
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Video Games
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66 Chs

morning after

Waking up Keith discovered Molly still lying beside him, sleeping soundly as the rays of sunshine shone on her back.

Keith hadn't expected it to turn out like this, neither did he believe that they had taken the right actions. 

Molly likely sought physical convert after what happened, Keith being the one to give that to her wasn't wrong, but it would cause a rift between them to form, as their personal lives would interfere with their business relationship.

Getting out, Keith picked up his clothes and without waking Molly up, headed towards the kitchen. 

He hadn't had the opportunity to view Molly het apartment when he entered yesterday, but now he could see the whole apartment as it had an open design with only five rooms being hidden by a door. 

The entire suite had been customized, as nothing looked like the standard model Keith had seen when looking up the place. 

Everything looked neat and tidy, with it being mostly grey with a few tints of white mixed in. Creating a sharp yet business-like suit, something that suited Molly's public personally quite well. 

Other than that most of the decorations seemed to have a common theme, likely being painted by the same artist, Keith suspected them all to be expensive, with them possibly going for hundreds of thousands. 

Refocusing on his goal, Keith moved to the kitchen, getting himself a glass and something to drink.

Settling with some water Keith, relaxed on the sofa, just relaxing.

After a couple of minutes Molly walked out of her room, wearing a dark blue bathrobe, covering all the things Keith had seen the previous night.

Molly noticed his glance, tightening her bathrobe. Before shakily walking towards the kitchen.

"You brute." 

"Huh?" It was only a whisper but Keith heard her say something, glancing her way.

"Nothing." Keith noticed her walking weakly, standing up before he approached her.

"Let me make you something." 

"No it's fine." Keith held her by the waist before causing Molly to blush before holding her in a princess carry.

"Hey! What are.." Keith carried her to the couch. Settling her gently on the edge before returning to the kitchen.

"What do you want." 

"I can make it myself." Keith ignored her words as he opened the fridge

"Tutu, let's see…" Keith grabbed a couple of ingredients from the fridge before rummaging through some cabinets, eventually beginning to make something.

"What are you making?" Molly asked as she had given up stopping Keith, instead resting her legs on the couch while glancing at how Keith was preparing their food.

Before long Keith had prepared two plate's full of food.

Setting them down on the dining table before turning to Molly.

"It's ready.." 

"It's actually doesn't smell halve bad."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Keith threw a mock glare her way.

"Nothing nothing.." before them sat a full English breakfast.

Something that Keith had been drawn to since young, enjoying it with a smile.

Their meal was interrupted by a knock on the door, glancing at the time, Molly seemed to think before getting onto her feet. 

"Should I?" Keith asked, prepared to get up in stead of Molly.

"No." With a quick look she determined Keith's outfit to be good enough before making her way to the front door of the apartment.

Keith could hear a key being inserted into the door only for it to be opened by the other person.

"Emily, your here… " Molly greeted someone, making Keith curious as to who it was that she was talking to.

"Yes I texted you remember." A teenagers voice came from the entrance. 

"That's good… it's just that I…." 

"Lunch smells amazing, did you get something.. new." Turning the corner a young teenager met eyes with Keith, who was quietly seated behind the dining table. Waiting for Molly to return.

"Hhhm mom.." the young woman turned back to the entrance, whispering to her mother about something. 

"He's someone I know from work." While the daughter whispered, Molly was more talkative.

"Well he came quite late so I offered to let him stay the night." 

"You don't have to talk to him." 

"Okey fine." 

Molly walked back. 

"Sorry about that, she just doesn't like strangers that much." She apologized as she set herself back into her chair.

"I didn't know you had a daughter." Keith thought 

"She's from a previous relationship... We have split custody as I didn't want it to interfere in my business life." Molly gained a somewhat distant look as she reminisced about something. 

"Any reason why you broke up with your husband?" Keith couldn't help but get curious as he enjoyed the lunch he had made. 

His question caused Molly to sigh. 

"We simply grew apart…" she didn't seem to want to say anything more.

"Well.. it happens…" Keith didn't mind the silence that much, focusing on his meal. 

"So… you'll be leaving soon right?" Molly broke the silence after she noticed Keith finishing up his meal. Casually moving her own food back and forth as she glanced up towards Keith.

"I can leave now if you want me to." The only thing he needed to keep in mind was that he participated in the attack on the bureau that night.

"NO!.. I.. I want you to stay a while." Molly blushed after her outburst, hiding her face behind her hands in shame.

"Well if you insist." Keith gave a cheeky smile. 

"You suck." Molly peaked through her hands, insulting him as she pouted.

They finished their meal, afterwards, Molly got dressed in more casual clothes, wearing a pair of wide-leg pants with a tight shirt tucked in to give off her usual professional appearance mixed with a more vintage look.

"Don't you look different from usual." Keith looked her up and down, noticing that her clothes looked similar to her usual suit that she wore at work.

"Is there something wrong with it." Molly looked down checking for imperfections.

"No.. it looks good." Keith couldn't help but laugh a little as he saw Molly checking her clothing for something wrong with it.

"Mph…" she sat down on the other side of the couch with a huff. 

She held a remote as she changed the channels, looking for something to watch as Keith just looked at her calmly, enjoying how she seemed to fidget under his watch.

Eventually she settled on something placing down the remote on her side as she leaned back awkwardly. 

"Do you ever use your T.V.?" Keith couldn't help but ask as she seemed completely unfamiliar with everything before her, searching the channels aimlessly.

"I usually have other things to do… so.." 

"Let me." Keith raised his hand, getting the remote handed to him as Molly was forced to come a little closer to him.

"Want to watch a movie or show?" Keith knew about a few good channels that he thought Molly would like…

"A show is fine." Keith immediately changed the channel, showing a channel airing Breaking down…

A show about a math teacher who solved some of the hardest mathematical questions having become a dissatisfied teacher, needing to work to jobs as he lives an unfulfilling life with his wife and two kids.

All leading to him partying too hard with his brother in law, getting addicted to redwood cigarettes leading to him entering the life of a gambler… 

Using his knowledge to win and make a bank.

The show was airing for the whole day. So it would be a good time waster until Keith needed to go…

They watched the show for a couple of hours with Molly eventually leaning on him to get more comfortable, seemingly enjoying his wide chest as they watched the movie together..

Eventually interrupted by the sound of a door opening. 

Keith looked up seeing the daughter of Molly exiting her room, heading towards the kitchen only to be surprised by seeing her mother and Keith together on the couch.

"Mom?" Molly straightened her back, seemingly coming out of a daze as she looked at her daughter.

"Ah.. yes dear?" 

"It's already six thirty?" She pointed at the clock hanging from the wall.

"Oh… dinner… ah I'll prepare something for you." Molly almost tripped as she got up. Balancing herself out as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Let me help." Keith got up and followed her. Pausing the show before he did so. 

There was clearly some time-related problem to solve, something that he was happy to help with.

Molly walked into the kitchen, halting as she saw that it was still a little dirty from the morning.

Most of the things had been cleaned up while Keith was cooking, but the pans hadn't been cleaned up completely, leaving some scraps behind on the edges.


"It's fine, let me just…" Keith shoved some of the things to the side. Creating a working area where they could cut some vegetables.

"Can you cut these." Keith handed her all the things she needed as he himself went to work getting some of the other things ready.

"Ohh fine.." she relented beginning to do her part in creating dinner.

Keith began set the heat as he began to prepare the meat and some of the other vegetables. 

Within minutes a meal sat in front of the three of them.

With Molly her daughter quickly eating her fill before getting up from the table.

"I'll see you later mom." She headed to her room grabbing a bag and a jacket.

"Good luck Mabel, I'll see you later." 

"Good luck." Keith gave a small wave as Mabel left the home.

Causing them to be alone with each other. 

"Where is she headed?" Keith was simply curious as to where the daughter was off to with such haste.

"Her father is picking her up to bring to tennis practice."

"Tennis?" Keith didn't know much about it, barely understanding the point system that it used. 

"Yes.. her father signed her up when she was young and she has been going ever since." Keith nodded, thinking back to his own sporting days.

After the meal they returned to the show, enjoying it for another couple of episodes as Molly snuggled up to him after dinner.

Cuddling on the couch as they continued to watch the show. 

Until day turned into night and Molly fell asleep to the rhythm of his heart.

Keith didn't mind, reminiscing about the past where these types of situations happened more often… enjoying the time before he had to leave…

Glancing at the time Keith noticed that he needed to leave soon, as he needed to get into his firefighter gear with the others. 

Michael would be done with work within the hour, so Keith needed to quickly go.

Starting to get up Keith noticed that Molly seemed to be stirred awake by his movements.

Carefully supporting her head Keith princess carried her to her room, placing her in bed just in time to hear the door be opened. Exiting the room just to see Mabel enter without a care. 

Seeing Keith she halted her step.

"Hey Mabel… I'm leaving. Your mother is already sleeping so." Keith smiled awkwardly as he moved towards the door.

"What is your relationship with my mother?" Just as Keith passed her, Mabel spoke up, causing Keith to halt his step. 

"I.. well I work with your mother semiregular, as I technically work for myself." 

"As in an entrepreneur or something?"

"Yes, you could call it that." Normally he wouldn't call robberies entrepreneurship, but seeing as he was a prominent investor it did fit him.

"Hm, what are some of the businesses you own."

"My most prominent investment is the dobbler cinema… I'll let you in for free if you want." Keith wanted to leave seeing as he didn't have the time, but didn't want to be rude to someone as close to a business partner as she was.

"Mhhhp I'll hold you on that." She headed to her room, leaving Keith to go by himself.