
Green World: The Quest of the Azure Dragon

Green World is the popular onlines games. Black Crow is the guild built by Razen and now in the middle of disbannding. In order to save the guild, Razen and it's party accepted the highest level Quest. The undefeated King of the North, the Azure Dragon. Because of lack of members, they seek help to the infamous witch in the Green World to help them to clear the Quest. Along the journey, they meet different people. Build strong bond and friendship. With trials and hardship, with enemy getting stronger, how they will survive?

Anne_Park · Fantasy
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6 Chs

|6| Come With Us

Character's Profile

Real name: Takeshi Nanase

Codename: Ryu

Class: Knight

Level: 130

Position: Sabermania's Guild Member

Weapons: Excalibur

Takeshi Nanase aka Ryu is a knight. He is a member of the famous guild, Sabermania. The guild has 100 members in total. Because the guild has a lot of members, only a chosen member can participate when there was raids or the quests. Ryu wasn't been chosen since he joined the guild even though he is a Low level A ranker. To avoid boredom, he wandered around the town to find someone who can join him to take a quest or raids a dungeon. Then, he met James who was also looking for a partner, and later on, they met Yoshiyo who was recently played the game. He and James agreed to help Yoshiyo to level up until she was reached the level of 31. And they were on their way to the dungeon on the black forest for the quest when the monsters were ambushed them and met Razen's party.

Chapter Six

Come with us

After the epic battle( Lily was not sure if it was a real battle, because she felt useless at that time. Someone was saved her from that fire even though she can handle herself.) She is watching the three of them helping each other to collect some coins on the ground.

*If you slay one monster or beast. It's will turn into coins. The number of coins it produces base on how high the beast level is.

Low-level beast or monster- bronze. High-level monster or beast- silver. Higher-level- gold and highest level is equivalent to Diamonds.

"Who are you guys? Thank you for helping us back then." A man with a blue hair, big built, big sword, and huge shield, wearing a silver armor said after he put some silver coins he collected on his inventory.

"My name is Razen, a warrior. From a Black Crows and this is------

Lily-----" Razen who is also watching them looks at Lily who is standing beside him. She seems very piss. Her eyebrows are already bumping and her face is red. She is like a volcano ready to erupts anytime now. Razen was suddenly scared to ask if she was okay but it seemed like he will going to die if he did.

"Oh, Black Crows? I didn't hear that name? "The man who has orange hair, wearing a red robe and holding a wooden staff with a red stone engrave on it. The one who was displayed his incredible fire magic.

" Well, it's not popular, though! " Razen said awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. He thought that their guild is hopeless.

'We are here to save the guild from falling apart, though'. Lily mumbled and rolled her eyes. The reason why she was in a bad mood because she didn't want other people to save her like a useless brat. She doesn't want to be burdened with other people.

" By the way, my name is James, a job class Sorcerer. This is Ryu, a knight, and Yoshiyo, a Priestess." James introduced his party member, pointed his finger to them. The man with a big built and big sword, called Ryu walked to Razen and gave him a fist bump. Then, he turned to Lily who just stared at him. He coughs to hide his embarrassment when Lily didn't take his hand. Lastly, Yoshiyo gave a shy smile at them and look down.

"MINNNNAAAAAAAA, ARE YOU OKAY? " Suddenly, there was a loud voice coming in front of the sky. They turned their head to where the loud voice came from. Ashtary who is flying came, she landed and close her wings to where they are.

A while ago, they saw a big explosion where Razen and Lily went. They were all worried if something happened to them. Behind her are their party member and the carriage where Mr. Brunner taking a peek from its a small window.

"Ah! Guys, they are my guild's mate. " Razen said to avoid suspicion.

When the carriage arrived, Razen introduced his guild member and Mr. Brunner, and the three also introduced themselves.

"Nice to meet you! " Ashtray happily said, and shaking their hands. Then, she flashed a bright smile that could brighten up the day.

"She is so cute! " James mumbled which reaches Razen ears. He secretly glares at James.

"Yoshiyo is much cuter!" Ryu argued back in a soft voice.

"Shhhhh! Whatever, Ryu. They can hear you! " James whispered.

"So, what are you doing in the middle of this forest? " Lily is finally speaking. Trying to erase the irritation on her face.

"We are here in a quest. You know, the Dungeon located here? But, those monsters sense that Yoshiyo was weak and we got into trouble. She is still a D rank Priestess. We are helping her to level up. " Ryu said who didn't notice Lily glares at him, answered.

"I see. " Lily winced. She stared at the girl named Yoshiyo and see her stats. "You're right. She is weak."

''Yeah?" Ryu answers. He raised his eyebrow. Is this girl insulting our Yoshiyo? Yoshiyo hides her face from embarrassment.

That might be hurt. Kyuri whispered.

"Nevermind. So, you guys are after the Dungeon that located here? " Lily crossed her arms. They all nodded.

"Yeah. And we are on our way on the dungeon when that happened." Ryu shrugged. No one noticed the dark aura emitting on Lily's surroundings, only Razen and Grunter.

Grunter walks to where Razen stands and whispers something. Razen eyes widened and shakes his head. Grunter wanted him to stops Lily from emitting a dark aura. He wants to protest but with one looks, he surrendered. Sometimes he regrets he become a guild's leader.

"Hmmm! " Lily nods her head. Her sarcastic face is visible now on her face.

Razen who feels responsible and also to avoid any damage, he walks towards Lily and whispers to her ears which made Lily's death glares turned to him. He steps back. But, Lily's calm herself, and the dark aura is gone.

"How about you guys? " Ryu asked them.

" We are in the middle of our journey and we guarding Mr. Brunner until he safely arrives at the next town. And also, we are trying also to enter the dungeon here to have a short cut! " Razen answered.

"Nice, " James happily said. "Isn't it a coincidence? Haha "

"Not really! No- I mean. Maybe. hahaha! " Razen scratch the back of his head. That was close. Rhel, cool down. Could down.

"Come with us then? " Grunter out of the blue said. He thoughts they may be willing to help the guild to defeat the dragon.

They all look at him. Lily tilted her head, watched him if he was serious or not. Grunter's body shivered from that gaze. It is as if death is surrounded him. Grunter cleared his throat, trying to shake away Lily's glare.

"Our main goal for this journey is to slay the Azure Dragon! You, three, can join us. "

"Whoa.whoa. Are you for real?! " Ryu stops from walking and looks at Grunter with wide eyes. Even, James was shocked, too.

"Azure Dragon is a World Bossman. Do you guys really suicidal? "

Razen eyebrows furrowed by his time. Is he telling us that we can't do it? His guildmates feel insulted to what he said. It's almost like he is saying that they strong enough to kill it even though it's true.

Kyuri clicked her gun and aimed to this big jerk but Ashtary stops her and shakes her head.

"We are not sure if we can but our guild is on the line here! " Razen told them the real reason why they take the quest. Grunter's idea to let these new guys join was a great chance. He wished that they can clear this impossible quest. Just like what the others said., " The more, the merrier. " If they will join them.

"Oh, I see. James? What can you say?"

"Yeah. I want to help. Let's join them. It's a freaking dragon dude. I want to be called a Dragonslayer! "

Lily frowned at them. Silently listening but inside, they wanted to send them to the abyss. Especially, those giant orcs (she referring to Ryu).

''Okay, we will join your party. And help your guild to kill the dragon but in a condition. "

"Sure." Razen and Piper shooks hands to seal the deal between them and add them to their party member.

* A party is a temporary group while in a certain quest. It's popular with a solo player who agreed to take the same quest with certain conditions. Like for example, how to divide the rewards and the items they obtain.

Ps: gawa gawa ko lang haha.

"Ashtray! "

"Yes, Guild Leader. " Ashtary answered from above.

"Whoa. So beautiful. " Yoshiyo in low voice stared at Ashtary. Yoshiyo likes Angel's Class. She wanted to take Angel's class before but many people said that's hard to level up. Angel job class is very rare because it doesn't have any many skills that can be used in a battle. Their only job is to guide. But many say, that if they reach the highest level for the job. A new skill will open. In the end, she chose Priestess's Class and have a hard time leveling up.

"Ash, do you know already how to open a dungeon?" Razen asked.

"Yes, Guild Leader. Wait a minute! " Astray open up her inventory and pulled out her Map. A large map contains the geographical map of the whole Green World. She flips the pages and enchants an incantation. Then, the small light swirling around the map.

"Here it is! " She shows them the key to the dungeons.

Razen turns to Lily. Lily nodded. Then, he turns to Mr. Brunner to ask permission. They can't easily take another quest because they still in the middle of their quest and also they don't want to harm Mr. Brunner and the others. They are still an NPC.

Mr. Brunner agreed and said that it's a nice idea. They can arrive in the next town early than expected.

"Is everyone ready? "


"... "


"Hurry up! "

"Seems like everyone is ready. Okay! Encircled around guys! "They follow her. They went closer to the carriage. She enchants another incantation.

A blinding light appears in front of them and the next thing they knew when they open their eyes. They are already in an unfamiliar place. Big trees reaching up the sky and plants taller than them surrounded the area. In front of them was a huge door, full of moss. Looks like ancient ruins.

" Whoa, I can't believe that an Angel has this skill! " James said in astonishment. He turns his head around.

"Let's go! " Razen walks first to the door that seems the entrance of the dungeon. The door opens as they step on the entrance. And once they are inside, countless Monster is awaited for their arrival!

Razen, Grunter, Kyuri, and Piper pulled out their weapons and charge towards the nearest monster.

Lily summons one of her general, Alicia, and let her join the battle. Ashtray puts a barrier around the carriage to protect Mr. Brunner from the monsters. Yoshiyo is healing them. She saw how they fight. With mouth wide open, she was in dumbstruck how incredible they are.

To be continued!