

The first time I crossed paths with Cameron Vaughn, I died.

I wasn't supposed to be anywhere near the river.

It was dangerous, everyone knew that.

Everyone, most especially me.

After all it had almost taken everything from me, that river.

It took my mother, it took my childhood, it took my Devon, my best friend.

I just couldn't let it take anyone else, not even some spoiled rich viridian brat who thought he wanted to die.

I couldn't help but save him.

I couldn't help but jump into the water and pull him out, even if it meant I wouldn't be able to get out and save myself.

And then.

Water. Ice cold water.

Water so cold it burned.

At least I'd managed to get that stupid boy out of the water.

I was supposed to have died a long time ago anyways, along with my mother.

This way, everything's come full circle.

Wherever we go after death, I hope I see Devon again.

My vision blurs and everything goes softly black. I'm not scared. I reach out, eager to lose myself in oblivion.