
Grow Your Fangs

Bloom has never known the warmth of a family since she was born. Having grown up moving from one foster home to another she doesn't know who her parents are and where she came from and she's grown to accept it but she starts to question her origins once she starts noticing strange things happening to her. A sudden thirst for blood, growing fangs, heightened senses and a whole new world Bloom has never known. Join her as she embarks on a journey to find her origins while adapting to her new identity.

cosmicality · Fantasy
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3 Chs


How long can true nature be hidden?

The nature imprinted into your system at birth, written in the DNA passed on to you and running through your veins as an inseparable part of you. The nature ordained by the laws of the world to reveal itself at an appointed time.

How long can one be deceived?

Walking amidst people they consider kin bearing the same, eyes, skin but being inherently different from within.

One day the dormant nature lying in wait will slowly rouse from its slumber, unraveling bit by bit, taking over and causing change until one day a completely different person is seen in the mirrors' reflection.

Whether the change is good or bad is irrelevant, all that matters is that it's taking place and you're becoming who you were always meant to be.