
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Tension and strain

Captain Aphab grinned as the figure responded to him calling the other out, the pause in movement and sudden intake of breath indicating that he heard him all right. The figure turned to look at him though the energy field.

"You." The colorful face of the menacing figure flushed with even more color and sounded more like a growl then proper Galactic basic. The figure offhandedly stabbed the defenseless Jedi and kicked him out of the way so he could start stalking his new target.

"NOOOoooooo!" Obi-wan let out a plaintive yell at seeing his master injured and dismissed as a non threat, then activated his light saber and jumped at the figure wielding the red dual bladed light saber in an attempt to try and get some instant payback as emotions ran wild in the normally calm Jedi.

"Weak." The figure batted the attack aside, slowly walking towards the target of his ire. "Worthless." Another attack batted aside with contempt. "pathetic." This time the figure put some oomph into the counter, flinging the Jedi back a fair distance. The Red and black striped face almost snarling at the Gammorian that was calmly walking towards him. "Do you know how much pain my master put me though due to you? How much suffering I endured from the humiliation of losing my ship and having to take it back? DO YOU!" The rage and vitriol yelled out only matched by the frothy spittle sent arching from the force of his voice as if the words themselves were weapons shot at his target. The Gammorian paused his step and took a pinkie finger and cleaned out one ear, wiping the wax build up onto his well worn vest.

"Hmm, did you say something? you need to speak up there sonny." The Gammorian gave the ever so smallest of smirks and tightening of the area around his eyes.

"RRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHGHGHGHHGHGHGHHH!" The wordless cry of rage accompanied by suddenly bloodshot eyes and foam dribbling out the courners of the mouth on the striped face locked in unbridled fury as the Warrior lost all combat focus and honed in causing the target of his rage pain, death would be to easy, but his target deserved pain and agony the like that the galaxy has not yet seen. A warning in the force barely noticed caused the figure to dismissively backhand the Jedi that tried once again to attack, the sudden lash of the hand and impact with the Jedi's face gone unnoticed as he stalked towards his prey, batting aside the shots that the Gammorian unleashed from his weapons, each one causing a sting in the Warrior's arms, the feeling ignored as the distance dropped with each step.

Padme lead her group, the numbers of droids converging on their position increasing as time went on, going though the passageways walking was getting less and less of an option. Captain Panaka recognized where they were, and gave a suggestion. After a moment the group had dug out zip line modules and attached them to their pistols, then they took a short cut on the outside of the palace, using the lines to bypass several floors. The sudden chance left the droids unaware as the use of several of the grenades caused enough of a gap between the approaching droids that they lost track of the Queen and her group. The droids then started a search pattern from the last point they had contact, the number of droids joining the search increasing the efficiency of the group, at the cost of extra cross communication and processing power.

With the addition of the walking flyers, jar jar knew that if they just stayed they they would be overrun, so he ran to his assigned Kaadu and waving his arm to get the attention of the other mounted troops gives the order to charge the walkers. The Kaadu, nervous at first from the sounds of fighting at the beginning of battle, now eager to run and stretch their legs, bound over the defensive walls and rush the tall walkers, ignoring the normal battle droids, as their training and instincts see the larger targets as the larger threat. Binks, leading the charge takes a booma out of the saddlebags and places it in the net part of the intricately carved flinger that looked like a lacrosse stick, and then with a deft motion flung the blue orb unerringly at the center part of the walking flyer droid, the droid in mid step locking up and slowly toppling over to explode as its extra fuel tanks ignite. This causes the other riders to unleash their ordinance, and enough hit to start other of the walking droids to tip and burn.

OOM-9 recalculated, the transformed flying droids needed backup, and even though they were meant for shipboard or city fighting, he ordered the expensive droidekas to roll out, not all of them even making it to the shield as the rough terrain caused several to veer off course and crash. The commander droid just shook its head in pained disappointment, this was not going to look good on his reviews.

Daultay ordered all fighter droids to launch and to bring any reserves online as the Naboo star fighters got within range, he also ordered all guns to fire on the incoming formation, the heavy anti capital ship guns fired, almost all shots missing due to the small cross section of the fighters and the big guns not meant to track such small fast moving targets. As the first fighter went down in a single shot from the heavy weapons they broke apart into a complex weaving maneuver. Daultay smiled as the droids launched from his ship intercepted in the confusion, using the holes in the formations to try and get behind the fighters so they could get solid kills.

While all this was happening Tey How carefully watched as the computer core temperature increased, it was still within operational limits, but there was not much room for much more stress on the powerful systems.