
The tour 2

"This is so beautiful," I love flowers. And I don't care if Morgan was probably trying to buy me with a whole lot of them, I had them and that was all I could see and think of right now. 

"I planted them the day you came here. While you were still unconscious from passing out like that."

I turned to him, eyeing him. "Lie better next time Morgan. That was just roughly a week ago." I scoffed and flipped my hair away in a sassy way.

"You still use the lavender. Thank God I thought of it earlier, so I stocked some up for you."

"How do you know the shampoo I use?"

He shrugged. "I was your best friend. And I got to sniff your hair a lot."


He laughed. "Nick!" 

I turned everywhere, trying to see someone, but I guess he was being extremely serious about him being the only person I would see. I assumed whoever it was had answered already.

"Toss me a seed." He said again, and this time, I only saw the seed being passed over to him. He caught it, then rolled it between his fingers.

"Come," he said to me, and I followed eagerly.  He took me to a side where there were no flowers, and he knelt there, then put the flower seed in. He stood back up, then flashed a smile at me. "This is especially for you. And when it grows, I'll make it into a ring for you."

He spread his palm over the area where he had buried it, and soon enough, the flower began to sprout. In no less than two minutes, it was a full grown marigold. 

"Damn! You're so happy you can do this, right?"

He just shrugged, but I didn't care. I walked back the field and took off my boots. The boots I had worn to school the day he had scarred Liam for life and taken me away. He seemed surprised seeing them, and his eyes widened, before he facepalmed, probably thinking of how clumsy he had been for not bringing a shoe when he brought the dress.


I watched her small frame as she got ready to go into the field. It felt good being able to do all of these things for her, but I was so clumsy, I even forgot to get a shoe for her with the dress. She smiled up at me when I facepalmed in disappointment, as if telling me she was fine. But It wasn't fine to me. I wanted to give her everything, and not being able to remember an important detail like shoes to go with a dress will not exactly get me there.

"I am going off!" She yelled and I waved at her. She turned back and took off in a slow run, her hands wildly spread out, feeling the petals of the flowers, her hair flowing behind her. I loved her hair. I loved her scent. I loved the way she turned back to me with a huge smile and then turned back, running into the sunset. She was perfect, we were perfect, and I will seal this monent forever in my heart.