
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Senate shenanigans

Palpatine crushed a datapad displaying the news, Senators Amidala's statement to the senate was playing on almost every network like it was the biggest thing since the latest holo-film to hit the theatres. The Chancellor took a moment to regain his calm and dispose of the ruined device, he could still salvage the situation, he needed the vote for the creation for a Grand Army of the Republic to go through, otherwise, it would derail his plans for starting a galactic war, and even having his apprentice ride herd on those weakling leaders forming the, for now, secret Confederation of Independent Systems could only hold them back for so long before someone did something foolish and start the war before everything was ready. Palpatine had only the initial report from Sifo-Dias about the cloners from Kamino, both the Jedi master and the system itself seeming to have disappeared from the galactic view. However... Palpatine did know that if a big enough bounty was posted the prime specimen, that the cloners were using as a template, could be induced to appear once more, the galactic credibility of the bounty hunter scene would almost insure his showing. If the bounty hunter succeeded in taking out the senator, then problem solved, if the hunter was somehow tracked down?... Well, then they would find the trail leading to the CIS, and the republic would have its needed justification for war and an army. Palpatine mused over this, a simple plan, less complicated than his usual layered schemes, but he could not really foresee any way in which he did not win. The plan was foolproof.

Jar Jar awoke to the sterile feel of a hospital, feeling like a fool, he did not find a way to save everyone on the ship, and he knew that the sense of humour of the universe would put him right back in the bed if he tried to force a reset, never mind that waking up in the hospital is about the worst place to try that, as the attempt would be harder to succeed, and if he failed they would just lock him up for his safety. Flashbacks of the times he was locked up in Otoh Gunga during his attempts back during the events of the invasion of Naboo where he could do nothing hit him like a psychical blow, a few deep breaths were needed to push them out of his mind, he finished that part of his life already, now was time to focus on the next. During the last ten years, he had been preparing for the clone wars, keeping his body limber and strong, as well as diving deeply into various texts and books about technology that would be of use taking out droids. As the sheer number of captured droids and Trade federation technologies were sold to planets and companies determined to unravel their secrets and methods to help find weak points, the sheer volume of those matters ensured that when he was not helping out at Sereno, or Naboo, then he was either training or nose deep into the datapads.

Once Binks collected his thoughts, he noticed there was a remote control for a wall screen and he turned on the news, there he watched as Senator Amidala's speech was replayed starting from a few moments before she addressed the Senate.

"Order! We shall have an order! The motion for the Republic to commission an army takes precedent, and that is what we will vote on at this time." The booming voice of the Vice-Chancellor calmed down the voices of the senate.

"My esteemed colleagues, excuse me... I have just received some tragic and disturbing news. Senator Amidala of the Naboo system... Has been assassinated!" The chancellor looked sad at this as shock rippled through the senate. "This grievous blow is especially personal to me. Before I became Chancellor, I served Amidala when she was Queen. She was a great leader who fought for justice, not only in this honourable assembly, but also on her home planet. She was so loved she could have been elected queen for life. She believed in public service, and she fervently believed in democracy. Her death is a great loss to us all. We will all mourn her as a relentless champion of freedom... and as a dear friend."

A moment of silence was in the Senate, the news cutting to a long-distance security camera shot of the ship blowing up, a very spectacular explosion, the fireball illuminating the dog and burning the view obscuring veil away briefly to show the devastation. The news banner at the bottom of the screen giving various facts as it showed the view from several angles while various senators argued back and forth, then the view of the Senate returned as the senate pod for Naboo undocked and floated towards the centre of the massive room as the chancellor finished a statement about how peace was the objective, not war.

"My noble colleagues, I concur with the Supreme Chancellor. At all costs, we do not want war!" The statement from the revealed alive, Senator Amidala set the entire senate in an uproar of cheering and applause.

"It is with great surprise and joy the chair recognizes the Senator from Naboo, Padmé Amidala." The chancellor seemed shocked at this development. The news banner stated that the showed events were from earlier that day.

"Less than an hour ago, an assassination attempt was made against my life. Two of my pilots, one of my bodyguards and two others were ruthlessly and senselessly murdered. I was the target but, more importantly, I believe this security measure before you, was the target. I have led the opposition to build an army... but there is someone in this body who will stop at nothing to assure it's passage..." At this point, some slight booing from a few senators could be heard in the background before Amidala continued. "I warn you, if you vote to create this army, war will follow. I have experienced the misery of war first-hand; I do not wish to do it again." Jar Jar nodded at the screen as he could definitely agree on that part to the senators speech. "Wake up, Senators... you must wake up! If you offer the separatists violence, they can only show us violence in return! Many will lose their lives. All will lose their freedom. This decision could very well destroy the very foundation of our great Republic. I pray you do not let fear push you into a disastrous decision. Vote down this security measure, which is nothing less than a declaration of war! Does anyone here want that? I cannot believe they do.

The Senate erupted in a loud murmur of various voices all wanting to speak at once, then a pod came close to the one holding the delegation from Naboo, the new pod's speaker was a large and fat blue Twi'lek senator, one Orn Free Taa who pompously stated. "My motion to defer the vote must be dealt with first. That is the rule of law." The entitled smugness could almost be seen visibly wafting from the smug face, any personal distaste for this move masked behind the traditional makeup on Amidala's face. But the frustration and anger shone though with the eyes, as if they could turn into lasers and blast the annoyance.

Palpatine stood up on the screen and stated calmly. "Due to the lateness of the hour and the seriousness of this motion, we will take up these matters tomorrow. Until then, the Senate stands adjourned."

The wall screen focused for a moment more of the Chancellors face as the new piece ended, before returning to the usual talking-head commentary, which Jar Jar stuck his tongue out at giving a brief raspberry. "Brrrrrrrt, Mesa forgots how nasty da senate could besa, muay muay troubles a comin."