

Opening the door, Zoe and Fenris kept their heads down as they quickly made their way towards a door in the back. On the other side of the door was a large brick wall with a single metal trashcan, walking forward Zoe muttered " from the trash can, three up and two across " tapping on the correct brick it sunk into the wall. Stepping back the sound of stone grinding on stone rang through the alleyway before the wall parted forming an archway into the famous Diagon Alley. With quick steps the wove their way through the cobblestone streets not making eye contact with the men and women wearing long wizard robes.

Soon they found themselves at a large building made out of white marble, above the door engraved into the stone letter spelled out two words Gringotts Bank. The doors are flanked by a goblin in a uniform of scarlet and gold, entering Gringotts, Zoe, and Fenris to see a small entrance hall and another set of doors.

Engraved on these silver doors are the words

Enter, stranger, but take heed of what awaits the sin of greed for those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn. So if you seek beneath our floors A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned, beware of finding more than treasure there.

These doors are also flanked by goblins who open the doors as they walk in to see a vast marble hall long counters stretching along its length with doors leading off to the vault passageways with around a hundred goblins sitting at them.

Walking to one of the free counters Fenris clears his throat getting the attention of the goblin who was reading what looked like a newspaper but with moving, black and white pictures. Looking up at them with great annoyance in his eyes the goblin sighed, " What do you want ". Ignoring his blatant don't give two shits attitude Ferris replied in a calm even tone, " We would like to have our blood tested, please " somehow letting out a bigger sigh than before the goblin got up from his desk and started to walk towards one of the many bronze doors. " Follow me " belying his short legs Fenris and Zoe almost had to run to keep up with the sort creature.

Opening the doors they were presented with a room only furnished with a large wooden table and three chairs one of which was occupied by a much older looking goblin, Once they were fully in the room the door slammed behind them making the both of them flinch. Gesturing to the chair opposite him the goblin began to speak in a smooth voice of a professional, " So I understand that both of you would like to see if your eligible for any unclaimed vaults. "

When they nodded the goblin smiled before snapping his fingers and two bowls and two silver knives appeared in front of Zoe and Fenris. Taking the hint Fenris cut his palm letting the blood drip into the bowl, his actions were quickly followed by Zoe. With another snape the bowls and knives disappeared, " The results will only take a moment " true to his word in just a minute two pieces of folded paper with wax seals appeared on the table.

" Both of you are very lucky Gringotts doesn't have that many unclaimed vaults, now shall we " with practiced ease the old goblin pulled out a letter opener cutting through the wax opening both letters before reading them.

His eyes steadily widened as he read over which vaults they could open, with shaky hands he handed one letter to each of them, on Fenris's paper three vaults were listed with the names of previous owners, Vault 1 Merlin, Vault 34 Godric Gryffindor, and Vault 45 Salazar Slytherin. There were only two names on Zoe's paper but they were equally jaw-dropping, Vault 22 Rowena Ravenclaw, and Vault 56 Helga Hufflepuff.

Clearing his throat the old goblin steadied his shaking hands before snaping once more, this time five small boxes appeared on the table, and with a simple motion from the goblin, all the boxes opened all of them holding rings. Fenris and Zoe took great care putting them on, the Gryffindor ring was a gold band with a red lions head carved from ruby, the Slytherin ring was in the form of two snakes carved from a pitch-black stone. Merlin's ring was carved out of wood with blue veins of energy running across the wood.

Zoe's rings also ones to scoff as, the Ravenclaw ring was a dark purple with small gems of amethyst placed on the outside, Hufflepuff's was a silver band with black swirls. Fenris turned to the old goblin, " I'm sure there's no problem with us seeing the vault " the goblin quickly made his way to the door opening it for them, " This way if you please " in five minutes Zoe and Fenris were in a magical cart which sped them off into the depths of Gringotts. As expected of the five greatest wizards to live most of them had an incredible amount of wealth but most of it wasn't in the form of hard currency.

Godric Gryffindor had surmised a mountain of magical arms and armor along with some ancient magical artifacts. Salazar Slytherins vault was filled with magical components of all kinds some of which haven't been seen in millennia. As they were about to leave the vault Fenris found one particular item, it was a heavy tome full of recipes for magical items and potions with detailed instructions. The find made Fenris giddy, while his tribal knowledge gave him the ability to learn everything about a plant or animal once he saw it. He was clueless when it came to basic alchemy not to mention the crafting of magical items.

Continuing their window shopping, they visited Merlin's vault next and what they saw was kind of a letdown at first, instead of massive riches expected of the greatest wizard of all time the vault had capsules filled with eggs or small stillborn babies. When they stepped into the room a blinking book icon appeared in the corner of his vision, focusing on the icon the same translucent book appeared in front of Fenris. Clicking on the glowing mission tab a scroll of text appeared.

________________________________________________________________________________________[Mission: Beastiary]

During his travels, Merlin has encountered many rare creatures and had taken the forethought to capture revert them back to their adolescence and put them in a magical stasis so they may one day make a return. You are tasked with finding an area suitable to raise creatures of all kinds.

Requirements: Place must have, water source, forest, sand, and caves

Time Limit: 6 months

Rewards: Skill Book


When he asked Zoe she told him that she had also gotten quest and they agreed it would become a priority. From then they moved on to the last two vaults, Ravenclaws was full of magical tomes and books, Helga Hufflepuff must have been a hoarder because the vault was filled with piles of gems, gold, pieces of jewelry, and valuable metals.