
Golden highschool days


"Hey Merusela can you please show me where I can find the girls washroom" I requested

"Take that Lane but you will find the when you turn left after three classes."

"Thank you cousin, "I smiled and took her direction to the girls washroom

When I got there, I found two dead boys and as I screamed, a hand covered my mouth to stop me from screaming. When I turned to see who it was, I saw a beautiful girl with black eyes staring at me.

She comma def me to keep quiet and led me away to the music room where I found a monster boy playing the piano so wonderfully. The music room was nature like in interior but the monster boy never bothered to greet us in the room.

"Hey where are you taking me," I broke the silence and looked at the girl who had turned into a man with golden hair when I scolded her.

"Am saving you from getting framed with a murder case in schooy" he answered with a deep voice.

"Thank you, "I cooked down

"By the way am Oriana" she said with a smile

"Beautiful name, "I complimented

"Am Alice, nice meeting you Oriana" I replied with a smile

"Nice meeting you too." She replied

"This is Jinx" she said while pouting at the green monster fixed on its piano notes.

"Can you please say something Jinx," she added

"My eighth sense is still getting to know your new friend quite well " Jinx replied with his mind still glued at his piano.

"Am new here Oriana can you please tour me around if you don't mind."

I requested her politely as I stood from the bench near the book shelf.

"Sure? No problem" she replied with a smile.

My heart was still wondering why Merusela my cousin would want to frame me that way. So I left her a message on my phone telling her that I have company and to go home without waiting for me.

She replied so first saying ok with laughing emojis. Her heart having no remorse for what she had planned to do to me left me scared of her. This wasy first day at school but she wanted to ruin it already.

We toured the school with Oriana as we talked about each other's life, hobbies, dislikes and favorite anime. We shared most things we loved so getting along was quite so easy for us back then in school.

Selah or Merusela got company of her fellow beauty queens and forgot all about me. I enjoyed my new company of Oriana and Jinx so much. This hurt Selah at times since my true friends cared about me more than her fake beauty friends.

Towards the end of highschool, selah disappeared with her moth to the other world at frozen magical kingdom and I surely missed her so much at our neighborhood .

This was only for a short time before we got expelled from Thi world. And I had to finish my highschool online with classes disturbed my network and home duties in the urban world.

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