
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Impact therapy

Binks tried and tried to get his plan to work, but each time he would be taken down by the sniper, mostly just grazes or limb hit, but enough to slow him down for the three fighting to gang up on him and cause him to wake up in bed again. For a moment after waking up he had a hope that maybe if he just stayed in bed he could just ignore the whole mess entirely. This hope was, of course, dashed when the Trandoshan got tired of waiting at the door and simply hacked his way in with his vibro-sword, the short reset caused Binks to summon the will to get up and try again, though this time he took the fling-stick that he used on Naboo a decade ago, because if he was going to be in a fight with those three again at least this time he could get some therapeutic hits in of his own.

The stick helped a bit, though not enough to give security enough time to save him, the mental release of his frustrations using the stick gave him new energy to meet the daunting task, as well as brush the rust off his skills. One time he managed to trip the two smaller fighters into the larger Trandoshan, but in his moment of euphoria at beating them, he forgot about the sniper. Waking up the next time he went about his morning routine, but let one of his eyestalks swivel to where the sniper was and gave a narrowed eye in the shooters' direction, as Jar Jar was getting fed up with being sniped.

Binks smoothly went through the steps, the long practice making his motions effortless as he got the three fighting themselves, then using the stick he deflected the sniper shot, the metal shaft strong enough to take the hit with only a scuff mark to show for the effort. Binks then proceeded to weave in and out of the three fighters trying to take him down, using the stick with swift and sure movements to force the three to get in each other's way, as well as keep them between him and the sniper as he slowly fell back toward the building. Three eventually pulled together and rushed him at the same time, but he used the stick to great effect and with a twirling move took all three out. Now for the hard part, Binks twirled his stick and deflected another sniper shot and then pointed the stick directly at the snipers' position and then slowly turned his head in that direction and narrowed his eyes as the three lay groaning at his feet, security making their way towards him to deal with the riff-raff.

Aurra Sing watched the almost dancing motions of the Gungan take on three opponents in close combat, the funny looking stick thing flicking in and out to great effect, it was almost a shame she would have to take the amphibian out, but for the size of the price on his head, many bounty hunters would not even blink about going through the security measures that were used to try and ensure the safety of the senators. As the Gungan stood victorious over the three ruffians she took a shot, but was surprised when it was deflected by the stick, and then with the motion of the sick pointing, and then the target looking directly at her she started to feel the cold clammy tendrils of panic, as her position was pointed out. She could have taken another shot, but she did not make it be a bounty hunter with a long career by taking chances, and as a sniper, once your position was made, it was time to move. Aurra Sing did not even bother with a full break down of her weapon, just the most basic of motions to force the long weapon into a pack as she started to bug out, if security was on its toes, they would be on her in moments, so the faster she got out of sight the better. Though one thought did percolate in her mind, how did that Gungan block her shot, and know where she was, the bounty did not say anything about the target having any Jedi powers.