
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Video Games
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66 Chs

new place

Keith didn't remember much after that.. only short bits of memory that stringed together to form a haphazard series.

The end of the night was obvious as now, he somehow had made it into bed, not in his home, but the home of the girl sleeping next to him… or at least he presumed it to be.

He had a lingering headache, from all the rounds of drinks he had had the night prior.. as he looked around the room.

The room was quite small, with the king-sized bed taking up most of the space there was. The remaining space was taken up by a large closet that took up one whole wall, making the room feel even smaller than it already was, the decorations that were present in the room were forgotten as Keith noticed that his and her clothes were scattered all over the room, with some being on the nightstand while others appeared to have gotten under the bed as a result of their night activities.

He didn't know how he ended up in such a situation, but then again he could make an educated guess seeing as Keith recognised the girl from the bar…

Keith laid back down, stroking his head to ease the headage he was having, his movements seemed to wake up the girl next to him… who turned in bed to find a more comfortable sleeping position, before feeling his body and opening her eyes in shock.

Keith just looked at her as she felt up his toned abs… the girl shrieked, retracting her hand while blushing. Her shriek caused his headage to be intensified.

Letting out a sigh of his own Keith got up from the bed

"Wait!.. Sorry about that, I just…" She reached out to him but quickly stopped before revealing too much of her naked self that was still under the covers.

"It's fine, just have a bit of a headage…" Keith grabbed some of his clothes, putting on a shirt and a pair of underwear first.

"I'll make you something if you could just…" She didn't want to be rude, but her eyes betrayed that she wanted him to leave her room.

"Of course." He didn't care too much about it, although he found her behavior somewhat cute, with how shy she was…

Keith only grabbed his pants before exiting the bedroom, closing the door behind him he first put on his pair of paints, pulling his phone out of his pocket to check the time, he realized that it had sadly ran out of battery sometime during the night…

Looking around the living space in search of a clock, Keith got to view everything in sight.. the sun was shining through the window, with blinds partly blocking it from fully getting in, and the sun reflected on the TV that was mounted against the wall.

A sofa followed the other wall shooting out to divide the space in the middle creating two separate sections to the living space, with on both sides a table, one low to the ground and the other used for meals, further to the right was a kitchen with the clock mounted on the wall next to the exit.

It was a bit small, but all in all, It was pretty cozy.

His throat was a bit parched so he headed towards the kitchen in search of a glass to fill with water… he now knew the time, but the place was still yet to be found but that could also be found on his phone, along with the possibility to call a taxi to get home.

Finding a phone charger in a socket nearby, Keith plugged his phone into it, letting it charge while he leaned against the kitchen table.

He texted Raul the moment his phone turned on, to let him make arrangements for him to be picked up outside of where he currently was, sending the coordinates to him to make sure they found it., before resting his phone back on the table with the charges still plugged in…

Before long the lady that he woke up next to exited the bedroom, now adorned with casual wear that had the logo of the collage in Los Santo's, surprising Keith a bit as he expected the girl to be a little older.

Noticing his gaze the girl spoke…

"Hi... I'm Emma, a senior at the University of San Andreas." She introduced herself, with her outstretched hand raised awkwardly.

Keith got out of the apartment building and looked at his phone for his car.

He introduced himself to the shy girl and had found out the events of the night where they met. She had described eventually being pressured to talk to him by her friends who had brought her to the bar, eventually, she herself had gotten pretty hammered and had invited him over to her place.

She could remember more of the night than Keith did, but said that she couldn't remember much from last night while blushing…

Keith suspected her of lying but chose to ignore it as neither he nor she would benefit much from talking about their drunken adventures.

Currently looking at the map on his phone, Keith could see his car not in its original place… he had decided to put a tag on them so he could view their location with his phone. It seemed to be the best solution after his bike was stolen to get everything tracked in case of theft.

 And looking at the current car location he wasn't surprised to find it somewhere else completely.

 He had likely left it behind in front of the bar, meaning that while it was in the open it was also easily spotted and targeted.

 Either way, his car was now somewhere down south near La Puerta northwest of the maze bank arena.

 He messaged his assistant to let his other new employees show their worth by getting his car back, while he himself planned on getting the vehicle cargo business set up for when they returned.

 He had yet to make a decision regarding which warehouse he wanted to purchase but didn't think it would take much longer for him to do so.

 Calling a taxi, Keith headed towards his office to purchase the thing, on his way he cleared his mind to purchase the cheapest one as while the gang would pose a threat to their operations it would also limit police attention, that paired with the amazing access caused him to be swayed in that direction.


 Arriving at the Arcadius business center Keith entered the elevator waiting for it to arrive at his floor.

 In the elevator he could still smell the alcohol from the day before that had likely stained his clothes, originally he had paid no mind to it but now that he was alone in an elevator he could fully appreciate the smell.

A shower and a change of clothes were in order, but he wouldn't want to hold operations so instead he would let his assistant do it.

 The elevator doors opened letting him walk through to his office where he could see that his assistant wasn't there.

 Thinking for a second he remembered that he, in an attempt to reduce overworking allowed his assistant the weekend at home while still continuing part of her duties from her own home.

 She could come to work, but Keith expected her to take full advantage of her free time.

 Sadly she was still on call during this time as crime never stopped so reaching her would be simple.

 Making a left turn Keith entered his office personal room with all the necessities he would need if he ever needed to sleep there.

 It also included a bathroom and shower both of which he would take full advantage of.

 Keith stripped himself down before entering the shower, washing himself clean of any smells from his prior activity, whilst thinking about other things he needed to do.

 The heist equipment was still in the SUVs that sat in his office garage, he needed to bring the jammers to the unicorn strip club while the guns needed to be stored in a couple of places in case he needed to reach them quickly.

 He continued to ponder about future events and how the depository was the career maker that he always dreamt of, this time would be different. He trusted his team and their skills…

 Although thinking about it he also trusted his crew back then…

 He hadn't been doing much with them in his free time likely because he wasn't too close to any of them. Making it a sickle of missed opportunities, but Keith thought of sparing it for now as the big jobless coming up and he wouldn't want tensions to rise further than they already had between Michael and Trevor.

 Shaking his head, Keith stopped the shower as he was already cleaned up and wanted to refocus on his current priorities.

 Looking in the mirror Keith decided to shave the sides a bit more as his hair had grown a bit since the last time he checked.

 Originally Keith shaved using a blade as he was taught how to do so when the first couple of hairs showed up on his face, but ever since moving to organization crime, Keith preferred to do it more quickly thus either letting it grow long or shaving it consistently with a electric shaver.

 Looking himself up and down Keith appreciated how the scar on his face had healed, only leaving behind a thin scar behind.

 Sadly he wasn't so lucky with some of the others although they were less noticeable due to where the scars were placed.

 Finishing up by cleaning the equipment he used Keith exited the bathroom, walking only with a towel bent over his shoulder towards his closet.

 Picking a business casual outfit, Keith got himself dressed. Before walking to his computer to finish up the purchase of the vehicle warehouse.

 Finishing everything up in the office, Keith headed towards the garage.


 Arriving at his new property Keith pulled into the warehouse.

 He had dropped off some equipment and had messaged Lester to see where it could fit into the plan.

 For now, he left it to them to decide on where to use it best.

 Leaving himself open to view his new vehicle warehouse

 He had sent a message to some of his employees to meet him there within an hour of his arrival, so he had some time to explore the inside.

Entering the building, Keith could see the inside of the warehouse, it was longer than he expected making it feel quite large even with the width of the place limiting it to a certain extent.

The walls were a bit boring as it was completely unaltered from when the building seemed to be constructed. To his left was a working station for his mechanic and to his right was a small office with some supplies inside.

Not everything was delivered just jet but some things from the previous owner were left behind including the largest set of authentic border patrol badges.

 Keith didn't know why anyone would have such a collection, but he guessed that it was better than some other hobby's.

The last place he wanted to visit was the underground part of the warehouse, also being the primary reason why it was listed on SecuroServ.

Walking down a couple of flights of stairs Keith arrived at a sewer-like room. The potential of it wasn't huge but here he could hide any vehicle he deemed too obvious for the public eye. For example, a car with rocket boosters or with guns on its side, that if spotted in the open could result in it being linked to a crime.

Keith didn't plan on using it often, but SecuroServ seemed adamant about promoting it to its clientele, even going as far as to make heavily modified vehicles themselves.

Most of which showed to be promising for future heists.