

The three friends walked through the empty streets late at night, everybody else was asleep. Their drunk selves couldn't keep quiet but rather they walked singing at the top of their voices

" We better hurry or we might get kidnapped"

" Relax Marcus, no one will want to take you"

They all burst out laughing except Lamerick who felt attacked, Marcus was used to making fun of his friends everytime he had the chance.

The cold was getting the better of them each minute and they were not far from Lamerick's house but farther from Icarus and Marcus. They had gone for a drink to celebrate their friend Magnus who even didn't turn up for his party.

" Magnus didn't even turn up tonight, he better have a convincing excuse"

Icarus blurted out and the smell of alcohol filled the surrounding air.

"yeah ,well maybe he did..."

Marcus words were cut short by a bang opposite of the street, diverting their attention to the direction of the voice they saw a SUV turned upside down.

Staring for a few minutes they rushed to the scene to try and maybe help anybody inside. Looking through the tainted window they saw a humanoid figure in the driver's seat,it was an old lady about fifty years of age.

" We have to call an ambulance right away"

Lamerick frantically took out his phone and struggled seeing the words on the screen but managed to dial the emergency number.

Before the call on the other end was received a bright green streak swooshed towards them ,they fell back shocked. They were now a bit sober, hard to remain drunk after what they saw.

" Guys, what's going on. Are we seeing things or am I?"

No one was able to answer Marcus,they were all utterly speechless.

Standing up from where they sat out of shock and the force by the green streak , they started walking home not one saying a word to the other. What a night!