
Grimoire of Omnipotence

All powers here are from Superpower Wiki Hope this will help someone out there in need of a type of power for their character.

GoldShiresInn · Anime & Comics
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Meta Powers(part 26 are we near the end of the M's?)


The ability to learn and master anything. Sub-power of Absolute Intelligence. Opposite to Meta-Teaching.

Also Called

Absolute/Complete/True Learning

Freelancer (Final Fantasy Series)







User has the ability to learn and master anything. Unlike when copying or replicating something the user has to fully recognize and process the mechanics behind whatever they are choosing to learn.

It is because of this "understanding" that users of this ability can usually take what they have learned and improve upon it. Copying and replication can leave you stuck at the level of whomever you copied from. Users of this ability grasp things for themselves and continue to evolve what they have learned.

High level users may be able to even learn that which is scientifically or logically incoherent or even learn abilities, skills and knowledge that is incomprehensible to the human mind.


Any power the user wants to learn:

Ability Imprinting

Ability Transcendence

Absolute Growth - User is able to grow infinitely in any area they choose.

Absolute Potential

Accelerated Development

Adaptive Learning

Alternate-Self Learning

Enhanced Ability Learning

Enhanced Power Replication

Fictional Learning

Instant Learning

Instructive Muscle Memory

Knowledge Ascendancy

Limitation Transcendence


Personal Mastery



Technique Reading

Training Regimen

Skill Replication


Infinite Resourcefulness


Ability Learning

Enhanced Ability Learning



Ability Creation

Ability Intuition

Ability Learning

Ability Mastering

Absolute Intelligence

Almighty Replication

Eternal Evolution

Experience Mimicry

Nigh-Complete/Complete Arsenal


Potential Creation

Potential Replication


Skill Creation

Skill Replication


The power to possess anything/everything. Ultimate version of Possession.

Also Called

Absolute Possession



User can possess or take over anything, including the living, the dead, objects, animals, plants, locations, powers, attacks, energy, and abstract/conceptual forces etc., and bypass/ignore Possession Immunity. Users may or may not have to leave their own body for this to take place. Disembodied users such as spirits may use the body as their own.


All Possession powers

Adaptive Possession

Animal Possession

Corpse Possession

Empathic Possession

Environmental Possession

Object Possession

Partial Possession


Possessive Enhancement

Possession Slash

Possessive Body

Possessive Teleportation

Remote Possession

Spirit Possession

Technological Possession

Multi Possession

Unity - By Possessing everything.


Body Manipulation/Object Manipulation - Alter the host to resemble their original forms.

Subvert Imprisonment


The ability to train/teach others to perform skills/use abilities that cannot be taught. Sub-power of Absolute Intelligence. Absolute form of Teaching Intuition. Opposite to Meta-Learning.

Also Called

Impossible Teaching/Training


The user can train, instruct, or otherwise teach to others skills/abilities that cannot be naturally taught. For example, superpowers unrestricted to combat and condition, or skills unable to be masterfully performed by someone like them due to whatever reason.

The teacher may not have to have the abilities to teach them, but knowledge and understanding of the ability must be present in order for the ability to be taught "correctly".


Ability Teaching

Limitation Defiance

Power Bestowal

Pedagogy Intuition

Skill Bestowal


Ability Creation

Ability Focus

Ability Imprinting

Ability Intuition

Ability Learning

Ability Mastering

Ability Nexus

Ability Recharging

Ability Transcendence

Accelerated Development

Body Supremacy

Enhanced Potential

Epiphany Inducement

Limitation Transcendence

Limiter Removal

Mystical Martial Arts


Potential Creation


Skill Creation

Skill Replication

Special Ops Mastery

Supernatural Hunter

Supernatural Priest Physiology

Supernatural Shrine Maiden Physiology


Training Regimen

Transcendent Physiology


Failure to control a powerful ability may result in injuries, or even death to the student.

Teaching others will take time.

In some scenarios because of the Plateau effect, the student might reach the peak of their physical and/or mental limits and may be incapable of improvement beyond that.

Uniqueness cannot be taught.

-->Metaphoric Combat

The ability to fight/defeat anything through a metaphorical clash of selves. Variation of Psychological Combat.

Also Called

Clash of Ideals

Figurative Combat

Symbolic Fighting


The user can fight/defeat anything through a metaphorical clash of selves- their ideals and belief in them, passions, passion, beliefs, self-belief, confidence, talents, etc, as reality becomes a figurative expression of the clashing of these things. This means they can fight others that are far beyond their own strength and capabilities if they possess conviction in their own ideals and self, etc, strongly enough, and more strongly than others involved.

This isn't the same as utilizing self-belief in physical combat as many can do. Instead, any physical combat that happens with this power will just be a representation of the clashing ideals, or combat abilities will directly stem from the potency of their ideals, talents, beliefs/self-belief, etc.


Ambition Manipulation

Belief Dependent Capability/Physiology

Belief Vocifery


Figurative Vocifery

Imaginative Condition/Manifestation

Lesser/Greater Immunity

Lesser/Greater Enslavement


Mindscape Materialization/Transportation

Perspective Manipulation

Will Empowerment


Psychological Combat

Reality Warping

Subjective Reality


It's difficult to gauge how strong an opponent will be through this power, so caution and knowledge will be needed.

Outcomes of using this power may be unpredictable.

Any damage/effects caused during the usage of power to the environment and people may not/may linger after combat has settled.

Representations of people's ideals, etc, may wildly vary in style, laws, and format, so being able to adapt to anything thrown your way is a must.

If user doesn't believe in anything specifically, or only has vague ideals, they'll be defeated every time.

-->Metaphysics Manipulation

The power to manipulate Metaphysics, the philosophical phenomena beyond physics. Sub-power of Omnipotence. Advanced version of Physics Manipulation. Lesser Version of Pataphysics Manipulation. Basis of Science.

Also Called

Higher Physical Laws/Mechanics Control/Manipulation


Metaphysical Manipulation

Metascience Manipulation


The user can manipulate Metaphysics (from the Greek words μετά (metá) ("beyond", "upon" or "after") and φυσικά (physiká) ("physics")): the ability to deal with all things undetectable by the physical senses. Metaphysics includes science, and goes beyond it to encompass all aspects and dimensions of existence experienced as "reality". In the conscious evolution, metaphysics has taken its place as one of the most comprehensive and most effective means of gaining knowledge and understanding about the true nature of the physical Universe.

Branches of Metaphysics


All/Various Cosmic Abilities

Boundary Manipulation

Causality Manipulation

Complete Arsenal

Law Manipulation

Meta Space-Time Manipulation

Omniverse Manipulation

System Manipulation

Universal Manipulation


Form Manipulation

Knowledge Manipulation

Logic Manipulation

Meta-Concept Manipulation

Science Manipulation

Truth Manipulation

Natural Theology

Existential Perfection





Primordial Deity Physiology

Primordial Force Manipulation



Absolute Existence

Absolute Restoration

Existence Manipulation


Pataphysics Manipulation


Physics Manipulation

Metaphysics Manipulation

Pataphysics Manipulation

Omni-Physics Manipulation

Fundamental Laws

Law of Attraction

Law of Excluded Middle

Law of Identity

Law of Noncontradiction


Various Meta powers

Destiny Manipulation

Event Manipulation

Past/Future Manipulation

Esoteric Force Manipulation

Immaterial Manipulation

Concept Manipulation

Origin Manipulation

Paradox Manipulation

Philosophy Manipulation

Knowledge Manipulation

Encyclopaedic Knowledge


Forbidden Knowledge


Existence Replication

Transcendent Science

Meta Science

Pseudoscience Manipulation

Quantum Manipulation

Reality Warping

Reality Level Manipulation (limited to metaphysical levels of reality)

Space-Time Manipulation

Subjective Reality

Structure Manipulation

Supernatural Manipulation

Meta Luck


Phenomenon Manipulation


Absolute Wish

Meta Manipulation


Philosophy Embodiment

Philosophy Materialization

Science Manipulation


The power to do anything. Simplified expression of Omnipotence. Not to be confused with Ultipotence.

Also Called

Action-Aspect/Simplified Expression of Omnipotence

Actualized/Activated Omnipotence

Inexplicable/Inscrutable/Unexplainable/Unfathomable/Unjustifiable/Unreasonable Power

Meta Logic Manipulation

Selective Omnipotence

Omnipotence In Action/On Display

Resulting Omnipotence

Simplified Omnipotence

The Inconceivable

True Fathomless/Inconceivable Power


Metapotence is purely centred on Omnipotence as the ability to "do absolutely anything and everything," rather than "being supremely almighty in every sense." Users are literally able to do anything, regardless of how contradictory or paradoxical it may be, and with ease, accomplish unquestionably impossible feats just by wanting it.

Users usually do not necessarily possess absolutely every power (though it would be trivial for them to grant themselves all of them), however, they are capable of completely recreating the effects of any power without actually needing the power itself. They hold power infinitely beyond logic and understanding, fundamentally allowing them to achieve whatever they want, in any way they want, both limitlessly and perfectly. Their power automatically overrides all opposing forces and abilities completely, like they didn't even exist in the first place.

To summarize: While Omnipotence is almighty over everything, Metapotence is almighty over anything.


Absolute Attack: Have an attack so powerful that no matter how great your defence is, it still won't protect you.

Absolute Change: Change anything, anyone, anywhere.

Absolute Death Manipulation: Manipulate death entirely and all deaths.

Absolute Defence: Possess an impenetrable defence.

Absolute Destruction: Destroy anything, even things that can restore anything can be completely destroyed with no way of reversing the effect.

Absolute Erasure: Erase anything from existence to the point where it cannot be reversed and even returning back isn't safe.

Absolute Manipulation: Manipulate all things absolute.

Absolute Force Manipulation: Manipulate all forces to an absolute and unlimited level.

Absolute Invincibility: Be absolutely unbeatable.

Absolute Life Manipulation: Manipulate any and all forms of life.

Absolute Recreation: Recreate anything so perfectly that it is indistinguishable from the original.

Absolute Restoration: Restore anything back to its original state.

Absolute Will: Exert one's will over creation without limit.

Absolute Wish: Grant a limitless number of wishes.

Meta Summoning: Summon absolutely anyone or anything.

Author Authority: Be the author and writer of all things.

Authority Manipulation: Manipulate authority and the highest of hierarchies.

Autopotence: Have omnipotent control over one's own being.

Absolute Condition: Possess capabilities, attributes and aspects at a maximum and limitless level.

Absolute Immortality: Be absolutely eternal and imperishable.

Omnifarious: Turn into absolutely anything.

Omnireplication: Replicate anything without limit.

Boundary Manipulation: Control all boundaries and separations.

Causality Manipulation: Control the relationship between cause and effect.

Conceptual Lordship: Have absolute control over all concepts.

Cosmic Otherness: Be completely distinct from everything.

Cycle Manipulation: Manipulate the cycles of life, death, yin, yang, opposites and everything else.

Definition Manipulation: Manipulate all definitions and meanings.

Dual Warping: Control everything in a rational and logical way or an irrational and illogical way.

Subjective Reality: Manipulate the boundary between fantasy and reality.

Virtual Warping: Manipulate reality in a computer-like fashion.

Existence Manipulation: Manipulate existence and all there is.

Parallel Existence Manipulation: Manipulate parallels and alternates of things that already exist.

Freedom: Be free from absolutely all boundaries and limitations.

Rule Transcendence: Be beyond all rules and laws.

Selective Transcendence: User can selectively transcend anything.

Absolute Transcendence: Transcend everything/Anything.

Conceptual Transcendence: Transcend any and all concepts.

Duality Transcendence: Transcend duality and all binary oppositions.

Perfection: Be the most perfect being.

Indeterminacy: Have immeasurable levels of power that cannot be understood nor definable.

Infinity Manipulation: Manipulate all infinities and the concepts of infinities.

Logic Manipulation: Manipulate logic and reason.

Axiom Manipulation: User can control the foundation of concepts, meanings and principles.

Logic Defiance: Defy what is logical and rational.

Logic Infringement: The user can ignore logic/reason.

Logic Mandate: Dictate the rules of logic.

Paradox Manipulation: Manipulate paradoxes, contradictions and things that doesn't make sense.

Paradox Defiance: Defy all laws of paradoxes, contradictions and inconsistencies and so the user can do the impossible and possible at the same time.

Mentifery: Achieve any desired change to any aspect of reality by thought alone.

Meta Banishment: Banish absolutely anything from anywhere.

Meta-Concept Manipulation: Manipulate concepts that are beyond and incomprehensible.

Meta Disaster Manipulation: Manipulate the most powerful disasters.

Meta Fate Manipulation: Manipulate all fates.

Meta Manipulation: Manipulate metanarratives and notions.

Meta Miracle Manipulation: Create and control the ultimate miracles.

Meta Perspective Manipulation: Manipulate any perspective.

Meta Power Manipulation: Control and manipulate all powers and abilities.Meta Ability Creation: Create any ability the user wants, or even every ability.

Complete Arsenal: Have every single power that has, currently and will ever exist and not exist.

Meta Immunity Bypassing: Bypass all immunities.

Meta Power Destruction: Destroy any and all powers from basic to absolute.

Meta Power Immunity: Be immune to all powers that have existed, currently exist, and will ever exist.

Meta Power Negation: Negate or nullify the effects of all powers.

Meta Probability Manipulation: Manipulate all probabilities, possibilities, improbable and impossible outcomes.

Meta Luck: Have a never-ending amount of luck and fortune.

Meta Teleportation: Be anywhere and anytime without limit.

Omniarch: To rule over all creation and the above and beyond itself.

Absolute Law Manipulation: Control rules that are unbreakable and absolute.

Almighty Law Creation: Create rules that cannot be broken.

Omni-Action: Do everything all at once.

Omnificence: Create absolute anything no matter how impossible it may appear to be.

Omni Distortion: Distort and bend anything.

Omni-Manipulation: Manipulation of all things.

Omni-Physics Manipulation: Alter all physics whether comprehensible or incomprehensible.

Pataphysics Manipulation: Manipulate the incomprehensible and indescribable that exist beyond the metaphysical.

Beyondness Manipulation: Manipulate everything beyond anything.

Metaphysics Manipulation: Control things that are far beyond the physical.

Origin Manipulation: Alter the origins of all things in existence and reality as a whole.

Alpha Reality: Manipulate the origin, the first and birth of all realities.

Omega Reality: Control the end and finally of all realities.

Self Origin Manipulation: Manipulating one's own origins.

Reality Warping: Manipulate reality in general.

Science-Magic Ascendancy: Have capabilities beyond what magic and science could ever hope to achieve.

Almighty Magic: Wield omnipotent magic.

Almighty Science: Be omnipotent over science.

Supernatural Manipulation: Control what is not normal, the supernatural and its rules.

Unity: To be everything in all of existence and beyond.

Totality Embodiment: Be the embodiment of everything.

Universal Irreversibility: Perform actions and cause events that are irreversible, unbreakable and cannot be undone.


Eternal Transcendence


Reality Dreaming



It is possible for Metapotence and Omnipotence to coexist. Example: A Metapotent being existing in relation to The Omnipotent (as an individual manifestation of The Omnipotent being).

Despite the similarities between Omnipotence and Metapotence, they are not the same powers: Omnipotence is to be understood as the state of being truly almighty, while Metapotence is to be understood as the ability to perform almighty actions.

While Omnipotence possesses all attributes and qualities such as being absolutely perfect, eternal and all knowing, it is not a requirement for Metapotence though it can achieve them at anytime.

Omnipotence can't be attained, Metapotence can and while there can only be One Omnipotent being per fictional setting, this is not the case for Metapotent beings depending on the circumstances. Example: There can be multiple Metapotent beings if they are hypostasis or individual manifestations of an Omnipotent being. (A specific example of this is God, Christ, The Holy Spirit, and The Angel of The Lord).

One Metapotent being had always existed while the other ascended to this position. (For example, The Law of Identity and Akuto Sai).

The story showing or mentioning multiple characters who exist in a position of grandeur and are able to accomplish anything. (Examples of this are The Creators, Featherine Augustus Aurora and Maria Ushiromiya).

It's a rule on the wiki that Omnipotence absolutely can't be achieved via other powers or otherwise, however there's nothing stopping an author from writing a story where a character achieves it. There are character examples of this listed in the known users (Godhead Pickle Inspector, Kami Tenchi, etc). But for the sake of the Omnipotence page's description and wiki stability, all character examples of Achieving Omnipotence will be listed here instead of the Omnipotence page.

There are five types of Metapotent beings: Type 1: An individual character who exists in relation to The Omnipotent being, as a way for it to be understood by other characters in the setting. (Examples: Jesus Christ, Barbelo, Metatron (Unsong) and Void Shiki).

Type 2: An Omnipotent being performing any action within the setting. (Examples; God, Para Brahman, Bathala, The Supernormal State, Supreme Archetype, God (Unsong), Lord of Nightmares/L-sama, and Eru Ilúvatar).

Type 3: A character who has shown to be able to accomplish absurdly ridiculous and impossible feats with no effort or difficulty within a setting with no further context given explaining the nature of their powers. (Examples; Creasion and Minus).

Type 4: Characters with a description that may qualify them to be users of Omnipotence, however, there's not enough evidence or information to support that they truly are. (Examples; Undoubtedly First, Supreme Consciousness, and The White Light).

Type 5: A character who ascends to become the sole absolute almighty within a setting. This character must have firm evidence to prove this such as; being shown, portrayed, or mentioned to exist above all others in the setting, never being shown to have any type of flaws, limitations or weaknesses, have power over almost if not everyone else in the setting combined, etc. (Example; Godhead Pickle Inspector, Kami Tenchi, and SCP-3812).

-->Midpoint Dominance

The ability to control anything and everything in-between the start and end. Related with Beginning Dominance and Conclusion Dominance.

Also Called

Absolute Midpoint

Between/Centrality/Intermediate/Median Control/Manipulation


The Midpoint/Midway Point


The user can cause an absolute midway point between the start and end, or ending and start, for anything and everything. The user can control what happens in the midpoint of something, whether its nature is physical, spiritual, or metaphysical. They can use this power to change events such as adventures.


Cycle Manipulation

Divergence Manipulation

Energy Derivation

Interspatial Manipulation

Meta Space-Time Manipulation

Subspace Manipulation

Nexus Manipulation

Omni-Atomic Manipulation

Matter Manipulation

Pan-Dimensional Physiology


Beginning Dominance

Center Manipulation

Conclusion Dominance

Era Manipulation


Reality Warping

Spatial Manipulation

Time Manipulation


Users are unable to affect users of Omnilock, Meta Power Immunity, Immutability, Personal Mastery and Absolute Transcendence.

Users of any power that includes Eternity Embodiment or Eternal Existence are immune as eternity has no start, finish and endpoint, hence this power can only be applied to finite subjects.

Users are unable to start or end anything, just control in-between.

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."

― Anthony J. D'Angelo

"The teaching of one virtuous mentor can influence many; that which has been learned well by one generation can be passed on to a hundred."

― Jigoro Kano, Founder of Judo

"Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you."

― Jeremiah 32:17

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