
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Video Games
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66 Chs


Some hours passed by, with him tacking small breaks in his work from time to time, checking up on other matters, only to be repeatedly disappointed by the lack of development…

Until Keith was eventually called, with him hoping for good news, only for him to be slightly disappointed by the name that appeared…

"Hi Franklin.."

["Keith, listen I need your help.."] Franklin sounded stressed, alarming Keith a little as he prepared to go help..

"Right now?"

["Not right now, but yes… man fuck.."]

"What is the problem.." Keith didn't know what was wrong, cut

["Some dudes want me to kill Trevor, some other dudes want me to kill Michael.. I feel like I can't kill them both.."]

"In our line of work everyone wants someone dead eventually, why do they feel that you need to do it.."

["How should I know.."]

"Who are these dudes even?" Keith could guess, but he wasn't certain of any of them going so far as to order Franklin to kill..

["Steve Haines and Devin Weston.."] It was to be expected really…

"Shit…" Keith mulled over the possibility… Killing either one of his friends would be a betrayal that would burden his mind, something he would only do as a last resort...

He wasn't one above betrayal, but neither Michael nor Trevor had done anything to him to warrant it.. He wasn't a person who would kill for the sake of killing, in all his years he saw it as a means to a end, not something to do out of boredom..

But the problem that faced him seemed to drive him to that corner, killing many to save a few…

"Listen… we will meet at Lester's place, form a plan, doing what needs to be done."

"Ill call him…." The reply was drowned out by a second call, this time from Molly..

"Ill be there in the hour." Hanging up on Franklin, Keith accepted Molly's call..

["Keith, listen… I wanted to be the first to tell you this, so I called as soon as I found out.."] Keith had an inkling as to what she was talking about.. but still decided to ask.

"About what?" She could hear something seething below his words..

["you already know, don't you?"] 

"About people wanting the guys that saved my life, only yesterday, to die, or that.." 

["It's not like that?"] Keith slammed his fist on the table.

Shouting back "Then what is it like?" 

["Just try to stay put."]

"And force out other actions? No.. I will be resolving this by the end of this day." Her response was cut short as Keith slammed his phone down, turning it off completely before preparing to leave..

He knew that it was a complicated situation, but he couldn't just wait for one side to resolve itself. Not even when he knew the person dealing with it.

Getting up, Keith grabbed some stuff from the gun locker besides his desk, picking up a coat as he headed to the door..

"I will be gone for a while.."

"Yes boss."

Tacking the elevator down, Keith placed his gear in the back of an SUV, before driving to Lester..


"Lester open up.." Keith knocked on the door, with after a second or two a busser going off, allowing him to enter the home…

"Keith.. you are here…"

"Franklin hasn't arrived has he.." Looking around Keith found only Lester in his home…

"Does it look like he is here.."

"Fuck off Lester, its important." He looked a bit offended, although he would likely get over it as soon as he heard what was happening..

"Well what is so important.."

"Franklin didn't say.." Keith stopped his rambling, a bit confused but willing to explain how he saw it..

"No.. and I don't want to be all exited only for you to say that it is something trivial.."

"It is a fucking shit show…"

"Why don't you tell me about it.."

"Franklin getting pushed from both sides to kill either Michael or Trevor, if he doesn't then he will likely go under the chopping block… I would help either way but the fucking Lost mc have been at it again lately.."

"What do they want with you.."

"Its just shit that has grown out of proportions, just like everything else.."

"Fuck…" their momentary silence was interrupted by Franklin who was let in after ringing the doorbell..

"Did Keith already tell you what was going on?"

"Yeah.. and I… well you are fucked… unilaterally fucked…"

"But we can do something about it right.. right?" Franklin looked desperate, stressed out from everything, hoping that Lester had a solution..

"Of course.. We will just kill the once that want to kill you.." Keith had forsaken killing either of them in favour of killing the others..

"Funny that you say it like that, because it isn't that simple.."

"Then what do you suggest?" Lester was left silent, seemingly thinking…

"Sure you don't want to just kill them?"

"Man fuck… I thought you would know this shit, even Keith said to call you.."

"Well I am honoured, but from how I see it there is nothing to do…. Unless.."

"Unless what?"

"Steve Haines is under a lot of pressure from the resent shooting he has been a part of and Devin Weston is one a giant asshole and two is friends with merryweather… he even owns some of it… so they would both love to be involved with the bullion we just lifted… If I tell them both that you are at… the foundry in Murrieta Heights, then maybe, maybe both show up and we turn it into a.. a Bust."

"We could lure some of the lost there as well, get some canon fodder..."

"man we about to face against two squads of highly trained armed forces and you want to bring in a third..."

"It could work… I could get into their communications channel, tell them about you being there selling their secrets to the FIB."

"They will kill each other, plus the FIB and merryweather will think that they are part of our crew, making them prime targets.."

"If you say so.."

"Alright.. ill get in touch with Michael and Trevor, you go to the foundry, go set yourselves up.."

"Lets get this show on the road.."

Both of them exited the house, with Franklin getting on his bike only to call out to Keith..

"Hey I am going to call someone, you go on ahead to the foundry, ill meet you there.."

"If you say so.."

On his way to the foundry Keith made a small detour, going to his home to grab something he knew would be useful eventually, with him arriving only an hour later at the foundry..

The road leading to the place was uneven, with grass sprouting through some cracks of the concrete pavement. The buildings in the area seemed abandoned, with none caring about the damage nature was doing to their buildings…

Parking a little ways away, Keith studied the surrounding, looking for angles they could be attacked from… Before he begun to set up his stuff, bringing in a minigun along with a bag and ammunition box. He originally planned on setting up some booby traps in the area, but decided not to as they would need time to set up, with it becoming a danger to them as well when leaving or entering the foundry, not to mention the chokepoints and infrastructure possibly being destroyed, leaving them trapped in a building with enemies on all sides.

Most of his preparations were complete when Michael arrived, carrying with him a sniper rifle..

"How is it going Keith?" Michael glazed at Keith's legs, not seeing much of a halt in his step.

"Better than expected, almost finished with the preparations.." Keith carried an ammunition box with him, setting it down around the corner, away from Michaels line of sight before returning..

"A full blown assault right.." Michael leaned on one of the steel blocks, setting his rifle down beside him..

"Yeah… best we could come up with." It would be a four way battle with everyone likely being out to get each other, but hopefully with them ending out on top.

"All to save Trevor.." Michael shook his head… seemingly resigned at the fact that he was going to help…

"What did you say? I think you mean saving you, Michael?" Michael raised the rifle beside him, aiming it at Trevor who had just entered the building...

"No… I am doing this because we chose not to kill your psychotic ass.."

"I am sure you would still like to do it you snake.."

"Come on guys… we are doing this for each other…" Keith grabbed the ends of their barrels, forcing them to aim downwards..

"Fine…Fuck.. Franklin here yet.." Trevor seemed angry, but chose to focus on other matters..

"Went to pick someone else up." As if summoning him, Franklin entered through the door, seeing the three of them standing near the entrance waiting for him..

"Hey you two decided not to kill each other all of a sudden.."

"I am still open to the possibility.."

"You're one to say that you fucking hypocrite." They raised their guns again….

"Come on man.." Franklin tried to talk them down,

"Fine.. fine… no killing each other, today."

"I'm fine with that.."

"Lets go, they will be here soon.." Keith pushed Michael forward towards the back of the steel foundry.

"ill set up here, you three take the other side.." Trevor looked back, seeing a perfect little hiding spot for himself..

The two others climbed the stairs, with Keith staying on the ground as he began to grab his armour as he heard Franklins phone ring..

"They are here, get ready.." Franklin ran to the other side of the smelter, leaving Michael to cover Keith, with him hiding around the corner…

A team of Lost members entered the building, moving through a small office into the open area, without spotting any of them, the sound of Keith changing being drowned out by the sound of the smelter…

"Where is this fucker.."

"Don't worry we got the place surrounded.." Keith connected his earpiece to the other, before putting on the final part of his armour, completely covering himself… as he saw shadows approach his locations, before seeing the first shots fired by Michael, making sure that Keith had enough time…

With the first group down, Keith picked up his minigun… other gunshots could be heard from outside as a new group of agents entered the building.

["We wont leave until they are all dead."] More shots rang out as Trevor made his intentions clear through the communication channel..

Merryweather appeared on top, likely having found another entrance into the foundry as they shot down onto the group, only to be gunned down by Keith, who had finished gearing up and had gotten his minigun equipped…

He wouldn't be the fastest or the most nimble, but his injuries wouldn't make him that either way…. The armour protecting him from every bullet that landed, giving only a slight tinge, mostly covered up by the inner platting..

["Ah shit I think they see me.."]

["We got the inside, you two help him.."]

"Understood.." Keith made his way to the entrance, being a bullet sponge that powered through the gunfire..

["On my way.."] With it massively calming down thanks to Michael not having to worry about getting shot…

Franklin caught up to him, making it outside before him..

Walking through the door, Keith immediately felt a hit connect to him, turning his machine gun towards the car that they were covering behind, riddling it with holes before it ended up exploding..

["Damn man.."] Moving forward, Keith got kill after kill, finishing off the people in the immediate area only for more to show up…

Bikers were massively unprepared as they got killed before making it close to Keith, with that side done he turned to the other side, where merryweather troops approached from.. firing only for the minigun to jam..

"Fuck! Can you cover me Franklin.."

["On it.."] Keith turned his back to the troops, before crouching down to look at the gun, pulling the bullets away to get more access to it…

"God fucking damn it.." His protective gloves limited him greatly, with his fingers not being able to get to the problem..

He saw a car speed up in front of him, likely planning to ram him only for the driver to be shot by Franklin, causing the car to crash into the wall to his side, carrying its speed through against a gas tank, causing both to explode into a fiery mess…

"Got it.." Putting the bullets back in, Keith turned to the merryweather security behind him….
