
Grimous: Magic awakened

In the world of Grim mana was the second oldest thing as their planet itself, it was an otherworldy energy able to bend reality to their will The gift of mana was only for a few and so the normal people hunt wizards and witches before they could ever grow Their mana was said to be the gift of the world and as destructive as it may be human ingenuity was only second in power These manaless created tools to extract a mage's mana by force known to be brutal and worst cases lead to death Garry Kettle was from a prominent family but everything turned south at age 10 when he awakens his mana

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Prison break [2]

With the liberation of the Gomery twins, the prison was unused by such a chaotic view that everywhere they look carnage arise. This group of elves along with young Kettle singlehandedly rumble the quiet and merciless Dissarteou in mayhem. But as they move lower against the ever-towering walls keeping them at bay they needed rest, as the riot rages they retire to the cafeteria

"Look I found bread! Fuckers we're treating me like some must this whole time, finally a decent meal. Cornflakes!!? Does anyone have some milk?"

As Maximilian rummaged through the supplies of the cafeteria and the twins were on the lookout, young Kettle was to be treated. Lilla bandages his burnt hands before she rubs her special ointment and relieves him of the stinging sensation. Godfrey threw a pair of gloves and he catches so with the use of his left hand untouched by any of his doing

"Salamander gloves, known for their fireproof scales fetch a high price... think of it as a high of sorts, my crew and I are some of the unfortunate bunch. We mostly waste our youth and before we knew it, we're in this business. Selling goods from both Grim and Grimmels is not easy but it brings a plethora of earnings,"

Garry was skeptical of Godfrey's sudden change in attitude and take his view off the gloves that was until his lovely nurse arrived. She held her hands with such warmth and her motherly image takes him by surprise and pleaded for him to wear the gloves. He was rather persistent but her calming tone paired with having his head wrapped around her bosom

"Don't worry, Garry... he means well. Believe me when I say you better take his offer, Godfrey's well-known for being a cheapskate. Heck, he wouldn't even care if their his long-time friend or even his crew to say the least,"


With Lilla's persuasion, Young Kettle wore the excessively large Salamander gloves for it to shift and match its wielder. He never felt strained and even with the cloth beneath the glove, he can properly move his palms with no restriction. He conjured a flame in his palm and as Godfrey swore he never felt the heat of the flames creeping up to his flesh

"Thank you?" He bend a knee forward and extended his hand

"I don't do handshakes... but thanks anyway, oh the twins are back? Is it time already? Max, quite dillydallying or else will leave without you, im not joking,"

Max came forward as the whole team gathered for the report of the Gomery twins in their duty of freeing the prisoners. "Okay everyone, settle down in your seats. We just came back after releasing the last floor, and I'll tell you it was a blast!"

"Focus, Zahyr. We don't have time for your little chatter. Go on, tell them what you saw... sorry to say but I had to cover for this oaf, again. I manage to escape in time but he was rather excited and told me to head back as fast as possible," He interrupted his brother before Zahyr loses his enthusiasm and outright told his side of the story

"All the guards changed their tactics from offense to defense, making their climb here more or less a death sentence. Killers, terrorists, and even murderers are the ones mostly stationed at the top, and let's forget the death row. All im saying is that when I found the surveillance room Umbler ordered her guards along with her lead to suppress the top,"

Godfrey smiled and replied. " Perfect! Just perfect, this is by far the smoothest exit we could ever gain. If they're this concerned about the notorious convicts from escaping then all we need is to slip through. The only problem is..."

Everyone shifted their gaze to the little boy basking in the delicious loaf of bread dashed with blueberry jam. "What's wrong with me?"

"Haiyaaaah! I forgot about that, this whole room isn't just rigged with the highest level of security but mana detectors. If only we have a way– No! Are you insane? Well, die if we use that thing..." Godfrey went into a panicked state as the twins present him with a pair of mana-sealing cuffs

"Relax, Godfrey... do you think we'd do something that intense? At the very least you should know our limits, we can just uncuff him once we're done. Look we made it so that the chains aren't intact he could move without being restricted. Godfrey, there's no other way, we need to take the risk, plus it only explodes if I don't know if it gets cracked or something,"

"Do you mean to say pressured?"

"That's the word, nice one Lilla, so what do you say boss? There's no turning back now, we have to make sacrifices, even the little kid–"

"No! I'm many things but I am not willing to risk the life of a child, not like this... are you telling me to put the child's life at risk? –"

"I'll do it?"

They were stunned and even his resolve would affect Maximilian whose mind wasn't currently present. His eyes showed a tremendous desire to escape, a will that not even the guards could ever break. Garry though still a child knew of a day when he must partake in this bloodied world of the adults

"B-but why? You don't have to do this kid! Look you think you have shit, you ain't gangster, im telling you... you're just a kid, Garry. Just because you gained power doesn't mean you could do anything,"

Even with his logical remarks, Garry steps forth to the twins as they place the cuffs and he immediately felt its effect. His already tired body would shake but he instantly rises and faces Godfrey's eyes. The amount of anger he kept, and the frustration piling up as they proceed became a punch aimed at his knee

"Urgh! What the fuck kid?"

Once he came down to his level Godfrey saw the intensity, the vicious glare, and lastly, hostility beaming from his stare. His collar was pulled closer to his Garry's and there see shown his colors, the personality he built from undertaking his position. A ruthless yet cold stare of an adult, and it originates from the body of a child he once aided

"I didn't do all this for nothing! Killing, forcing my veins, holding back my piling rage for this!? I was promised freedom, I don't care about the risk. I want to survive, and even before you came, in that cold house that I myself kept warm, I survived. The backlash of upholding the responsibility, becoming the heir, and keeping my family safe and sound, I did everything without any concern for my being,"

His hands were quickly slapped away by Godfrey's and he replied. "Fine... you can do whatever, just don't blame me if something happens. I didn't want you to be involved, not in the first place. But you're an Arcanist, either you took my offer or rotted in hell, assist him, any form of pressure will make the cuffs explode,"

Everyone followed the twins as they lead them through the vents and each and everyone enters. What was left of their group was Lilla and their leader Godfrey as they waited for the rest to move before they enter. She shows a different manner and her speech became foul and indifferent to the personality she displayed in front of Garry

"I told you so... you wouldn't be able to change the mind of that child, what's wrong with feeling a little sympathetic? No... Godfrey Lane, don't tell me you've forgotten about everything we've been through because of those Grimmels. Are you seriously siding with that little brat– Huh?"

The walls beneath the vent were crushed with a light swing of his fist along with the murderous glare against Vritle. "I think I've been far too nice, Lilla... I usually don't resort to violence but if you go any further and say anything to that child, so help me– Forget it. Nothing will change, I've told you countless times, the invaders of that time were Grimmels but limited to bastards. You can't discriminate against him because of his origin, and he's a Grim. Don't forget that understood?"

Like Garry's twisted mind, Godfrey was nowhere different. They both hide in masks full of smiles and humor whilst harboring an unforgettable horror. He shifted from his murderous self back to the mask he'd worn kn the presence of his closest friends. As they progress through their escape, a departure originating from the Kettle Manor we're underway

"Are you sure you want to leave? You've been with this family even before Garry and I were born... at the very least allow me to send you off, it's a tradition that the head of the family must do," Frederick's body was stiffened in place and the old man couldn't do but relieve him of his duty

"It's okay, young master Frederick. It wouldn't be the same without the lord, I knew him so well. He wouldn't want to leave you in pain, not after you've been denied to visit. Deep down I know you're in pain, you don't want to be the lord because it only proves the loss of another of your family,"


The head butler interrupts him and says. "Shush... it pains me as well. Teaching that boy, and even seeing him grow to this day. I want to let go of everything and start fresh, I don't want to recall. It's too much,"

Simon left the Manor of House Kettle and as he walks through the rainy evening his cane grew short till it resembles a wand. "Lady Patricia, me too? Why did you seal my memories? Was it for this moment? Did my mission change due to the arrival of the young master?"