
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Reaping the Whirlwind

Father and Daughter both looked at Son, who had been ranting and yelling at the figure on the board that indicated his champion. Ever since the events of the previous day Son had shut off his connection to his champion so he could vent his frustration in a very long and minimally repeating verbal manner. Considering the length and breadth of the threes knowledge, it had taken quite a while for Son to finally deplete his bile and vitriol, but all things must come to an end, and with the last rage-filled word Son sat back and gave a huff.

"Finished?" Father said with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, stupid idiot anyways, her champion is supposed to be the dumb one." Son gave a growl and a shake of his fist at the figure on the board. "Master of the dark side my rear, I have half a mind to just let him suffer through his poor choices."

"I would not interfere if you did that." Daughter calmly mentioned, the suggestion perking the interest of the other two.

"What do you mean?" Father asked intrigued.

The daughter smiled softly, "We can all agree that the latest hurdle has been cleared, and re-watching it over and over will be boring." The other two nodded at this, knowing the next part would undoubtedly take a while to get through. "So I propose that we move the point forward, and then..." At this, the other two leaned forward to listen. "We let things happen, no interference from anyone to the area around them, it has been a long time since we had the chance to seen how things might happen, has it not."

Father sat back musing on the idea, Son at first almost scoffed at the idea on instinct, but after a moments thought had a sinister grin spread over his face. "You know what, I will go along with that, only till they get to safety, but I think seeing him suffer will be very therapeutic." The grin widened at the end of his response.

Father looked at both of the others before changing the board to reflect the new situation. "We have an agreement, at least this should prove interesting." As the board changed Father and Son did not notice the small smirk Daughter had as the things rearranged.

Jar Jar shivered a bit as he sat down in the open-topped speeder with the Chancellor, the security detail riding in other air cars as the motorcade prepared to depart. "Mesa has a muay bad feeling about this."