

Author: Gabriel Tembo
Ongoing · 15.5K Views
  • 15 Chs
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Read ‘GREIGANTLE SPIES ARE EVERYWHERE’ Online for Free, written by the author Gabriel Tembo, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: A man made an application for the purpose of entertainment but when he got fired from his job he made it an app used to ...


A man made an application for the purpose of entertainment but when he got fired from his job he made it an app used to spy on children under 18 years. he could kidnap them so it's up to a special agent to find the children and the kidnapper FRENCH LANGUAGE INVOLVED Following the events of Greigantle spies are everywhere, The Red Hontel spes discover that a group of serial killers move around earth to get what they want the most which is revenge and to rule specific places on earth and when agent Kreig discovers that his older brother is among the group, he refuses to arrest them. The team separates and Professor Carl decides to do the mission on his own to stop his older brother, Agent Kreig's older brother, G.I.Gantle's sister and GST's brother.

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from my point of view it's very good. Plot of the story is good and makes people anxious to want to know what will happen in the next chapters. Please help by supporting the novel


I love the book. Its very interesting and wonderful Its just his updating is slow I cant wait for more chapters and see where this goes............


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