
Grenree island: light-years away from home

Four fourteen-year-old boys suddenly find themselves in another world. To return to reality, they will face many challenges that the dimension they are trapped in will impose on them.

JaneTheSoldier · Action
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

It was a strange idea, that of It was a strange idea, to dig to build a sketch of a house, but the materials to build one on the surface were scarce. Francesco preferred stone houses to wooden ones because they are much more resistant.

It was also an excuse to see the "heart" of our island.

Arrived at a certain point, we stopped.

"Do I keep digging?" I asked him, looking him in the eye. I felt the fatigue of an entire afternoon spent collecting stone and some other mineral that was around, in the middle of the dust and with the risk of falling into some ravine.

"I do not know. It's dark and we don't have enough flashlights, "he checked in his backpack and inside his pockets.

"There are only six left, they are too few."

We both knew that with those few remaining we wouldn't get very far.

"I want to know what's under here," I insisted, nodding my head down, to emphasize the fact that there was something under our feet that he hadn't yet realized.

"What do you mean?"

"I feel there is something wrong, it's ... strange, that's it," I said, looking carefully around me, trying to catch a glimpse of light between the walls of the cave.

He asked me for an explanation.

"Come here. If you approach the wall, you hear the water flowing, but, if you listen carefully, there are other sounds too ».

We were silent for a few minutes.

"About music ...

Let's go on, I want to know too ».

After about half an hour ...

"What place is this? It is ... to say the least beautiful ».

We were in a cave. It was like a huge atrium with a giant tree in the center, lit and decorated with lanterns and sweets.

"Is it the tree of Life?"

"It could be ... Franci, the sword !!" I screamed, turning around with a hiss.

"What's behind me?" Come on, let me guess ... another one of those purple monsters who, when they see you, leave you nice little gifts? "

"N ... No"

"Ahah, then nothing serious," he said, playing down the situation. He cracked a smile.

I swallowed.

I closed my eyes in a panic, then remembered a phrase found by chance among the dedications on a book:

"You are strong. You can overcome everything great, even your fears."

"Wait up! I'll kill him! "

"Are you sure you want to do this?" the boy asked me, surprised by my inconsistency.

"No, but bold enough to do it."

"You invade my territory and you also want to kill me. Why?" someone asked, without saying a word.

We could hear a voice in our heads and the same was true for him: he could read our minds.

"Because they taught us that we shouldn't trust strangers," I replied mentally, in a firm voice.

"I feel one of you is very agitated… he's even sweating," he added.

I wasn't sweating. I looked for Francesco. He was motionless, he wondered where that voice came from that wasn't there, but it was in our minds, so much so that we could both hear it.

"But you two were strangers too. You weren't even aware of the other's existence, little girl, "the Voice said, resuming my speech.

«And now ... Look, you are friends. You came here together, not each on his own. "

That said, eight blue eyes glowed in the light of our torch, and a giant-sized white spider slowly emerged from the blanket of darkness that covered it.

"And we didn't trust each other before either," I replied naturally.

My friend, without thinking too much, took the sword and beheaded him. The body of being disappeared instantly.

After that, there was a deathly silence.

We had never been so drastic.

"Can you promise me something?" I asked him.

The darkness hid many mysteries, but at that moment I thought it was important above all to hide my terror. I was quite pale.

"Yes," Francis replied immediately.

«This place must remain a secret. No one else besides the two of us must know of his existence, "I decree, looking elsewhere.

"Quiet. I will not tell anyone about it. '

A wonderful place is almost always dangerous. And when it's not, the memories related to it are.


"Er, then ..." I suddenly felt the desire to leave and the need to break the silence that had been created in those last moments "Shall we go back up?" "No, wait. We didn't get this far at all and we don't know if we will go back or not. It's not a matter of coincidences, "she told me, sighing heavily. "Are you sure? It all seems an absurd coincidence to me, "she replied in anguish and unable to make sense of the events that just happened. "In my opinion, it all started from the moment we met in real life," she added, once she grew calmer. "The real question is not so much why we make sense of our misfortunes, but the reason itself ..." I don't remember exactly what he said afterward, I think he advised me to see what the cave was like rather stay and look at us, with the excuse of having little time available to just have a look around and go back to our friends. "Okay, I'll follow you." Meanwhile, I took a book and wrote: 17/01/2020 (according to my calculations) "Dear Diary, I don't know what time it is, where I am exactly and how I feel. They are in a fantastic place, a cave that we discovered by chance, which has no way out, except the one we created. It has a mystical aura. The lights are soft, in the dim light, there are benches covered with dust and cobwebs and shelves overflowing with books that intersect forming various complexes of labyrinths. It's a chaotic version of my bedroom. Creepy paintings, dark and macabre banners adorn the walls, while entire rows of armor characterize a wardrobe. It is natural to compare it to a sort of abandoned library. Often in Fantasy stories and movies, in this kind of environment, there are secret passages and magical creatures, not spiders that intrude on your love situation or in your life. I looked up looking in vain for the remains of the spider and then resumed with the description of the soil. If I had found them, I would probably have observed them with some satisfaction at having eliminated them. The ground was strangely soft, the Podsòl created a sort of mantle, just like snow in winter. The rock walls were damp, covered with moss. Large drops were falling from the ceiling. Above our heads, there must have been who knows how many cubic meters of water and no longer the sky visible from the island ... We were below the sea. "Jane, come and see what I've found now!" Something told me it was no good, so I put the book back in my pocket and set off armed with a sword. «Here I am, I am coming». Francesco had noticed some red spots on the ground. It was blood. I would later correct the golden "mystical" with "macabre" because it seemed slightly more appropriate. While we proceeded with the exploration, I was collecting some mushrooms. Anything could come in handy in these circumstances. I never particularly liked mushrooms, but you know: when you don't have food, you eat anything because your brain dictates it, forcing you to swallow even the most unpleasant soup, one sip after another. Meanwhile, on the surface ... "Where do you think those two went?" "I have no idea, Samu. What do you think?" "I suppose that: 1 got lost 2 got into trouble 3 they don't know that it will get dark in a few hours, "he answered seriously. Samuele used to joke often, so it was difficult to understand the meaning of his speech when they had no hint of irony. «While you wait for them, you could prepare dinner. Food is more digestible when cooked. Instead, I'll go and cultivate my garden, near the pond, "he went on. "Fantastic. I will cook the "sheep meat" and the salmon I caught. I only hope that those two will be back in time ... ». "I've never seen you so worried. They will be back soon, trust me! " Sam exclaimed, walking towards his garden. "Maybe they'll be here in two years!" he added, leaving for good. "Ah, you are right. I'm really worried about them ... I know I cannot give this impression.

on the one hand, I would like to go back to school, behind my desk, near the window and the radiator, rather than staying here, on a desert island. I miss my life, my family. I hate this place, I want to leave ASAP. On the other hand, I am grateful to be with you »admitted Gaia. "When they are here we can warn them of the 'attack'," she said to herself the girl. "What attack? Ahh, talk about that attack. A terrible offense, in my honest opinion, "interrupted Samucava2005. "Think about your crops, don't eavesdrop!" Gaiaguida04 replied, with the tone of an elder sister, in an attempt to divert her attention from a single that had brought with it so much damage and the loss of an entire inventory.