
Group Pampering Our Runaway Mommy

Cheng Nuo ran away from her marriage! Her family wanted her to marry an old man in his fifties. On the surface, she agreed, but on the day before her wedding, she fled overseas. She did not dare to use her identity card to get a room, so she stayed overnight at a hotel beside the university city. Eventually, she accidentally picked up a handsome blond foreigner with blue eyes. After a ridiculous night, Cheng Nuo's family dragged her home. Six years later, two mixed-blood child models swept through the Asian fashion industry. They had three younger brothers and a younger sister, all of whom were famous child stars. Eldest Baby and Second Baby, "We protect the best, most beautiful, and most adorable Mommy in the world!" Hacker Third Baby, "Whoever dares to defame my mommy, I'll hack into their system and paralyze it." The Fourth Baby who was a martial arts champion, "I learn martial arts to protect Mommy." Fifth Baby, "Mommy is my muse." Child star Sixth Sister, "Thank you, everyone, for giving me this award, and even more so for my Daddy. Although I haven't met him yet, it was all thanks to his hard work and effort that we're able to become Mommy's family. Mommy, I'll always love you." Gu Cheng, "???" Back then, that scumbag abandoned him after sleeping with him. He finally found her! She owed him six years of love, so he must make her pay him back. This time, with his six children's help, he would love to see how she could escape!

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40 Chs

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Cheng Nuo's face immediately turned red. 

She thought to herself, 'Just why does this child have such thick skin?' 

The security guards at the door did not dare to call Gu Chenge to take charge, so they could only let them in. Unexpectedly, the moment they entered, the venue was filled with noise and chaos. 

Before Cheng Nuo could react, Da Bao grabbed her hand and said excitedly, "Mommy, quick! There's a good show over there!"

Cheng Nuo's thoughts were a mess. She followed Da Bao to the front and saw Miss Yu, who was wearing a white dress, crying in the crowd. As for the CEO of S City, he was being grabbed by the arm of a pregnant woman and couldn't get away. 

The pregnant woman cried and shouted, "CEO Gu, how could you abandon me like this? I'm already pregnant with your child, but you want to marry someone else! What do you want me to do?!"

There was an uproar in the crowd. The credibility of this matter was not to be mentioned, but just the news alone would cause a sensation in the entire city. Who knew how much money the headlines would earn! 

However, in Master Gu's territory, who would dare to take photos?

Kacha! Kacha! 

The sound of a camera snapping echoed in the crowd. Everyone's gaze followed the source of the sound, focusing on Da Bao.

"Oh no… I forgot to turn off the sound..."

Da Bao's forehead drew three lines, feeling a little awkward.

"Men, arrest that child!"

Gu Chenge's assistant was quick-witted and immediately ordered people to arrest Da Bao. It was already embarrassing enough for such a thing to happen at the engagement ceremony. If this child were to spread the news, wouldn't S City explode?!

"Mommy! Run!"

Fortunately, before he came, Da Bao had familiarized himself with the venue and knew that there was an exit in the back garden. 

So, he ran out with his mommy. After confirming that it was safe, he said proudly, "Hehe! Mommy, this is big news. I'm perhaps the only one in the world who dares to get dirt on chastising Gu!"

Cheng Nuo did not know that this dirt had been personally created by her son! The purpose was to prevent Gu Chenge from being with another woman!

"Da Bao, are you going to release this scandal? Don't let your dirty laundry get out. Gu Chenge won't let you off. Besides, you're an artist who signed with Gu Chenge. Aren't you afraid?"

Cheng Nuo was a little worried. Did Da Bao go overboard this time?

Da Bao only smiled, "Don't worry. I'll get third brother to help me post it. He's a hacker boss. No one will find any trace of him."

Cheng Nuo was a little depressed, "Da Bao, why do you have to publish this news?"

Cheng Nuo was a little confused.

"Mommy! Are you going to hide it for a heartless man? Don't forget that you were also abandoned by a heartless man!" Da Bao said righteously as he looked at his Mommy.

This made Cheng Nuo feel a little awkward. After all, when the children asked about their father's whereabouts, she lied and said that she was abandoned by a heartless man. The other party was an unrivaled scumbag who was abandoned in the end. She did not expect this to be recorded by Da Bao. From then on, he was mercilessly exposed to the scumbag, resulting in his main profession being a dignified model. In the end, she got third brother to open an alternate account for him to expose the scumbag!

Internationally and internationally, there were countless people who were on the list. Thinking of this, Cheng Nuo facepalmed. Just because of her casual explanation, she actually let Da Bao expose so many men. It was really a little sinful. 

She said with some seriousness, "Cheng Liang, have you ever thought that this is just a misunderstanding? We have to forgive and forget."

Out of Cheng Nuo's six children, only the second and the sixth were girls. Their names were good time and beautiful scenery. 

However, before they could dissuade him. Da Bao had already sent the photos to third brother through his cell phone. The two brothers had a tacit cooperation, and there had never been any mistakes.

The news had made the front page of S City!