
Green tipped ears and family

Izuku stress manifested a wolf quirk after the sludge villain. He scares his momma, and after she tells him to leave, he runs away from home. It’s the perfect opportunity to watch heroes though! And he gets to meet Eraserhead! He also gets… taken in by Eraserhead. Izuku has a wolf quirk, and he finds himself a family.

Runtbastrd · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Trimmed hair and phone calls fix all.

When Izuku wakes up the next morning, it's to the sound of a mug shattering.

" Fuck . We have to tell Izuku."

Izuku pulls himself from his bed on the floor and trots out the door, heading into the kitchen to see his dad standing next to the mug, clearing it up. Papa is standing in front of the Tv, a worried look on his face. Izuku shifts back, standing in his pyjamas as he steps around Papa to get a better look.

"Well fuck ."

"This is a report of Musutafu's local 'hellhound' who has actually been identified as UA hero student Midoriya Izuku. Midoriya's identity was revealed after he shifted into the hellhound at the USJ incident, taking out the 'Nomu' as it was dubbed by the league of villains. Midoriya is reported to have attempted to get the villain to back off from his teacher and his suspected friend, but ultimately decided to kill the Nomu. Take a look for yourselves Japan, we have the whole thing for you to see."

The Tv cuts away from the news reporter and to a feed from the USJ. It shows him, hunkered down and curled around Aizawa and Hitoshi, tongue licking over his teeth as he growls. His ribs look grotesque, poking out at wrong angles and dipping in where they aren't supposed to. He looks terrifying, looks like he could kill, but then it shows that Izuku does kill. It shows his teeth locking around the Nomu's head, the way it's skull starts to sink as the Nomu squeezes his ribs again and then the feed cuts off and returns to the reporter. She looks slightly uncomfortable now, shifting in her seat and a little pale.

"That is the only section of the video feed we were able to get ourselves. We haven't identified the two others in the video yet, we only know it's a teacher and another student, but we will have their names very soon. Call us up and let us know what you think about this wolf kid who protected his school!"

Izuku watches with wide eyes as someone does call. It's a man, older and probably hasn't touched hero work with a ten foot pole, never mind being attacked by a villain, but he thinks he has a place to speak anyway.

"That mutt shouldn't be in the hero course! He's a murderer! It's a miracle he didn't kill that kid and the other guy with him."

Izuku feels his dad step up to his side and his papa take his hand. His Papa looks so sad . Izuku knows he's the cause of it, but he doesn't have it in him to apologise right now as civilian after civilian call to tell the news that Izuku is a monster, that he shouldn't be a hero.

"Hi! My name is Uraraka. I'm in the hero course with Midoriya!"

Izuku's head snaps up, so does his parents. They're all staring at the Tv, watching as interest flicks over the reporters face.

"Oh really? What's he like as a hero student Uraraka?"

"He's the best! He's probably the most determined to be a hero. He didn't hesitate when the Nomu came for our class."

"And how do you know it's not just because someone he loves was there?"

"Because the scars you can see on his shoulder and hind are from the night he saved me, long before UA. He's not protecting people just because they're his family, he's protecting them because he's a hero. Civilians who have never been attacked by villains or who have never considered heroics have no place to judge what Midoriya did to keep everyone safe. He's a hero and someday he'll be one of the best. Goodbye."

Izuku is crying when Ukaraka is done her speech and hangs up her call immediately, but he doesn't get any peace to lay down and process because the shaken reporters phone rings again.

"Hello? What's your name and opinion on Mid-"

"You realise he's watching this, yes?"

Izuku cries even harder at Toshi's voice through their Tv. Dad is hugging him now, playing with his hair as papa hums softly to soothe his cries.

"I'm sorry?"

"Izuku. He's watching this. He's a fifteen year old boy who wants to be a fucking hero. He is a fucking hero. He stood up to something that no one else dared too. Can you say you've done that? Can anyone who's called say that? I know I can't."

"Midoriya only stood up to protect-"

"Me. He stood up to protect me and someone else he cares very much about. Izuku is already on his way to being a great hero. I'm sure his other classmates would agree. Zuzu? I know you're listening. Don't listen to these assholes. They don't know what the fuck they're talking about."

Izuku wipes his tears as he stares at the screen, determination clear on his face. He reaches for his phone, his dad realising what he's doing.

"Izuku. Are you sure about this? This is supposed to be your day off."

"It's okay dad. Maybe she'll slip up and I get to drag her on live Tv."

Papa snorts from beside him, touching his cheek gently, fondness obvious in his eyes. "I think Shinsou and Uraraka just did that for you baby. But if you want to drag her on live Tv, it sounds like a plan."

Aizawa is running his fingers through his hair and Izuku smiles up at him. "I didn't know you saved Uraraka that night."

Izuku shrugs. "Neither did I."

He dials out the number, putting it to his ear as his dad mutes the Tv.

"Hello! Please share your name and chat with us about the hellhound!"

It's shaky this time, forced. It's clear she's getting more abuse than she thought she would. Izuku supposes it's time to tear her world down around her. Especially considering he knows his dad has stepped aside to call Nezu. He looks at his dad, who gives him a manic grin and nods his head, so Izuku grins right back and says into the phone,

"Hello ma'am. My name is Midoriya Izuku."

Izuku can see the way her face changes on the Tv. She looks incredibly uncomfortable, like she hadn't been expecting him to call. She probably hadn't been expecting his friends to call either.

"How do I know it's really you?"

"Well you don't, but you also can't verify what Ukaraka said or that Toshi really knows me, but here we are lady."

"That boy. Were you really protecting him?"

"That's Toshi. He's my best friend, which by default makes him my family. I'd kill and die for my pack. That's how my quirk works."

"And the other man?"

"Also part of my family."



"Do you really want to be a hero?"

"Of course I do. I go to UA. Why else would I have bust ass to get in? For the giggle?"


"Listen lady, I've listened to you drag my name all morning, I've even cried over it. I can turn into a wolf, big fucking deal. I snapped my jaw around a monsters head to protect my teacher and Toshi. So fucking what. They would have killed us all. I was a late bloomer, not a god damned hellhound sent from the pits of hell. I stress manifested my quirk. I relied on it heavily for almost a year. If you wanna call me a fucking villain, so be it. But I'd do it again to keep my family safe."

Izuku drops his phone as he rolls his eyes, looking over to his dad. "I guess you're just my teacher now dad."

His dad smiles, full of pride and entertainment as Izuku's phone starts to light up with messages. Papa unmutes the tv as they curl up together on the sofa, more people lining up in the call queue, this time defending Izuku. His absolute favourite was when there had been no calls for a minute and then there had been one ring out in the silent office.


"This is Nezu, principal of UA high. Please stop your reports on my student at once. It is not appreciated. You can have this debate after he becomes a pro hero. Which he will. Also, well done Izuku, your bravery on the situation has been noted. I look forward to seeing you back in school soon."

The broadcast quickly ended, much to Izuku and his family's relief. Nezu had shut it down after his call, but one look at Izuku's phone which was pinging so much Izuku thinks it might explode, proves that this lady hadn't been the only one to cover the story. He's everywhere . Both 'Midoriya Izuku' and 'hellhound' are trending everywhere. Hitoshi and a few of his classmates were texting him, but one message caught his eye.

"I hope you're alright Midoriya. -Todoroki."

Izuku blinked. He set the phone down without replying and headed for a shower while papa cooked breakfast. He always made sure to take quick showers, never wanting to be a bother. After stepping out of the barely warmed water, he stared at himself in the mirror. Normally he dressed and shifted as quickly as he could, paying his reflection no mind, so this was the first time he'd seen himself since before he got his quirk. His hair was longer now, reaching down to his shoulders. His face was slim but not hollow like it had been when Inko hadn't been feeding him. He was taller too, but he had no way to tell if his wolf grew with him. He doubted it, he was pretty big. His chest and shoulders were muscled, his ribs a yellowish purple but he could still see the outline of muscle left behind by his time as the wolf. His body still held its lanky frame, but he was fit now, just a little underweight. Izuku had no doubt that Dad and Papa would fix that issue up in no time. He messed with his curls, grabbing a hair tie off the cabinet and tying his hair out of his way in a half bun before throwing on some clothes and shifting into the wolf. He wanted a lazy day today and he was going to have it. He trotted into his bedroom, grabbing his dog bed with his teeth and dragging it through the apartment, huffing when he heard his dad laughing softly at him, yipping when papa took pity, lifting the bed and letting Izuku carry the end that dragged. They made it to the livingroom, and Papa dropped the bed, letting Izuku drag it to the sofa before heaping himself into a pile. He ignored his dads laughing softly, grumbling loud enough for them to leave him be. He's called not long after to come eat, but he's just so tired. Of course, Papa appears with the wide bowl, Izuku's bowl, and its packed full with breakfast. He picks through it, leaving the bowl by his bed so he can pick through it later. His dads join him soon after, papa humming softly as dad flicks through the channels.

This time it's a male reporter.

This time it's Kacchan on the line.

"Look, the runt has a flashy quirk, he did what he had to. Stop fucking hounding him. He's lived a life full of trauma, bullying and barely surviving. He deserves to be a hero. He's going to make a great hero some day."

Katsuki doesn't leave his name, but Izuku knows his voice. He didn't know he could cry as a wolf, but he does now. His day of relaxing devolves into finding out that two grown men and a large wolf can fit on the sofa, and his dads are damn good at comforting him.


Izuku stands on two legs in front of the bathroom mirror, scissors in hand. He misses the innocence that comes with his short hair, how he looked like a boy. Now he looks older, worn. He looks broken. So he takes a strand of his hair, and he cuts it as close to his head as he dares. It's papa that finds him, leaning against the doorway of the bathroom, just watching him. After a few more snips, he moves into the bathroom, smiling sadly at him through the reflection, taking the scissors. "Longer at the top kiddo?"

Izuku nods.

He stands as papa cuts his hair, and soon his dad appears too, small smile in place as he sees his husband and his son. Izuku standing so still, careful not to move as Hizashi runs his hands through Izuku's hair, cutting it shorter, and with each lock of hair that Hizashi cuts, Izuku looks… lighter.

When they're done, Izuku has lost the worn look that he gained when surviving on the streets. Well, the beginning of it. He looks his age now, and he looks happier. They spend the rest of the evening on the couch, and Izuku staying on two legs isn't missed by Shouta. Neither is the way he willingly curls up with them, spare capture scarf wrapped around his shoulders, small smile on his face as Hizashi cards his fingers through his hair, talking about the movie softly with him.

And if Shouta and Hizashi see Izuku light up when a certain lilac haired boy texts him, neither of them mention it other than a shared knowing look.