
Growing Up Is Hard To Do

Just a cute, short story about a woman growing up and learning to take the world on her own!

Kimasoula · Teen
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3 Chs

Who reads this trash?

Amber stood in the adult fiction section. After reading the back of her tenth book, she sighed. "Who honestly reads this trash," she whispered.

"What makes it trash," a deep voice whispered behind her, making Amber jump.

Amber whipped around to find a young man towering over her.

"What. The. Actual. Heck!" She glared at the young man, "You just gave me a heart attack!"

"Well, then I am very grateful for your quick recovery," the man said with a smirk.

Amber laughed, "Ha ha, very funny; but, the next time you sneak up on me, I'm hitting you out of self defense."

"Okay, fair enough! Now tell me, why are the books I keep in stock trash?"

"If you must know, Cole, they're all sappy romances. That's not the only romance people want you know! Where's the ones with passion, lost loves, revenge, despair, hope, war! The closest thing you have to any of that is 'Peter Pan', and that's in the children's section!"

Amber looked at Cole slightly annoyed. Cole looked like he was trying not to laugh at his friends antics.

"Maybe if you read the signs you might find what you're looking for," he said while pointing to the two wooden signs hanging above Amber.

Amber leaned back to read them. The first one had 'Adult Romance' engraved into it; and, the smaller sign hanging below it simply stated: 'Sappy Stuff - Row 1'; 'Historical - Row 2'; 'Contemporary - Row 3'; and, 'Paranormal -Row 4'. Amber was clearly standing in the aisle marked 'Row 1'. She started to get embarrassed; but, then decided to laugh at herself instead. Cole chuckled beside her.

"You're so impulsive Amber! And, I'll have you know that all this 'trash' is bought the most out of all the genres in the adult section," Cole said after they had both finished laughing.

Amber rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know it sells well," she smiled. "And I know I'm impulsive; but, you took a big risk naming this row 'Sappy Stuff'. Some poor soul is going to be so offended!"

Cole shrugged, "Ah, let 'em get offended if they want. It's my bookstore. Most customers just laugh at it anyways."

Amber smiled at Cole, "You're crazy, you know that, right?"

"Crazy about you, maybe; but, totally sane about everything else," Cole said as he tucked a piece of Amber's hair behind her ear.

Amber's face flushed a bright shade of red. Cole smiled at her, "Red's your color by the way, which is probably why your sister is carrying the biggest red book in the store over to checkout right now."