
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Bring the senate to a boil

Vokara Che, the on duty healer master once again ran the numbers of the latest batch of tests, the sense of disbelief did not change the symbols on the data pad that her assistant Stass Allie handed her. The female Twi'lek tried to relief her headache by rubbing her temples as she asked the female Tholothian assistant about how many of the group they were testing had such anomalous results. The reply of all of the younglings, as they were the first to be tested and treated for removal of the horrifically barbarian implants, while the adults numbers were less concerning, and most of the elders of the group had barely any oddities. The only good news was that the Gungan that came with the group had perfectly normal results, even if the midi-clorian numbers for the clumsy amphibian was the lowest she had ever seen outside of calibration tests.

"So how many of the group have been taken care of?" Che asked her assistant.

"All the younglings and a few of their parents have had their implants removed. To make room in the medical areas they went back to the AgriCorps Gardens with those adults to help keep an eye on them, they really seemed impressed by the plants there... though to be fair, after living on that forsaken planet for years I would want to spend some time around some greenery myself." Allie replied with a bit of amusement at the end.

"Tatooine, bah, I the Exploration Corps have found airless moons with more life then that blasted desert. Remind the on duty Masters at the AgriCorps to keep an eye out for any allergies, and if any come up to call for assistance." Che remembered a very brief stop on the desert planet with obvious distaste, the mentioning of possible allergies just common sense.

"I will do so, any progress as to why the checkups found... whatever it is?" Allie asked hopefully, as she was curious as to why the tests came back with such odd results.

"No luck yet, now go on before you get too focused on this puzzle. Shoo" Che gave a gesture that he assistant should be off before going back to the data pad. Hopefully the younglings would not give the AgriCorps too much trouble.

Jambe Lu was enjoying his day, the looks of wonder at the tour group that had come though earlier was one of the reasons he was glad he realized that he would never be a front and center style Jedi, while he knew that light saber combat was not his forte, his skills with plants and creatures meant that he quickly rose to a fairly high level for a human in the AgriCorps. He was fine with this as many of the other species in the galaxy had deep connections to various flora and fauna, and while human Jedi did not have as deep connections as other Jedis of various species, they were able to connect to a much wider variety then average. His joy at seeing others appreciate the AgriCorps work expressed itself subtly in the force, and the plants responded as if singing to his tuned senses, the echoing refrain seeming that much stronger from the groups attentions. The plants echos picking up was what caused him to turn his head to see the younglings of the group return from the direction of the Medical Corps, escorted by a few of the groups adults. Curious Lu went to greet the returnees and find out what was going on. Lu quickly was glad he was able to give permission for the younglings to carefully play in the Gardens as he heard the woeful tale of their lives and the exciting escape from the desert planet, a place where water was scarce and plant life almost unheard of, such a planet would be like torture to one connected to plant life such as him.

Plagueis grinned at the ancient display as hidden data shunts placed by Sith of ages long past copied the reports from the Jedi Halls of Healing. When he was an apprentice under his own master the had found such data shunts, long lost and unused, just one of the many thing not passed down from Sith Master to apprentice as the Rule of Two caused such knowledge to fade from the Galaxy. Plagueis had gotten the title "The Wise" from his Masters last breath as he perished from the surprising method Plagueis had used instead of the more tradition straight up light saber duel. Plagueis knowing how devastating such avenues could be never mentioned them to his apprentice, Sidious never reaching his level of appreciation for knowledge and instead focusing on playing with politics instead. Plagueis chuckled to himself as the Jedi puzzled over the results of the group from Tatooine, their planet of origin helpfully started in the standard forms. Plagueis mused on his own work on the desert planet manipulating midi-clorians... the tests subjects would be around that age yes... let the Jedi helpfully do the slogging data gathering for him, without knowing what he did they would be clueless as to what was really happening. Perhaps one of the test subjects would make for a better apprentice, Sidious playing around in the senate was good for enjoying his frustration when his overly intricate plans kept failing, but if it continued then the willful apprentice might just unveil the existence of the Sith and break the advantage of secrecy they had been using all this time. Plagueis felt a sense of elation and happy achievement though his link with his apprentice, he was scheduled for yet another senate meeting today, perhaps he should check in on what the data feeds from the senate have going on.

Padme tried to focus though the drowning chants as the senate resonated with the cries of "vote now" seeming loud enough to shake the very structure to pieces, the slack look of surprise on Chancellor Valorum's face speaking volumes on how unexpected the turn of events was. She went though the chain of events in her mind as the words of warning that the Gungan had said during the journey from Tatooine echoed in her mind, even though they sounded like paranoid rantings of a disaffected revolutionary at the time. The Gungan had stated that the system was corrupt, and full of backstabbing, money grubbing, climb over your corpse after you fell opportunists, but that even with all that, the inefficiencies held away true tyrants after absolute power. He had said that only when the system was close to failing would things be super obvious, and that at that point... sometimes it was almost easier to start over again, or spend a long hard time trying to fix it, a time that would be neither easy or painless. The way the Gungan had spoken was as if he had gone though something similar already. The Jedi had told her of how they found the Gungan exiled from his home city, and how they arrested him on sight. The friendly amphibian could have seen something similar in his own home and was trying to warn her of the disappointment she was setting herself up for in going to the senate for help, but what else could she do? She had gone though all the appropriate and proper measures, but the Trade Federation kept trying to stall and call for commissions to muddy the issue. She could not stand there with a clean conscious and just let them get away with it as they gamed the system and crushed her people under their heels. When they called for a commission to validate her claims, basically saying to her face that she was spouting lies in front of the senate, anger seethed within her. How DARE they, each and every day the invasion continued the BLOOD of her people CRIED out for JUSTICE! When asked is he would defer she had to pause to gather herself before speaking.

"I will not defer... I have come before you to resolve this attack on our sovereignty now. I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee. If this body is not capable of action, I suggest new leadership is needed... I move for a "vote of no confidence"... in Chancellor Valorum's leadership." The anger in here voice echoing across the chamber, easily heard in the silence her statement wrought.

The murmurs started, quickly growing to a roar, then the chanting started, the assembled senators baying for the Chancellors figurative blood. The senator from Alderaan Second the motion and in the rush of emotion and feeling the Chancellor was voted out. The feeling of rage faded and left inside was a hollow feeling, even though the events were a powerful looking move, it would take time for a new Chancellor to be nominated and elected, then brought up to speed. Even if the new Chancellor was one that was on the side of Naboo, the sheer delays would not help matters, maybe even delaying things even more then if Valorum was still in office. With the Senate still in an uproar she walked out, starting on plans, even if she had to travel back and face the Trade Federation alone, she would try and do the best for her people lives... even if it cost her own in the process.