
A night with Nicole 3

"Please don't."

"Stop," I said to her. The more she begged, the more I wanted to shut her up.

"Please stop."


I held my father's hand tight, my mind wandering off. Neither Morgan nor Nick had come back, and it felt like its been days already. I had gotten so used to Morgan's presence, him wanting to be with me all the time, the fact that he wasn't here felt off. Did he actually have a wife?

I shook my head to clear away the thoughts. No way. Morgan wouldn't do that. Even without being a vampire. I kmew what kind of person he was when he pretended to be human, and he was still a good person. Maybe with obvious pints of darkness, but good nonetheless.

"Father, please give me a minute." I said to him.

"Is something wrong? Morgan took isn't back yet." He looked concerned, but I wasn't sure what he was concerned about. The fact that I was going alone without Morgan, or the fact that he would be alone here, without anyone he knew. Both of them were a valid reason to be concerned, I wouldn't lie about that.

I patted his hand reassuringly. "It will be fine. I won't be gone for too long."

I made to stand up, but then he dragged me down. "Samantha..are you now.."

He stopped talking and opened his eyes wide, as if he expected me to know what he meant. 

"Am I now what?" I said when I realized he wasn't going to say a word more and was just going to wait for me to solve puzzles. 

"Are you now...I mean, are you now like them?  you..drink blood too?"

I laughed. "No, daddy. Of course not. I will not become a vampire as long as Morgan is here. He won't let me, even if I wanted to."

He seemed relieved, and he finally let my hand go. I stood up with a comforting smile, and walked my way up the stairs. I was going to check the rooms first, then maybe proceed downwards. I didn't know my way around the place yet, and I could get lost, but I needed to find him. I don't even know why, I just needed to. 


My head started to spin. 

"Nicole, come to me." I said. It felt like my mouth had a mind of its own, saying things I didn't even want to say.

Nicole turned away, and started to scream again. I was trying hard to suppress it, resist the urge to drain her blood right now. I knew just how much problems it would cause. I would lose myself. There was nothing like human blood, and I knew that much. 


He wasn't in the rooms, and I continued to venture downwards. The balcony seemed endless, with rooms everywhere. I checked each one and they were all dark and empty. It seemed the only rooms that were actually used were mine and his. I walked for a while, and then came to a stair case. This one didn't hold the beautiful design the other one did, and seemed more like a gsteway to some great evil place. 'I shouldnt go there,' I thought to myself. I wasn't sure what I would see there, and in this world, nothing was quite impossible. I turned around to leave and just before I took the first step, I heard a woman voice scream Nick's name.