
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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At Palpatine Manor the waste bin was starting to overflow with broken glasses, knick knacks, and data tablets. The cloaked figure was starting to loose his temper at why this little city of stubborn obstinate insignificant amphibians would not just co-operate with his plans. A crack of another glass echoed in the room, and the sound of it being dropped into the bin just to roll off the pile to the floor only angered the figure more. Fine, if a simple plan would not work a plan with many layers should do the trick, yes an explosion and a vehicle accident, if one would not work, then the other should finish the job.

Jar Jar had managed to get back into the good graces of Boss Nass, enough that he was invited to a party thrown by the Boss. The Boss arrived in his custom Heyblibber, which had just been detailed and tuned up to make sure there was no accidents like with the Bongo. There was some dancing, but after seeing Jar Jar dance, which was in a style that had not been invented yet, and looked quite silly, he was asked to maybe bring out some more of the food from the kitchen instead.

Now the plan in motion was a duel pronged attack, earlier in the day mercenary specialists had infiltrated and planted bombs in not only Boss Nass's custom ride, but in his kitchen as well. The job was done quietly, it was done professionally, it was the perfect plan, the setup flawless, nay foolproof... However it was not Jar Jar proof.

Things started going wrong when Jar jar tried to bring out the biggest shiniest dish there, as that would be the best dish and the best to bring out right? The heavy fish flambe was a masterpiece of skill and talent, filled to the brim for the perfect presentation, however it was not prepared for the Binks treatment. The fluid spilled and a few drops touched an open flame. The burst of flame startled Jar Jar and caused more sloshing. this caused more spills and another flash of flame. Panicking Jar Jar saw an open oven and threw the dish inside and closed the lid.

Inside that particular oven earlier a discreet bomb had been placed by a professional mercenary. being a professional the explosive was "safe" meaning that it would only explode when the detonator went off. However that is not mean it would not violently burn when exposed to enough heat and flame, such as having a flambe dish thrown inside of an over where it was as well. The conflagration fed on each substance within and had secondary effects as the gas lines went up as well, as the mercenary had disabled the gas safeties to point it as an accidental leak.

A loud Thump jangled the guests of the party and all eyes were drawn to the sounds of panic and yelling from the kitchen as Gungans in chefs outfits fled the blaze, Jar Jar also fleeing, but even more noticeable as the odd one out. The crowd panicked and started to run everywhere to escape the fire. Jar Jar tried to help and ran for the Boss's expensive vehicle.

Jar Jar managed to reach the craft and started it up. The earlier servicing of the craft had been sabotaged by a different mercenary, and as soon as the craft started up it leap at full throttle. The craft went out, then turned back around headed right for the burning kitchen, the original plan was to explain it away as a crash and a bad gas line, but now the blame would unintentionally be all on Jar Jar. Binks managed to get out of the craft before it crashed into the kitchen, but the fire, and now flood damage had destroyed not only the custom vehicle, but Boss Nass's party hall. When asked what he was thinking by an angry Boss Nass Jar Jar only had one thing to say for himself.

"Messa just trying to help?"