
Grimous: Magic awakened

In the world of Grim mana was the second oldest thing as their planet itself, it was an otherworldy energy able to bend reality to their will The gift of mana was only for a few and so the normal people hunt wizards and witches before they could ever grow Their mana was said to be the gift of the world and as destructive as it may be human ingenuity was only second in power These manaless created tools to extract a mage's mana by force known to be brutal and worst cases lead to death Garry Kettle was from a prominent family but everything turned south at age 10 when he awakens his mana

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Three days ago before Garry awakens from his deep slumber, Godfrey along with his crew was sentenced to cleaning his uncle's house. Simon was separated from their care as the potency of the liquid metals needs immediate aid due to his long-term exposure. But these elves remain trembling for the fate of the boy leading to the contribution of their escape had his condition remains a mystery

"Whoa, boss I can't believe you have a rich uncle! This house is huge. I don't understand why you've been living in the slums– Ow what did you do that for?" Estelle couldn't help but smack his little brother, but Godfrey didn't take any offense and proceeded to sweep

"... if I tell you would you guys clean the freaking house? We're not going anywhere until this room is neatly cleansed, trust me I tried. Tricks wouldn't work on someone as grand as my great great great great great great great great great great great great uncle... you heard me. That's how old he is," As his crew heard of his uncle's age they grew more curious and nodded to his request and so his group took a break

"What do you want to ask first?" Once they settled down on the fine luxurious furniture their bodies sunk deep into the cotton fabric

Maximilian and the twins have yet to think of their question and Lilla goes forth since the others were yet to ask. "You said he's your uncle, but why is he a turtle? No more importantly how is he talking, turtles don't talk and he's by far the weirdest. What kind of turtle is bipedal, knows magic, and is related to you, an Elf?"

"It do be like that! Whew, I thought those guys would ask this, you surprise me, Lilla. So the first question started with the darkest tone of all. But first, let me clear my throat," Godfrey takes a sip of the tea prepared by his uncle's servant

"Ever heard of curses? Spells that can cause great harm if their ever been invoked. One of these spells contains the top three deadliest, Expirus. A curse that drains the afflicted person of their lifespan and slowly but surely they'll decay. Now let's move back to my uncle, in his youth he was a prodigy in the studies of animals, he was an Animus," One of the attributes the elves have a tremendous aptitude for was either nature or spells that shifts them to animals

"But what does it have to do with his form-"

"I'm getting there, just let me finish will ya...? So my uncle's storytelling was pretty vague so he just told me an asshole hated his guts. Because of that, he learned the curse I mentioned to kill him. But Uncle Godrick said 'Fuck no' and proceeded to do the most bizarre and wildest thing of all. To this day he's been feared or either praised for his success, when he manages to alter his body, what is it Max?"

His tale was cut short as Maximilian intervened. "I know... your uncle managed to ward off the curse which in turn made him into a turtle? Wait, that doesn't make any sense, huh I think I might be wrong,"

He chose to ignore Maximilian and the rest followed his lead. "So where was I? Oh yes, the part about how he survived... we know the fact that he's a prodigy in Animus magic, now let me tell you of an ancient sea creature. Turtegol was said to be one of the oldest living beings in this world. Those mystical turtles have been in this world since the creation of life and only appear to those they deem worthy,"

Everyone knew what he was going to spout but they wanted to hear his confirmation but before he could do so he was called. "Sir Godfrey, the lord wishes to see you. It's about the boy... I've been told that your presence is of utmost importance,"

The four frowned upon seeing the servant and Godfrey spared no second to follow the servant in her tracks. "Sorry guys, Uncle is a bit stingy when he has some company over... just know that he altered his body to a Turtegol, and since that day he hasn't died, now he's been lamenting his choices. I'll humor your questions once I get back, I need to see Garry's condition,"

Godfrey rushed into his uncle's studies and as he opened his door he saw his floating in the air wrapped in a specially crafted plaster. His uncle was brewing intently in his cauldron and given his lack of communication Godfrey didn't try and test his patience. He sat on the sofa near a table where dozens of quills move and jotted down runes in a rhythmic manner where Garry was then placed

"His mana circuitry is broken... it seems he overused himself when facing Desarteou's Catalyst. The old man along with this child was branded by a powerful spell which in turn seals such an important memory. Looks like they have quite the story to tell, but the question is, why should I help him? It's already enough that im letting him aboard my house, care to tell me what I should do, it's quite the pickle,"

The two began glaring at each other, but Godfrey eventually lowered his head without ever giving him a reason to help. "I don't know... can't you stop talking in riddles, Uncle? What do you think I could offer, I don't have much money, and even if I do you don't look like you need it. What do you want, you... what could an all-powerful wizard like you ever want,"

Godrick was surprised by his answer. "Correction, what would I want... I've been living for so long, but I never desired anything. These couple of millennia made me realize I've hit my absolute limit. There's no use in keeping myself alive without a clear goal, for so long I did everything to pass the time. That changed, however..."

Godrick veered his gaze at Garry's body most likely in his eyes. The circle in the table brighten and it came rushing in young Kettle's flesh. The light slithered around and sooner or later it reaches his eye and thus glowed with such brilliance

"Y-you can't be after his eyes?"

Godrick's turtle body trembled at the mere thought that arises in his nephew's mind. "Heavens no! Are you that scatterbrained my dear nephew, can't you even remember something so important? I think I've told you this bedtime story about a hundred times in your earlier days,"

The old turtle waved his staff and a particular book came floating and fell into the hands of Godfrey. "The seven lords?"

"Fire, Water, Grass, Air, Rock, Light, and Darkness... the seven lords known for their bravery and the founders of magic themselves. After they came elements stronger than these basics came to unravel until we learned of spells without attributes. As magic prospers many believed these lords came to have been chosen as their powers as many never came close to their height,"

"What the hell does that have to do with Garry?" Godfrey only sees this as a fairytale but his Uncle who lived for so long knew something was wrong

"Swift Zakriah, Olfenheimer the wrathful, the wise Nexilean, Krandel the permanence, Solein the mischief, Aegelin the shifter, and lastly Zenith the seeker," He points to Garry's eye upon uttering the final lord in the book Godfrey had in hand

"The more you grow old and see things you'd truly believe if these tall tales of the original are mere wonders. But they're not, I've scoured the land for so long, and seen things that many would think were all a lie. This boy piqued my interest, why don't you leave him to me, he doesn't have anywhere to go, and that man is more or less his servant," The intensity of Godricks eyes came close to pure obsession as he sees a presence unlike anything he'd ever viewed

"Does that mean you're going to adopt him?" Silence engulfed the room and was only filled by the noise of the rain

"Over the years I learned something... whenever theirs a great threat that was to arise presence of the same power as the seven lords will appear. I'm not doing this to save the world, im curious about the tale this boy would encounter, I guess he's quite lucky. This gift only shows things that are a mystery to the naked eye, being born in a magic-less society never once triggered his eye,"

"So you're going to teach him?" As his uncle's farce goes Godfrey asked him the question he desired the most

"Why of course... even if I grew bitter in this day and age any wizard or sorceress dream of a day when they finally found their student. Believe me, I've been scouring the lands for a worthy student but I haven't found anyone that qualifies. But that all changes after the arrival of this boy, Garry Kettle... I'll see to it that you'll learn magic before I send you off to school,"