
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Its not the fall...

Jar Jar now had a rough measurement of when the mass of hostiles would attack, so he continued talking till the moment approached, not noticing the tightening of the jaw or the whitening of the knuckles of his fellow passenger. As the moment came close he decided to turn on the onboard music player so that the beat might help with his timing, as that firebomb had been an unfortunate surprise. Jar Jar managed to turn the music on, but forgot to check the volume setting first so it was a blast of music that assaulted the ears of the two passengers, hiding the sound of one of the security craft exploding.

Palpatine tried his best to keep his calm, but the unfocused prattle of the Gungan beside him was driving him to his limits, he had not experienced such pain in his head nor utter frustration at the situation since the last time his old master had tried to "teach" him a lesson for a mistake that he had made. Already at the very edge of snapping the fool of an amphibian started fiddling with the sound system and then caused it to unleash a blast of sound so loud that it seemed to deafen him. This was the last straw for Sheev, he had his frustration level reach his limit, inside mentally if one could hear his thoughts one would hear a little snap. He barely managed to keep a leash on his force powers, the energy seething to be unleashed on the target of his ire. What he could not control was himself standing up in the aircar and yelling at the Gungan for all of the long lists of his faults. This movement, coupled with the noise of the music and the explosion of one of the security craft caused the driver to shift ever so slightly.

This caused the first grenade to bounce off the hood to the side somewhat, then half roll half bounce along the length and width of the aircar to fall off the back end to the side. That was the point that the grenade exploded causing the aircar to flip over, if both passengers were properly seated this would have allowed them to weather the explosion, if a bit shaken and stirred. However as both were standing up, like fishermen standing in a craft that has just taken a wave from the wrong direction, they were tossed from the aircar and started their long journey to the distant ground below.

The cloaked figure smiled in an open grin as he felt the sheer anger and frustration of the radiating of the falling targets, one obviously venting on the other, spilling the feeling of bile and rage easily felt even from this distance. Cold yellow eyes tracked the fall of the two until the terminal moment, the blazing pyre of anger snuffed out in an instant. The figure then gave a laugh and operated his holo-communicator, waiting for the image to stabilize before speaking.

"Brother, it is finished." The glee and amusement easily heard.

"What? Already?" The hologram of the other end of the conversation started in surprise.

"It seems that a single grenade blast tipping an aircar can be quite lethal... or more to the point, it was not the fall that killed..." The cloaked figure said with a smile.

"...its the sudden stop at the end, ha, and a fitting end it was. Return then, we have much work to do." The hologram gave a laugh as the connection was ended.

In the background, a hidden figure with a large hat listened in, curious as to what was going on.