
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Talking heads

Senator Amidala mused in the Naboo area of the secure apartment section of the sprawling Senate building, the days' events catching up to her, the emotions taking their toll and making her feel tired, she hoped her speech had swayed the Senate, but a niggling feeling that it was all for nought refused to leave her mind. She noticed Jar Jar walk out of the room into the corridor towards the elevator entrance, perhaps the Gungan was out to stretch his legs, she knew that if she did not keep a calm facade she would be pacing around trying to work off some of the built-up frustration. Her train of thought came to a halt when she heard the Gungan as he greeted someone.

"Obi! Ani! Mesa sooo smilen to be see'en yousa." The excited tone and shortened names that the Gungan belted outdrew interest from those still in the room.

"It's Good to see you, too, Jar Jar." A deep rich voice carried through to the room, as the Gungan had met someone by the elevators, the acoustics of the place carrying the voices from the hallway.

"Oops! Wheresa mesa manners? Excuse me, Master Obi-Wan. I completely forgot myself for a moment there. I have had to learn Diplodiaclect... speak it like a native now. Don't really see the point, actually, but members of the Senate seem to prefer it..." The normal speech patterns of the Gungan flowed eloquently out, though with visible effort on his face as he addressed Obi-Wan. "...and you finally have an apprentice... Is that, Nooooooooo! Ani? Noooooooo! Little Bitty Ani? Nooooooo! Yousa so biggen! Yiyiyiyyi! Ani!! Mesa no believen." The Gungan sized up the clean-faced human in disbelief, the traditional garb of a Jedi Padawan, plus the growth since he last saw the young Skywalker changing his appearance since he last saw the lad.

"Hi Jar Jar, Mom said to tell you that you need to drop by to visit more often." The young voice carrying a hint of just a bit more maturing needed before filling out if the touch of baritone was any indication.

"Come, come, theysa be so glads to be see'en yousa." Jar Jar entered the room pulling two robed humans behind him, only stopping at the raised eyebrows of those already in the room, his excitement quickly tamped down slightly as he tried to switch back to more formal talk. "Lookie... lookie... Oops!... Oh, dear, I'm afraid I've forgotten myself again." The Gungan looked sheepish at reverting back to his normal speech patterns. Obi-Wan took this moment of quiet to step forward.

"It's a great pleasure to see you again, M'Lady." The Jedi filled the silence before it started to get awkward.

"It has been far too long Master Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths have crossed again... but I must warn you that I think your presence here is unnecessary." The Senator still in a funk from the days' events thought the reactions from the Chancellor and other senators were slightly overdoing it.

"I'm sure the Jedi Council have their reasons." Obi-Wan obfuscated that technically he was not a Coruscant Jedi anymore, but since the Jedi council had asked for them to look after the senator as a favour, then he was under their directives for the moment. As they talked Senator Amidala approached the Jedi, and once close finally recognized the now grown Skywalker.

"Anikin? Is that you? I haven't seen you since the award ceremony from when you helped disable the trade federation blockade." Padme started taking in the sight of the now taller Skywalker. "My goodness you've grown, what have they been feeding you?" The size difference was incredible, but like many of the ex-slaves from Tatooine, once they got proper care and nutrition, they seemed to sprout up like weeds.

"Has it been that long? I seem to remember you being... taller..." Anikin trailed of as he looked down at the top of the senators head, the height difference being enough to make him seem to tower over the representative from Naboo.

"Oh Annie, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine." The smile and laughter from the senator made the embarrassed look on the young Jedi even funnier to everyone in the room, though most managed to keep their amusement to smiles and quiet chuckles.

"Our presence will be invisible, M'Lady." Obi-Wan tried to salvage the situation before his apprentice embarrassed himself any further.

"I am very grateful you are here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit." Captain Typho shook the bearded Jedi's hand, the presence of two Jedi would make his job of the safety of the senator much easier.

"I don't need more security, I need answers. I want to know who is trying to kill me." The complaint from the senator sounding slightly petulant.

"We're here to protect you, Senator, not to start an investigation." Obi-Wan warned, as they did not have that direct jurisdiction, their assignment being to protect the senator.

"We will find out who is trying to kill you Padmé, I promise you." Anikin blurted this out, only to realize what he said and look chagrined under the disapproving glare of his teacher.

"We are not going to exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner." Obi-Wan warned his student.

"I meant in the interest of protecting her, Master, of course." Anakin's mouth was seemingly intent on digging him even deeper.

"We are not going through this exercise again, Anikin. You will pay attention to my lead." Obi-Wan sighed in exasperation at his headstrong student.

"Why?" Anikin asked confused.

"What?" Obi-Wan boggled.

"Why else do you think we were assigned to her, if not to find the killer? Protection is a job for local security... not Jedi. It's overkill, Master. The investigation is implied in our mandate." Anikin tried to explain his train of thought.

"Likely politics, in any case, we will do as the Council has instructed. And you will learn to trust that the council can know what it is doing." Obi-Wan could feel the headache start to build behind his temples.

"Perhaps with merely your presence, the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed. Now if you will excuse me I will retire." The Senator excused herself and taking that as their cue, most of the rest of the room left as well.

"Well, I know I feel a lot better having you here. I'll have an officer on every floor and I'll be at the command center downstairs." Captain Typho gave a nod to the Jedi before he went off to start his shift.

"Mesa being glads seein Yousa again, Obi, Ani. Deesa bad times, bombad times." Binks sounded sorrowful, recalling not only the explosion, but the looming war.

"She didn't seem to recognize me, Jar Jar. I remembered her all this time, she has only seemed to be even better... and it was as if she had almost forgotten me completely." Anikin sighed, the feelings of embarrassment, and not recognized making him feel a bit sad.

"Yousa been making her smile, and she nosa have many things to be smiling abouts lately, itsa beening good for her hey?" Jar Jar tried cheering the young Jedi up.

"Anikin, you're focusing on the Negative again. Be mindful of your thoughts. She was glad to see us. Now let us check the security here." Obi-Wan reminded his Padawan that they were there for a reason.

"Yes, Master." Anikin managed a smile, the embarrassment of a moment before forgotten as they both started their task. As the Jedi left Binks shook his head.

"Dat boysa gots it bad."