
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Out of the woods, into the water

Jar Jar got up off the ground and quickly went after the Jedi, he had to remind himself to hold back on his speaking, making himself sound pitiful even to himself. A declaration of love rebuked by the Jedi complaining that Binks had almost got them killed, a mispronunciation of how he could speak, followed by a rebuke of how the ability to speak does not make one intelligent... this Jar Jar had to control his anger at as the first time around he had almost been this bad, but the need to keep the Jedi off balance enough so that they would follow him to the city of Otoh Gunga kept the Gungan from acting out against the emotions. Jar Jar spouted of some bunk about how he now owed a life debt demanded by the gods, thankfully before the long haired bearded Jedi could reply the sound of droids approaching and firing at something grabbed his attention, the younger Jedi approaching at a run.

The older Jedi yelled at Binks to stay down as he lit his light saber and Binks dove out of the way as the green bar of energy deflected the droids shots back at it, blowing it to component parts. Jar Jar thanked the older Jedi for saving him again before the younger Jedi asked what Binks was. The older Jedi derisively said he was a local and that it was time move. Binks smiled at the younger Jedi, the grin pulling back to far and Binks had to stop himself before it creeped out the younger Jedi.

After Following for a bit Binks did not think the Jedi knew about his home city, it was after all fairly well hidden from the surface folk, so he mentioned it. The older Jedi asked Binks if he could lead them there, and while he could he remembered that he was still banished, a fact he had forgotten in the excitement of not having to relive his youngling years again. He tried to explain the embarrassing fact that he would not be welcome there, but then he had to step back as the two Jedi effectively double teamed him into leading them to the city.

"You hear that?" the older Jedi pointed to the distant rumbling in the forest/

"Yeah." Jar Jar replied at the obvious sound.

"That is the sound of a thousand terrible things headed this way." The older Jedi stepped close as he was saying this.

"If they find us, they will crush us, grind us into tiny pieces, and BLAST us into oblivion" The younger approached from the other side causing the gungan to step back.

"Ah..." Binks blinks at this. "Yousa point is well seen, this way, hurry." Jar Jar spun around to get his direction and set off towards a point where they could swim to the city.

When the older Jedi started asking how much further it was they were at the shoreline to one of the access point, and Jar Jar pointed to it and talked about how they were going underwater and that they could expect a decidedly not warm welcome. The Jedi pulled out micro re-breathers as Jar Jar made whoop of joy and a showy dive into the water as it had been far to long since he had a proper swim, hopefully soon he would get off the planet and help out everyone he remembered from his somewhat jumbled and dim by now memories, the Jedi had arrive, so it couldn't be long now could it?