

Reese put down his cellphone when Nicky didn't answer his call. It's been a day since the he tried to call his girlfriend's cellphone but the same thing happened it still can't be reached. He remarked that the woman seemed to have no plans for their upcoming wedding ceremony. What was wrong with her?

Yesterday he intentionally visited Nicky's parents to ask where she was and why she didn't answer his calls. Reese was dismayed to learn that their daughter had not been home for several days. Oh, Nicky was a stranger to him. She was a girl that dancin' crazily she met in a Madrid pub.

He was very excited about the Barong that he would wear to their upcoming wedding. He's now committed of his Daddy's goal. This time he would assure everyone that he will step on the aisle. Waiting for his fiance walking slowly in the aisle. Waiting for the Father's words so that he can kiss the bride in front of his family and visitors.

A small, persistent part of his mind, wanted to believe Nicky's parents about their conclusion that Nicky might have a surprise for him. But their eyes seems suspicious and there was secret hidden there. Reese remarked that they hide something, and whatever it might be he'll be ready to find it out. But how? He need to search for her.

He sighed of relief when the tenth time he tried to call Nicky's cellphone, it rang.

"Hello, sweety your wedding dress is ready." He happily announced when he made sure she answered his call. "But you didn't answer my call. Beauty rest huh?" He said with a laugh.

"Just shut the fuck up, asshole!"

He clearly heard it. It wasn't Nicky's voice. It was harsh and manly. Guy? Yeah the one who answered his call was a guy. Who's the asshole's. And, why the hell Nicky's cellphone was with him. The fuck he was mocking him.

"How come!" he said unintentionally audible.

"Fuck you!" He said cursing. "You're interrupting our fun here at Inn's of Dream, asshole."

Now, he clearly understands that his fiance is cheating on him. Really? How dare she could do that to him. Was she wasn't thinking about their upcoming wedding on the next week. What a slut. He quickly went out and followed them on Inn's of dream. It post a big question for him who was the guy and why he was with his fiance.

At a well -known hotel a receptionist approached him and he inquire her what room number did Nicky occupied. According to the receptionist, who was with her was a German national. When he reached the closed door he felt what might happen inside. He pressed his ear on the door and hoping to heard something.

Moans and the words "Fuck me hard." What he hears and he has already guessed what was currently going on inside. What a Jerk ! Too much, once a victimized by Arexia curse, and here a victim of Nicky's wickedness. This was too much for him. Does the fidelity word on the Meriam and oxford dictionary will make sense on its promises? On its definition.

He want to confront them with his outrage. But he realized that Nicky after all was just a piece of trash for him and yet, he couldn't believe what Nicky was doing.

He failed again for second time around, he failed the wedding that everyone dreamed of him. Que Lastima! Too depressed for him to become groom without bride for second time around.

He can hardly believe that his Fiancees have deceived him twice, because all of his failures he will soon be disillusioned in love.

He remembers Arexia the first woman he loves but then cheated on him. Again and again he asked himself what was he missed, he was doing everything to make them happy, but Arexia and Nicky didn't seem satisfied. It wasn't his fault, he was not fit to blamed. But this was too much, he want to confront them with his outrage.

A feeling of regret while he return home. With each passing minute he was driving faster and faster until he was red in the face.

He stopped the car in front of Aijaxlife Bar. His heart ached. It was crying. Hell, he cannot stand it anymore. But the fuck he want to forget what was happening that day. It makes him grow wild every time he remembered her voice. He got out of his car and went straight inside the bar.

"Uuyyy, Mr. Medel," A bartender approached immediately.

"A glass of Christmont Sangiovese Por Favor. (Please)" He requested.

"Your expensive Christmont," Matt the bartender said.

He gulped down the contents of his shot glass, until the last drop. He is really strong in drinking alcohol that's it's like he only drinks soft drinks or water. Tonto, Reese, Tonto (Fool, Fool).

"How are you and, Anne?" He asked his Bartender friend. What he was referring to was his American girl friend.

"It's OK, we're okay," He answered coldly suddenly his face lit up as he recall something "Ahmm. Become husband next week? "

"I don't think so"

"You are not sure. What really in your mind?" He said this with some surprise.

"There's no marriage ceremony to be celebrate next week." He gulped.

"You're sick! What's wrong?" He was shocked.

"Blame someone you know that having a year itch."

"Slut," he said, laughing.

"Three years Itch, and just this day she was convalescing with the help of that Fucking German."

"So that's the reason," She inquired while pouring wine in a fine glass.

"Why I was gently bite her ass back then?" He stopped figuring out things. "I supposedly rough, turbulence, and eat her, bite her until she cries of Mercy." He said, smirking. The two end up laughing, like ordinary Mafia.

Reese was in that Bar for almost two hours and he drank more, he drank strong wines like Madiera, AurumRed Gold, and he also drank Whiskey he had a headache he feels dizziness. He didn't want to go home because he couldn't drive his car. He's fucking dizzy. He was decided to check-in in the nearby hotel but something suddenly came in his mind. Reese smiled.

Zev couldn't sleep. She read books. She lay down in different position and she closed her eyes but she couldn't sleep. Then she wake up and check her cellphone, she received a message from Reese, he said she need to go out, she didn't know why, so she just went out. When she opened the gate he was surprised to see Reese's familiar car parked outside. Various questions went through her mind. Why is he here? What he was doing here? How the hell he finds my place? Until the young man got out of his car.

"Ihmm waiting for almost a damn minutes," he said in a slang tone, so she guessed he was drunk. Yes very drunk.

"How did you find my place." She asked in some surprise.

"The ghuy in the bharr"

"Who's the guy?"

"And why don't you go home?" She added.

"Maldita" he smirked "Remember you snatched the book from mhee"

She laughed.

"fhunny oafish!"

She didn't say a word, she quietly observed his action. She couldn't explain why he was cute. He has actually the perfect looks, dark eyebrows, kissable lips. He look so adorable. He look so hot. He's the perfect man for her. Oh, Zev what a damn fool you are protested by the part of her brain

"Dhammmn," he silently cuss.

"Bad." She said.

"Just stand there? Why don't you invite me inside." He said as he entered the car again.

"Where are you going?"

"Ghoing home"

"You can't drive, asshole's"

"And why, Ms. Alien?"

"Zev" she said mentioning her name.

"Hell Holy!"

"You can't go home, you're already drunk," she said seriously

"Sho Ahm I imphortant?" He said swaying as he approached where she was standing.

"W-What." She said startled.

"They left me wounded, and here I am shattered. What was left for me? Only this broken heart." He said bitterly

She took a deep breath. She felt sorry for Reese. But she did not know how she could help to relieve the pain in Reese heart's. She wondered if there's a sweetness and melody in a broken heart and in pain, the melody of pain.

"So you why got drunk? That's the right decision in life, Mr. Medel"

He couldn't answer instead he fell down and fortunately she acted fast and she caught him. He's peaceful lie his head in her welcoming arms. She lifted him with all her might. Reese was really heavy. She carefully laying him down on the long sofa, she immediately boiled a water.

"C'mon Self you can do it," she said as he took off his Long-sleeve. His hot and sexy body body was exposed to her. Her hands trembled as she grabbed his belt to unlock it and took it off. Well she's innocent and that's the first time she's ever done that to a man.

A series of shakes on Reese's shoulders woke him up.

"Why?" He was still drowsy.

Muscles ached, even dizzy from the amount he drank last night. He stretched his body. He opened his eyes, he was even surprised when he realized it was not his room he was sleeping in. Then he suddenly remembered that Matt had taken him to Zev's apartment last night, and the room belonged to her.

He looked at what he was wearing, so he was sure Zev had undressed him last night and dressed him with that shirt. What a bold girl. He looked at Zev who was leaning on the door. She was looking at him. He was also looking at her. Lazily he went to Zev's bathroom even though he hadn't undressed yet, he on the shower.

He feels good when water pours on his head and body, then he went on thinking, earlier he was only wearing boxers instead of short. WHAT? cry of his brain. He doesn't remember anything last night, the only thing he remembers was he ask Matt to send him on Zev's apartment because he knew Zev. How come he's naked? Reese was dumbfounded and he didn't even think about it, Zev wasn't suspicious. Besides, the girl was not sleeping next to him. She was sleeping in the other room.

After taking a shower, he got out with only a towel. He opened Zev's closet in case she had another man's T-shirt. Yes he wasn't wrong because she has oversize boy's shirts.

"I'll use it" He said and turned to Zev. "You can turn around. Don't worry mine's not awake. It was cold and it sleeping."


But he was shocked when he noticed something inside her closet. He was stiffened, and shocked. He could not speak.

He slowly closed it again. He let out a sigh.

"Hep, I'm sorry I'm robbing your clothe's." He laughed.

"It's OK." She smiled. "The break-fast is ready. " she added.

"No gracias. I need to go home .."


"Next time promise." He smiled.

She could do nothing but walk with him outside till to the gate. He temporarily left his wet stuff in her apartment, suggesting that she wash it.

When drove his car home, various questions were playing in his brain. He couldn't believe the thing he saw inside Zev's closet. Is that her? Her? The woman I met two years ago? He was unsure of answer.