guessing by the speed at which they were going.

Molly had sent him some of the details via text, but he knew pretty much everything already.

The firm he would need to infiltrate was a small one, with some really competent lawyers and associates coming and going in and out, he just needed to fit in and get into the server room to wipe out anything in Molly's file.

Get in and get out without being noticed. It could either go great, or it would end in a total mess.

Their office was in Del Perro so it wouldn't be long before he would arrive.

Keith sighed, looking away from his view of the water and instead focussing on his phone, where some minor details were explained.

It all summed up to, be careful if you are caught then I don't know you personally and when you are done call me for further instructions.

The last part annoyed him the most, he got that if he was caught she wouldn't be dragged with him, she was acting just like anyone else would in the industry, protecting herself before others, but not at least trusting him to be competent enough to deal with everything meant that there was no trust at all.

Sadly it was something that Keith had grown used to. Not being told things when they didn't need to be said. Often times resulting in more trouble an enforcer had to deal with.


Eventually, Kieth arrived, tipping his driver for the long haul that he had to drive as he got out. He looked at his phone confirming the time.

He hadn't been doing nothing on the ride here, he looked for information containing the firm and how to get in, and today he was not here to destroy information, but to look into infesting into the company.

He would be meeting with a lawyer named Heather in twenty minutes, but arriving early to see the place wouldn't be a problem. Even if he couldn't wander around alone, he could just wait inside the building.

He called in via the building's communication system, not everyone could just enter, they either needed a code or to be let in, and seeing as how he had a meeting, meant that he didn't need to get in through nefarious means.

["Hello, This is Mia, assistant to HM law firm. What can I do for you."] the communication came online, as Keith heard a young woman's voice clearly speaking through it.

"Yes hello, you are speaking with Keith, I have a meeting scheduled in twenty minutes, but appear to have a less tight schedule than I thought." He didn't have much on his public file, but he could simply appear to normally be busy.

["Oh… Welcome mister Ryker."] He sometimes regretted the change in the name he made.. at the time he was just looking for something that sounded good, eventually deriving it from his passion for riding, but clearly, Ryker certainly wasn't a good choice.

The doors were unlocked, allowing Keith to enter the building… there was a small hall leading to the elevators that went up the building. The law firm was situated on the top two floors of the building. Even somehow getting a permit to build stairs in between the two floors to connect them better to one another.

Stepping into the elevator, Keith was greeted by a quiet song that played once the elevator started moving. Keith thought that it was catchy and annoying at the same time, barely enjoying it as a result.

Eventually, he arrived to the floor, stepping through the elevator doors to enter a hallway leading to a welcoming desk, where a young woman, seemingly in her twenties, was seated.

Straightening his coaler, he wasn't wearing a suit of some kind being in casual clothing that could pass for this kind of meeting. Normally it was expected to wear a suit to these kinds of meetings, but seeing as how he was an investor, some things could be overlooked… even more so because he didn't want to invest.

Stepping through the glass doors Keith looked around while walking to the young lady who was seated behind the desk.

The room was a waiting room of sorts, with chairs lining the walls and plants in the corners to give life to the room. Overall it gave a warm feeling of comfort.

"Good afternoon sir Ryker." Her voice was that of the person that had let him in, the assistant, Mia.

"Please just call me Keith." Keith gave a warm smile. Trying to be polite to get easier access to the building.

"Miss Heather will be on her way, she is just finishing up some paperwork."

"Yes of course…" Keith kept looking around waiting for her next words as the room became awkward.

"You can sit if you would like." Mia looked up at him again, giving almost all of her attention to the man that was standing before her desk.

"There is no need. I was just curious as to the design of the law firm… I wouldn't be able to look around on my own now would I?" Mia looked hesitant to accept the proposal, clearly seeing it as possible trouble that she would be responsible for.

"I am not sure if I can allow that, as confidential information is present in some rooms." Some rooms had confidential information inside of them, likely containing cases that were still in progress.

"I'll just walk around in the hallways…" Keith only needed to go to the last room on this floor, where the digital files were compiled in a server room. The company had moved to digital files after a fire broke out the previous year. They had still not recovered everything from the dust but were gaining ground due to their company's leadership being great.

"As long as you don't disturb anyone… then I guess.." Mia looked at the monitor in front of her, noting the time and any possible arrivals that they would have.

"I guess I will come with you." Keith clicked his tongue, but Mia didn't seem to notice as she grabbed some things from her desk as she got up.

The two of them walked together as Mia introduced almost all of the rooms that were on the first floor of their office.

Most of the rooms were meant for meetings, some were even occupied by lawyers and their clients. Eventually, they ended things near the stairs that went to the second floor. Waiting by a small break area where coffee and tea could be set for clients and personnel. Where Mia was pouring them both a cup of coffee

"The upstairs area is off limits without the permission of the boss, but you can wait here for her to come down, or perhaps you want to join me back at my desk to chat a little bit more?" Keith wasn't sure about Mia's intentions, but his were clear.

In the time they had spent together, Keith had managed to get her keys to unlock the room where the files were. When in there he would need to connect his phone for the program to work, after that he could comfortably leave.

"Perhaps another time, I wouldn't want to keep you occupied for any more time." Mia looked a little saddened by his words, but still held on.

"No that's…" Before she could answer fully the phone she had taken with her rang, Mia picked up the phone, listening to what the other person said.

"I will be right on it." Keith watched her make a small bow, afterward leaving to go back to her desk with the other person still on the phone.

'Guess it is my lucky day." He still had some time before Heather would come down, at least enough to get into the file room.

Keith left behind the coffee that had just been poured, just like Mia did, walking to the room where he would finish his job for the day.

Getting to the door Keith tried a couple of keys before he got the right one, opening the door without anyone seeing him.

The room he had just entered was filled with racks full of servers, containing data on every client that they had… there were also some physical files, but they were held in cabinets on the side. Likely being printouts from the files…

Grabbing his phone Keith connected it to the server, starting the program that Molly had sent him.

His phone went to work, showing a progress bar increasing by the second.

Just as it reached fifty percent he heard footsteps approach… listening closely he could hear two people talk.

"Where has he gone off to Mia?" the voice was quite, clearly still somewhat in the distance, but approaching.

"I don't know ma'am." He recognized Mia's voice, clearly, Heather had come down and met with Mia only to find that the person that she was there to meet wasn't there anymore.

The footsteps went further away as they searched together. Keith's phone bleeped, indicating that the process was done.

Grabbing the phone Kieth made it out of the room without anyone seeing him… he thought of locking the door but decided that it was not worth the risk. Instead going back to the entrance to see if the two women would be there.

Entering the waiting area Keith found Mia and Heather together.

Keith placed the keys on her desk before starting to talk.

"I am sorry, were you looking for me?" Heather turned around clearly somewhat agitated by Keith suddenly disappearing.

"Mister Ryker, where have you been." Keith put on his most apologetic look.

"I got a call from a business associate so I went somewhere quiet. I hope you understand." Heather sighed…

"Its fine, I heard that you have gotten a tour of the first floor from Mia already, is that correct?" Keith smiled, Mia and Heather clearly had been talking before he arrived, with Mia now being extremely quiet while her boss was around.

"yes, it was lovely although I still have some doubts that I was hoping you could answer."

"Of course sir." Heather already looked exhausted.

They talked some more, even going to the second floor to visit the rest of the lawyers… their firm wasn't super big, but they were good, so infesting seemed to be the obvious solution, sadly they had made an enemy of Molly, and being on her wrong side could mean getting mercenaries send after you to being arrested for numerous charges you didn't even know existed.

All in all, Keith learned that they were promising lawyers. Something which he could have found online.

"It was nice meeting you Heather, but I fear that I may need to go home." Keith looked at the time, he had been here for close to an hour, with thirty minutes of them just talking in her office.

"If you are willing we could go somewhere in town to grab a bite?" Heather seemed much more open after meeting Keith… at first, she seemed cold, but that was likely due to stress from work.

"It would be nice, but I already have plans that can't wait until after dinner." He still needed to contact Molly, after which he could maybe complete the next part tonight.

Dragging assignments out wasn't something he liked to do. Doing it immediately would mean that he had time to deal with things in the future.

"At least let me fix for someone to give you a ride home." Keith smiled at the offer, a ride home would be much more preferable than whatever Heather had in mind.

"That would be great." Heather smiled kindly, calling for someone to take Keith home.