
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Too much sun starts to make a gungans brain bake

Binks had to take a moment to gather his memories at the next start, as the memories were so surprising, the chase by the mob of angry racing fans, held off by the Jedi, the rush to the ship, the one ship decloaking and blasting the Jedi leaving just a cloud of dust, then the ship turning on Jar Jar and then... back to the last reset point. Binks tried a few different things the next few times around, from getting the other local slaves to help shift goods from the ship and 'useless' republic credits though the underground market that the slaves had made among themselves, that worked on barter then banks. Eventually it was a comment by one of the helping slaves, they had mentioned that it was too bad that Anikin was not in a perceived grudge match with one of the other racers to drive up the betting pools.

This brought a memory of the first time around to Binks as he remembered being threatened by the Dug racer and the young mechanic helping him out. The gungan kept this in mind the next time around, he could not remember what happened the first time clearly, so he decided to trip and throw something into the Dug's meal. The young mechanic said something that made the Dug leave, then helped thee group and eventually inviting them home.

With the help of the other slaves in the area even more proper parts for the racer, thus giving Binks more time for the paint job. With the repetitive practice and extra time the gungan could really let loose with the paint job, even though the base colors and pattern were the same, he had the time to add a protective layer using brushstrokes in such a manner that the different strokes cause the light to deflect slightly in a hint of iridescence in a rippled pattern like thin scales on a fish, the highlights seeming to move and sparkle as the viewpoint of whoever was looking at it changed.

This time the race had a bit higher stakes, as with the spreading of republic credits through the slaves, there were a few bookies that were accepting them as bets, this meant that they could use some of the funds to maybe get the kids mother to be able to come with them as well. To do this without a mob chasing them, Binks had learned that the race had to be close and a nail biter, but also something quickly wrapped up to prevent that red and black faced mean man from catching up to them. Jar Jar had learned about the mean man the hard way, being sliced and diced by the glowing red sword was not a fun way to restart.

A certain loose access panel leading to a loosely attached starter motor would tempt the Dug with some opportunistic sabotage, and a few last minute bets done though a few slaves given some of the republic credits from the ship. The shiny paint job would draw fire from the sniping sand people to target the engines more then the drivers pod, and the metal coverings would protect them from any damage impacting performance. But it was only in the last reset that the final piece of the puzzle had showed up, as the location of where the mean man had parked his cloaking ship, and the fact that it used a rotating opening and closing code, each time it opened or closed the codes would change, and Binks had paid a slave to listen in with a scanner. Now normally this would mean nothing as the code would be useless as soon as it was sent, but with going back in time the code would still work if done at the correct time.

Now normally this would still be a problem, except on the desert planet there were enough cargo haulers and scrapyards that once the cloak was disabled a junk hauler could pick up the unattended craft and move it to a better spot for processing. Binks was not a particularly vindictive gungan, but after being blasted and sliced by the mean man, he felt he deserved a bit of payback, and if it worked he could offer the yoinked ship to the scrap dealer in exchange for Anikin's mother so they could both come with and leave this desolate dust ball behind.