
Grim's Fables

Every happy tale has it's shadows. Every good, it's own version of evil. These are those evil's. Those monsters and those stories that haunt your every waking moment. From GrimsCorner comes a collection of horrifying and thrilling fables about monsters, demons, ghosts, and ghouls, all in the forms of short stories.

GrimsCorner · Horror
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Anna had always been a sweet and loving daughter to her parents, bringing joy and laughter to their home with her playful antics. Her room was filled with toys, but her favorite was a porcelain doll her parents had given her on her seventh birthday. It was a beautiful doll with curly brown hair and blue eyes that sparkled in the light. Its dress was a pale pink color, with a lace collar and ribbons tied in a bow.

The dolls name was appropriately given by Anna upon receiving it. Amanda was its name, and to Anna, she was the best friend anyone could have ever asked for. They did practically everything together. They ate dinner together, they went to the park together, they even went to school together when her parents allowed it.

Now this one fact, is important to note. The fact about her parents growing dislike for Amanda. They noticed that Anna spent more time with her than anyone else, that she was treating it like an actual human being. They decided that, eventually, they would take the doll from Anna, and have her meet new friends.

This did not sit well with Anna, as she grew incredibly angry with her parents whenever they would try to take the doll away. Every time they tried, something would happen in the room. Either the lights would go out, or something would fall over. It frightened the parents so much so that they simply just let it be. The fools.

The doll sat on a shelf in Anna's room, always watching over her as she slept peacefully. But as time went on, something began to change in Anna. Her parents noticed a darkness in their daughter's eyes, as if something had taken hold of her soul. She became withdrawn, spending more and more time alone in her room with her beloved doll.

One evening, Anna's parents sat down for dinner, but Anna did not join them. They called her name, but there was no answer. Worried, they went up to her room to check on her, only to find her standing there, holding Amanda, the doll, in her arms.

Her parents were relieved to see their daughter safe, but as they approached her, they noticed a strange look in her eyes. She seemed almost possessed, as if someone else was controlling her body. And then, without warning, Anna lunged at her parents with a kitchen knife in hand, screaming in a voice that was not her own.

The parents tried to defend themselves, but Anna was too strong. She overpowered them with an unnatural strength, driven by an evil force that had taken control of her. Amanda watched from the shelf, its eyes seeming to glow with an otherworldly light as Anna plunged the knife into the skulls of her parents.

The next day, the authorities arrived at the scene of the crime, finding the bodies of Anna's parents brutally murdered. Anna was nowhere to be found, and the police were left with no leads on her whereabouts. But deep down, they knew that something sinister had taken hold of the sweet little girl they once knew.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, with no sign of Anna. But then, one day, a neighbor reported seeing a little girl matching Anna's description wandering the streets with a doll in her arms. When the police arrived, they found Anna in a nearby park, sitting on a bench and talking to Amanda as if it were a real person.

Anna was taken into custody, and the doll was sent for forensic testing. What they found was chilling. The doll was imbued with dark magic, a cursed object that had taken hold of Anna's mind and soul, turning her into a monster capable of unspeakable acts.

Anna was tried for her crimes, but the doll was never found. Some say it still lurks in the shadows, waiting for its next victim to possess and control. The story of the cursed doll and the innocent girl it twisted into a killer life on as a cautionary tale, a warning to all who would dare to bring dark magic into their homes.