
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Maul fell down the shaft, the injury's sustained on his body flaring pain on his nerves while the rushing wind of the air filled his ears. He gathered his strength and anger at being so blindsided into a carefully controlled burst of force power as he landed on all fours like a dangerous predator. A moment he held the stance until the pain of his injuries as well as the landing made themselves felt, the saber strike he took to his stomach combined with the force of the landing having made several fractures in his leg bones. Maul knew that he could not fight again this day, so the only path left for him now was to get to his ship and return to his master empty handed. The journey back to his ship was agony as he had to pull himself there by his arms, each movement dragging his legs and aggravating the injuries further, but Maul knew that even this level of agony would pale in comparison to the punishments his master would give due to the failure of the mission. Due to all the celebrating, Maul was able to slip away from the planet without notice once he crawled to his ship and painfully lifted himself into the pilots seat.

Obi-Wan took point leading the two injured up from the power room of the Palace, the eerily still forms of droids standing in hallways like statues portraying a busy scene. The Captain and the older Jedi had to take slow pacing steps to minimize any aggravation to their injuries, their fighting done for the day, hoping that they could get to proper medical aid before something went wrong. Soon they met up with the locals and with their assistance got the injured to the infirmary where the better equipment and supplies could get to work. Obi-Wan took a moment to make sure they were being looked after, noticing the medical equipment and wondering why the Jedi did not usually have such supplies on hand when they went on dangerous missions, an idea to bring up with his master once he was up and about. For now Obi-Wan had to find the Queen and make sure the rest of the protection mission went well.

Padme was glad to be reunited with those that she had to leave behind to find help for her planet, some came out the worse for wear, such as Sio Bibble, who looked gaunt and thin due to his hunger strike. Because of the suffering at the hands of the Trade Federation, Padme was not in any mood for leniency when drawing up the papers for the Viceroy to sign, not only would the loss of honor and face deal a serious blow to the Federation, but the reparations outlined would deal a serious blow to the profit margins as they were forced to give up far more then the punitive measures that they otherwise would have if they had gone to the negotiating tables when the Jedi arrived in the first place. The look on the Viceroy's face promised retribution, but at this point in time the Queen enjoyed being able to turn the tables on the Viceroy and force him into signing papers, such as the Viceroy's plan for her had been.

Daultay sat despondently in his chair, his ship an orbiting paperweight for all the good it did him, the systems had suffered a catastrophic overload that took out everything but emergency life support, even that was confined to the limits of the inner core of the command sphere. Any repairs were meant to be done by ether droids or a full shipyard, with the damage as it was, they were helpless as all the droids that would be used to conduct repairs were themselves out of service so the ship sat powerless, waiting until the emergency systems gave up, or someone came to help them. Daultay ran the numbers though his mind, the rest of the blockade forces had gone for a change into full cargo hulls and would not be back in time, as the Trade federation had purposefully taken out any of the ship on Naboo that could haul up the equipment necessary to get the minimum systems online to start the self repair process. This meant that he was quiet surprised when Tey How reported that an outside power source of sufficient size had been connected to power the doors to get to them, a rescue party had arrived. Now the only question was if it was friendly Trade Federation forces, or if they were hostiles from Naboo. Daultay was once again surprised when instead of ether of the two, what greeted them when the bridge blast doors opened were the hulking forms of EVA suited Gammorians claiming salvage rights, some days it did not do to get out of bed.

Palpatine sat shocked in his chair as the reports started coming in of the events on Naboo, his spies had told him that the Queen had stayed on Coruscant, and a risk of using the force to check with the Jedi so close prevented him from making sure himself while he was on the campaign for the chancellorship. This meant that he missed this important development, this would change his plans, just as everything was starting to fall into place, this also ruined his good mood. Then once he was in a bad mood his incompetent apprentice informed him that not only did his mission not succeed, but he was injured by the Jedi, and now they would be on guard looking for any Sith or their influence. How, how could everything go wrong, expressing his displeasure on the faults of his apprentice only took so much of the rage away, the already injured apprentice not able to keep his consciousness long enough to sate the Sith masters wrath. With eyes starting to bleed yellow into the iris Palpatine had to cancel some important meetings to vent his frustration before he started to make more mistakes. When Palpatine found out who was behind all of these events he would make them pay, they would rue the day that they dared to defy his plans.

Jar Jar and the Gungans gathered up their forces and with only a few final kicks to make sure the droids were offline marched onward to the city of Theed, the great battle deserved a celebration and Boss Nass though a Parade would be just the thing. The cheers of the Naboo peoples and the heartfelt gratitude made the parade have a heart lifting atmosphere, the time it took the Gungans to march gave enough time for the inhabitants of Theed to decorate the streets and fill the city with music and celebration. The Queen had managed to get into her formal cloths, and for the important people to gather and in those cases the injured to heal enough to make a brief presentation. The Queen gave a short heartfelt speech of thanks to those that stepped forward in the planets time of need and presented Boss Nass with a beautifully glowing globe as a token of thanks and a sign of the peace made between the two peoples. Boss Nass took the globe and raised it up and said his short and to the point speech that summed up the feelings of everyone there, the conciseness was appreciated by the population and especially those that were injured as it was one word that said it all.
