

          I was wearing a pair of jeans trousers, sneakers and a plain white top, with my hair tied up in a bun. My glasses gracing my nose and books gracing my hand. I knew school was going to be hard for me now. Alone, with no friends and constantly embarrassing myself. I walked through the long hallway with my head down, strands of my messy bun falling in front of me, having to stop and adjust it. Some that passed me by gave me weird glances, the rest, I was pretty sure, didn't even realize I was standing there. But I couldn’t blame them even I didn't feel like I was standing there. I felt like I was in some far away place, my head buried deep in the clouds where I could weep in silence, my cries would come to the earth as thunder, my tears falling as rain.

          And maybe then, I would bring joy to someone, by making rainbows. I shook my head and continued to walk, shadows of the numerous times we'd walked the same hallways with Morgan flashing before me, continuously taunting me, telling me just how attached i've grown, and how everything would be so hard for me now. It felt as if I was watching my own holograms acting out my past actions, like a 3D movie. Except, I could switch those off. I couldn't switch these ones off. I could hear his laugh, the sound he made when he clicked his fingers, "nerdy friend", the time he stepped on my toe and made me run after him like a mad woman.

          The day he ripped one of my hard cover books, and then sat on it throughout school so I don't see it. The time this blonde had approached him, and knowing what she wanted, he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. "I wanna kiss my nerdy friend Samantha and not stop at that."

          Maybe somewhere, at the bottom of my heart, I'd always him to look at me, to see more than the nerd. I shook my head, my lips curling up in a pitiful smile. Look where that got me. In a vampire's lair. I never believed creatures like that were real, but Morgan...  I closed my eyes and kept walking. I wouldn't be swayed by all this.

          He had done them with an ulterior motive. He was only looking for his next meal. His next blood bank. The next person whose blood he would drown and gulp, then discard. It was hard for me to believe, but I had seen enough, hadn’t I? So why did I feel like this? Like my chest was clenching and I needed to cry? Like my world was falling apart. I squatted, letting my books drop to the floor. I didn't mind how many people would see, I didn't have the willpower to get to class. I needed something, and that was my best friend and whatever we had grown to be before my birthday. 
