
Grimoire Online: MMORPG

Grimoire Online a Full Dive MMORPG that the world has been waiting for with bated breath for over 3 years. All except our protagonist that is, bored and on his way home from his last day of high school Zane, on a whim, picks up a copy of this highly anticipated game, not knowing the heights he would reach. Let's find out!!! I apologize for my grammar ahead of time as I know it will be an issue, but if you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to leave a comment. Constructive criticism only no need to cuss me out, we are men and women of culture after all. Enjoy the story? add it to your library and leave a review. I am thinking of posting a new chapter every day or so. I've had some stuff start happening irl so chapters will now be posted once every two days. Also, this is my first story written with the intent to post it

Distant_Tree · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Act: 1.5-2 A heroin?

Aria skipped along the crowded sidewalk on her way back home from school, a wide beaming smile on her face. Not long later she made a short detour into a streetside noodle shop coming out a couple minutes later with an even more ecstatic expression on her face and an envelope clutched tightly in her right hand. She sprinted down the sidewalk making a bee line towards the nearest FIVER shop where she promptly barged in and bought a copy of Grimoire Online along with the necessary hardware. Aria has been saving up for almost half a year at this point, stashing away every penny that she made at her part time job and now she had finally saved up enough. She wasted no time, once again sprinting towards her home, her newly bought package in tow.

Aria was rabid she had run all the way home and, completely ignoring her mother, climbed the stairs at a frightening pace all to get her new gear set up as quick as possible. Aria has been fallowing the game since its initial gameplay releases a year ago and has been set on playing it ever since, it took her half a year to convince her mother to let her work at a noodle shop owed by a family friend and she was worried she might run out of time to raise the funds but luckily enough her recent pay had given just enough to be able to afford everything along with a little left over for something else. The next few days for Aria were hell, even though she had waited for so long the last two days before she could finally play nearly broke her, she spent her time rummaging through forums that she had looked through a thousand times trying to ease her racing heart. Aria had already decided upon what class she would pick and had long made a preferred plan of progression for herself. While scrolling through the forums she came across an interesting new tid-bit about stats, and skill usage, apparently there was no mana pool for skills to draw from, instead there was a new "pool" called Tolerance and when using skills your Tolerance "pool" would empty once empty you could no longer use skills till the "pool" regenerated enough for another skill usage. In the same post they talked about the intelligence stat and how it would now be used to represent spell power instead of available mana.

After reading through this new post Aria was even more sad that she still had a day until she could play and experiment with the game but soon enough her time came. Aria awoke in much the same way as Zane she was groggy and unaware of her surroundings that is, until her digital clock came into view displaying the current time. 10:00 AM

Aria shot out of bed and stumbled her way through her house taking care of her morning business and grabbing a bite of food before running back to her room, putting on her new headset and laying down in bed, the headset's internal clock read 10:30 AM. Aria quickly accepted the flashing prompt asking her if she wished to enter the game, and her vision darkened.

Zane or rather Khizar appeared in a bustling city square, there was a large fountain at its center situated in the middle of which was a sculpture of three woman. Surrounding the squares edges were hawkers and vendors espousing their wears to whomever may hear. Khizar took a second to take it all in while other players started appearing all around him, names floating above their heads, some normal some not so much. He was interrupted from his musing by a bright blue announcement box that appeared in the air before him.

Welcome to Stonebrook player Khizar, explore and discover, fight and thrive. Good Luck!!!

Reading through the announcement Khizar quickly dismissed it and turned his attention to examining himself. He was wearing a beige short sleeved shirt, brown pants, and a pair of shoddy leather boots. His longsword was strapped to his side while his tower shield was on his back, attempting to draw his sword he received a red notification instead, warning him that combat inside towns was prohibited. Shrugging Khizar walked away from the city square gazing at his surroundings with wonder as he went, the sights and smells, foreign yet familiar, Stonebrook was a wonder. As his eyes wondered he caught sight of what looked to be a message board, curious he walked closer, parting the crowd as he went. It was situated to the side of one of the three main roadways entering into the square, when he got within five yards of the board it lit up with a sort of blue overlay, at the top of which it read "Quest Board". Pausing for a brief moment Khizar walked closer and examined the overlay, it was a box of comparable size to the actual board, it was filled with little boxes that detailed a quest, its level requirement, and party size requirement on the side there was a scroll wheel that allowed one to look through all available quests. The board was currently showing five quests all of which required you to be level:10 or have other party members two requirements Khizar didn't meet. Scrolling down to the bottom he began to see quest he could do, the only problem being that they were almost all fetch quests. So, with certainty Khizar selected and then accepted the only non-fetch quest whose requirements he met.

Quest: Rats in The Basement - Level:1-4 required - Party size of 1-2 people required - Accept Y/N

A weird feeling of mirth came over Khizar when he accepted the quest, but he moved on quickly distracted by the simi-translucent arrow that appeared before him pointing down the street at a slight angel. About to fallow the quest arrow Khizar paused and decided to do something that he probably already should have done, he checked his Status screen.

Name: Khizar Level:1 0/100exp

Titles: None Race: Human

Grimoire: (None), (Locked)

Class: Warrior

Stats: ATK: 25 DEF: 6

Str (15) Con (13) Health (130/130)

Agi (12) Wis (10) Int (10) Tolerance (6/6)

Skills: Shield bash Lvl:1, Slash Lvl:1

Equipped items: Basic iron longsword lvl:1 (Common), Basic iron belted-wooden tower shield lvl:1 (Common)

Looking through his Status Khizar was pleased, when reading through the forums he had come across a post talking about a mechanic called Tolerance and was now glad he had read it, and while the post didn't cover everything it covered enough, he had his own speculations, such as how he thought Tolerance was measured as half of one's Con score, but he would have to find out later. Khizar also noticed his two skills but didn't bother to look into them as he found them rather self-explanatory, [Slash] increased dmg and [Shield bash] well... he slams his shield into his opponent, simple. Closing his Status Khizar began to fallow his guide arrow down the street continuing to take in the otherworldly sights around him, along his way Khizar was interrupted a couple of times, once when he accidently bumped into another player, and they began to cuss him out until they turned to face him at which point, they stopped and began rushing away. The other time he got distracted by the wares of one of the streetside sellers and paused for a couple minuets marveling at the intricacy and detail that all of the jewelry had. Eventually though he made it to his destination.

Khizar stood in front of a not so decent looking inn, the painted wood sign hanging above the entrance called the place "The Horses Troff" a fitting name from what he could see. The wooden steps leading up to the entrance were old and weathered, cracked in places, and splintered in others. From the front, the nicest part of the building was the painted sign, shrugging at the buildings disheveled appearance Khizar carefully made his way up the worn steps and entered through the broken doorway, said door hanging on by a single hinge. The inside of the building was dark what little light there was entered through the sparce grime caked windows and the broken doorway, surprisingly enough there were more than a few patrons, maybe twenty in the hole establishment. Khizar's eyes skirted over the interior as he walked towards the bar dodging stray stools and a few stuck-out feet along the way. Bellying up to the bar Khizar declined to lean agents it and instead stood next to it while waving down the sole bartender. Walking over the bartender set down the glass he'd been cleaning and looked at him with an irritated expression saying.

"What do you want?" Nodding at the question Khizar quickly responded saying simply. "I'm here to deal with your rat problem" eyes brightening at his words the bartender waved him behind the counter telling Khizar to fallow him. Following behind the Bartender they entered a room just behind the bar, which as it turned out, was the kitchen. Moving through the cramped kitchen they eventually ended up near the back amongst stacks of creates and supplies. The bartender, shoving aside a stack of creates, reviled the entrance to a seller on the back wall, which he promptly opened turning he looked at Khizar with a broad smile filled with yellow and black teeth and spoke.

"Well, down you go then!!!"

A heroin? yes, yes she is. Anyway, I think that this one is smother than the first and i'd like to think im getting more compatent but who knows¯\_(ツ)_/¯. As allways if you have any ideas or thoughts on the chapter or story leave a coment, and remember, enjoy!!!

Distant_Treecreators' thoughts