
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Episode 16: Ending, Part One.

For the sake of humanity, sacrifices jad to be made.

Sadly, their name will not be written in history.

To think all of this started to avoid the extinction of the humans.

Margaret Vahass was used to divert the attention of GM enough to cause the failure of the initial plan.

Pure blood children of GM were used do the unforgiven.

And to face the NOW Ultimate Power December The Strong, a goddess was born.

The FaceOFF was now.

Muriel vs....

Los Angeles.

Sunny day.

Perfect day for a bronzage.

"The sun is at its highest! SO! I guess this is the final tip off!"

From the highest building in the city was a December, with GM and three of GM's Children.

"A tip off of anthology. Don't y'all think?!"

Screamed of excitement December to everyone who could hear.

And at the bottom, Muriel and Gwenn Klauus.

"He is loud.. I guess Greorgorian Marrtellis is a just a pussy, hiding behind that guy...~Yo! Ken Guy!! I ain't your friend! Come down here so I can strangle you.."

Added Muriel, getting antsy of being looked down upon.

"..aaaaaaAAhhhh Hello Miss! I feel like this is an ambush.. As soon as we pop up I see your faces.. You feel that Greg..?-- My Friend.. You seem like a smart ass. I don't want to---"

Tried to explain December but quickly got interrupted by Muriel getting irritated by the seconds cause' of December's arrogance.

"You are not my friend. I don't know you. Let's keep it that way..."

Glaring off at each other, the animosity was getting bigger at every punctuation.

"True. We don't know each other.. But I do have to thank you. You indirectly freed me you know; cause' of you: I don't have a mother anymore."

Said December with relieved.

Muriel sighed at the ridiculous speech of December.

"No more playing.. Gwenn Klauus, stay behind. Try not to get killed."

As she said that, Muriel jumped forward and high.

"...Solace. War is not for the weak. I guess violence will always be the answer for everything. Goddess of Humanity Muriel: I present myself as The Advocate of "Go Fuck Yourself!"; I am December The Strong. Let's take this to another level.."

Spoke December as he let his body fall from the rooftop.

Clashing hands.

This was the Official second bout of Muriel and December.

Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe.

Both looked shocked at sight of the ONE They Used to call as 'The Strong'.

The Mother was astonished and felt calmer as the stress relieved at once.

Taking a knee as a form of respect for the Strongest, their fear couldn't be ignored.

The eyes of that one was a menace.

They could feel this intent from afar.

Despite being on his side, they were afraid of him.

December had never looked this powerful.

At that moment, GM felt happy.

On the other hand, Gwenn Klauus was feeling teary.

Though nothing had gone as she planned.

She finally witnessed IT.

Humanity holding its own against the Greater Beings.

Deep within her heart, she was satisfied.

Now, it was up to Muriel.

To prove that she was worthy of having godly powers.







This is a draft.

'Greorgorian Marrtellis Book 1' came from this.

That's how GM was written to be: An old Mummy Queen out for revenge. Though it changed to what you know now.

One day, monster made of black goo appeared for total duration of 28 Seconds. Enough time to allow them to wreck apart the very little thing that made my life less shittier than how it was beforehand. I lost everything precious to my heart: my home, my momma and Jacob, my boyfriend of the time. I really didn't think it was my fault until I started to have hallucinations of my trip to Cleopatra's Tomb. I had been cursed by an ancient queen. And everytime, I was frustrated, angry, happy, or anything related to me emotionaly, those black goo monsters would appear and the consequences would result in the people I loved's death. Hence, the course of my life had changed. I didn't become a queen like in the movies. Or a member of people having powers like. I had simply become alone. Found out at some point, I was forcefully sentenced to Solitary cell for the rest of my life. But miracously, something happened around 30 years after I was imprisoned. I was freed by stupid idiots who thought they could use me for their work. But they made a mistake. What they awoken wasn't the petty girl crying every night for a second chance. What they got out of an eternal slumber was a bitch who wanted to fuck the world real bad...


This is another draft that inspired December The Strong as a character.

He's different![Chapter 1-3]

Talent is something obtaine-able through one's sheer effort. It doesn't matter if you paid for it. It doesn't matter if you stole for it.

As long as you have it, you will be 'A Ranked' and drown in Extreme Wealth.

In a sociopathic world where Money is at the centre of Every talks, a young child is born from a mutual Real Love of Two Men and One Woman.

And that child is bound to become the most talented being as he grows up and meets all sort of character.

Year 1951.

Five and few's months after the Second War where The World almost lost.

A new dawn and a new day are showing themselves as a little boy is grasped back from his dream into the cold real world. A fine sheet covering himself is not enough is protect against the coldth but he wakes up as if it doesn't matter. Nearly in his seven's, he cleans his bed. Brushes his teeth and washes himself before dressing up. A gray short with a whitened enormous 'T' engraved on it and a cool black-ish gray hoodie a bit larger than his size but overall, his style is trending.

As he takes the stair to go down one story, he finds a smiling family. Sitting down on his chair, he sees his milk and eggs already up there and warm to eat. To his left, a tiny girl, to what it seems to be his little sister. To his right, a mother. And before him, on the other side of the table, two men chit-chatting about soccer.

"Mommy, I mafe a Dhinnaushor!!"

Back to his left, the little sister is playing with her food and spilling some on the boy. But the boy doesn't care and stares at the little sister with voidness in the heart.

A loud laugh scares the little sister made from the two men which causes the mother to be angered. Silenced, the two men apologizes for their rudeness and they start eating happily after.

Four minutes and twenty seconds later, the little boy finishes his meal and asks to be listened for one moment. The two men brings their attention to their little son and the mother continues eating nonetheless not paying attention to what's going on. And so does the little sister.

"The Coach at my School wishes to make me a Basketball Star because he thinks that I am more than talented in it. Can I pursue that dream which I could careless giving a fuck, please, Fathers?"

With a nod, the little boy gets the approval of his Fathers. His mother keeps eating as if nothing just happened.

While it is true that the little boy was born from a Unique Love that can't be found anymore, he never received an ounce of that love since his birth. As he was forced to live in an abandonned orphanage for four years with the bare minimum. Went through torture for two years with his mother. And finally, on his seventh years, he could finally have a room. A warm-y place to live and grow.

But for you all to understand what he may or may not have gone through. How about we take a detour and visits his memories of back then?


Six and few's years prior.

Gunky orphanage on the verge of collapsing on itself.

I've been enclosed in this tight room for a while now, despite myself being of a small size. I wonder what this meaning is to people who gets to eat. Shit don't get to stop and I am famished. I hear the river of faeces the other side of the wall and my thirst for water keeps telling me I must have it.

I'm so down the rope, my mind has lost its reasoning. I've stopped wondering when it will end. I've started counting the days left for me to suffer in seclusion. I don't even get to eat myself, as there's nothing to cut myself with..

At least, I get to see the world as it is. I get to see what the others saw before me. I get to see the truth. And that very truth is that---

"Hello~~I am The ‹Found Girl›.. You must be the little boy who killes his parents. Why are you looking outside when you've lost the right to?"

In a prison, I never see a figure. And yet, despite the filth, a little girl about the same age as me visits me often. I've always wondered why?

"Nice meeting you, ‹Found Girl›. I am the little boy looking for the lost star.."

A smile as brillant as the million stars running the dark night. Cheeks I've become fond of. Purple eyes that are sincere to me in every single way. Freckles that evaporates away a scent of lavender.

"It has been hard lately to have a moment. And this time, it might be the last time we see each other as my father is planning to shut down this place. After all, you are the only one living in this orphanage.."

Then comes her monologue. It seems she is worried. But she needs no worry. Fear strikes only those who've got a reason to live. As I am right now, I am hopeless.

"I ain't alone, worry not. The insects have been playing a great role in keeping me, here. I just feel empty. Quite a strange feeling. I don't long for anything in this world, not even money. I don't even care if I hurt myself. Anyways, I'm sure you are here for a reason too, this time."

Her eyes fills itself with worry because of what I said. It seems I made her sad. But the sadness, she's reliving everytime she comes here, is my perpetual reality. I experience the loneliness and darkness all on my own because of what I did. Still, I don't want her to cry.

"At least, this year's the last for you, after that, you will be able to go back to normality."

She believes that? She's easy to manipulate. Quite sad, thinking about it. This world, is made of such stupid personalities that it will be fun to play with them once I get out of there... Why did I have to be born poor? Such a headache.. I will have to make this world understand the level of strictness that I seek.

"...I'll manage. You better go home now. I don't want your bodyguards to be fired when they've got families to feed."

I make it seem like I care but for a while now, I've forgotten how to feel remorse, guilt or anything linking to that. And I don't think I want to learn it again. In pursuit of my salvation, I will do whatever it takes to be the best there is.

"Alright! This is the last time we meet each other with prison bars inbetween us. Next time, let's make sure we meet as equal. Next time, let's make sure we become more than friends. Promise?"

With a pinkie pointed at me, I do the same move. Sealing a pact that will last for ever after.

"I promise."

Leaving behind a trail of her lavender scent, I start thinking that maybe this world isn't as damned as I thought it to be.



«I got my Fathers' approval for the thing. This season, I'll get to play with you..»

Explains the boy, back in his room sitting on his bed's side and in front of a mirror, to a 'friend' on the phone.

And the reply he got from his 'friend' was:


Looking in front of him, he inspects himself. A rather fit body and frecklish brown hair. With a hidden smirk, he speaks to himself and murmurs:

"...i miss that thing.. lavender, was it?...."

And so, will unfold the secretive thoughts of that boy. As he will waver while discovering Life and learn to never stop being perfect.


That same day, the little sister went to sleep with Mother earlier. One of the Fathers decided to call in a whore and the other one went out to drink and sing in a karaoke. That very same day, which was a special one, I announced the news to 'Bino'; that I was allowed to enter the basket-ball's team.

And he was overjoyed, unlike me.

That same day, I finally found it. The path to be "A Ranked".




We are nearing the end of this novel..

I am unsure of having a second novel written, that will be if it's popular enough.

And I will slip through as much of easer eggs that I can...

~To be continued~