
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Departing, and movements

Jar Jar was a bit twitchy waiting for more attacks as he prepared for his mission, but was surprised that nothing happened at all. Binks gave a sigh of relief as the ship went into hyperspace, causing a few eyebrows to raise, but with no explanation, those in the ship just gave a shrug and went back to their duties.

On the surface of Coruscant, the Hutt in charge of the Cartel dealings on the planet city breathed a sigh of relief as the screen displaying the ship showed it made it to hyper-speed. When questioned about why so much focused on making sure that ship left and why the Hutt made sure the subordinates did not go after the very large bounty. The Hutt took a moment to gather thoughts before bringing up a few files. The large expensive screen showed some of the events a decade ago, mostly data files and security footage from Tatooine showing the Gungan and a few figures.

"You ask me, why I did not allow anyone to go after that bounty. This is one Jar Jar Binks. Gungan, from Naboo. Ten years ago he seemingly came out of nowhere, no record, no paper trail, the most eventful thing we could find out was that he was banished from his city for being clumsy."

On the screen, showed recent events with Binks twirling around his fling-stick, the Hutt pointed his arm to the screen and waited for the mental ball to drop.

"Wait, they consider THAT as clumsy to the point of exile? What sort of monsters are those Gungans?"

The Hutt gave a chuckle before continuing silencing everyone else.

"Apparently he got better, that and has been hanging around Jedi for a decade." Nods showed that the others in the room understood that the Jedi were some sort of martial arts masters and that over a decade anyone could learn a thing or two from them.

"Okay, so the Gungan has some smooth moves, but why did that make you nervous?" The Hutt smiled as every now and again a Cartel Boss had to show why they were the Boss rather they any subordinates getting ideas.

"A decade ago, there were a few visitors to Tatooine, Then Queen, now current Senator Amidala, two Jedi, and the Gungan in question. They, plus others were stuck do to a failed hyper-drive and needed a new one. As they did not have any local currency, they had to do a bit of wheeling and dealing, which ended up pulling in an unexpected kid ringer for the Boonta Eve race. The Hutts could not let this stand without issue, so after they left they sent Gardulla to Coruscant here to raise the issue to the people in power. When Gardulla got here the place was still in an uproar from the current Chancellor getting the office."

"What a mess that was." One disgruntled Mook that had lost a lot of money with the credit crash complained.

"Quite, so it was understandable that however important a Hutt of that level was, even they were delayed from seeing people. As the delays were a bit of an affront, the Hutts started gathering a fleet in case a point was needed to be made, standard procedure, rattle a few swords, shift a few ships, get people looking into how good their shields are, that sort of thing..."

"Oh yeah, like the old 'it would be a shame if something happened to your nice shop there.' I get ya." The same disgruntled Mook had a happy grin at figuring something large scale-out.

"Right, same basic thing, but a bigger scale... however, before the fleet could get all together to be seen in the right places for that, what happens, the Queen goes back to Naboo with those Jedi, the Gungan and the Kid ringer. There, not only do they break a planetary blockade, not just getting rid of that fleet, but capturing them."

"Ouch, trying the old shame trick doesn't work so good if the place has its own protection." The smile dimmed on the Mook.

"Correct, you have to know when to pull off a racket like that, and when it will backfire. So because of that, the Hutts decided to back off and not mess with them."

"Gotcha... but what does that have to do with that ship?" The Mook asked, the Hutt gaining an eerie grin as the subordinate that was not the quickest motivator in the batch gave a perfect set up.

"I am glad you asked, you see, we managed to get a bit of a look-see into who is on that ship, and who got their mission going." The screen came up with two rows of pictures, ones dated recently, the other ten years ago. "First off, the one that had the idea behind the trip, Padme Amidala. Second, the two Jedi sent on the mission, Obi-wan Kenobi, and one Anikin Skywalker. You will note their connection to the events ten years ago. Finally, the Senate's Representative, Jar Jar Binks."

"Ah." The Mook just stated simply.

"Yes, you see now, with recent events, it is a mirroring of event a decade ago, especially as Binks has been sending a decade around Qui-Gon Jinn." Another pair of images show up. "Now you can see why I did not want anyone to touch this with a ten-foot pole. Now, they are gone, a large chunk of our rivals are either taken down or being hunted by the boys in blue... so go out there and get some work done, and do it quietly. Okay?"

"Clear Boss." The talky Mook was the first to get moving, followed by the rest, a comment before reaching the door made its way to the Hutts ears that caused the grin to deepen. "Wow, that's smart of the Boss, everyone else is in trouble, but as we didn't do nothin, we can just walk right in."