
Greedy Time Limited Duchess

I am a road side dirty bastard thief from the day I was born and abondoned by my mother at the age of three. I did nothing but stealing. Now I am thirteen years old and still with same situation. But suddenly a scary old man with mix pink and white hair and same green eyes as me appeared out of nowhere telling me that I belong to a richest and dignified family of rose empire. Being dragged by the old man roughly. I was throwed into the carriage. "I am Edward Blanchester your grandfather and I came here to bring you back to home. I have been looking for you for 12 years." Alex,"Do you think you can stay here? " Viola,"Trash should be in dustbin." Rio,Ray,Rin,"We will never welcome you as our family go die wench." I am being hated from the moment I stepped into the mansion. Is there something else is remaining to surprise me. How I will survive in this mansion with such five evil kids and scary old man. I am in deep trouble someone please take my place. ' I came here in thought of living luxuriously but why am I living here as a stress out bag.'

Choco_Muffin · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 24

We were busy in preparing our luggage for leaving.

A knight came from the Royal Palace with a letter.

Your Grace and Your Highness, You have letter from his Majesty.

Duke who was standing near the knight takes letter from his hand and starts reading.

"My Dear Father and Grand duke! I'm sorry to inform you but you people need to stay back for a year. I got the news that monsters are going to appear again. Furthermore, I promise that once you all return I will throw a huge banquet in your victory. Please tell sorry to knights on my behalf."

Max who was dancing with happiness," I just gotta spend few weeks in returning, Then I will be at home again."

"Say, Fena! Let's race who will return first? The winner can demand anything from the loser for a day. What do you say?"

Fena who was standing there, Starts looking at Max," You are serious right? What if I ask you to give me some money from the royal treasure? Will you give me Max?"

Max who was standing far from Fena gets closer to her without leaving an inch distance," I am crown prince, I have a lot of wealth. What do you think I am betting on? I expected you did say something like that so let's do it."

"Let's do it right away."

Lucas who spots them from a distance, Gets close to them and stands between them while pushing Max away," Stay away and keep distance, You are too close."

Dion and Sena who were bringing lunch with them, Joins the three of them.

The Grand Duke and The Former Emperor came close to them and asked for their attention," Gather all of you, I have an important message for you all so listen carefully. We are not returning home now. We will stay here for one more year."

'One more year, Is he serious? Here I thought that we were finally going to leave. What's with this nonsense?'

"Old Man, Stop joking around! What do you mean one more year? Weren't we were here for four years?"

Max who got very upset upon hearing the news from the grand duke," I know it's Father. He doesn't want me to come back that's why he did this right!"

I was surprised at the words of Max, He was making such an upset face.

Everyone looks at Max with surprised eyes because Grand duke haven't mentioned anything aside one year.

Former emperor who was listening to all of them stepped forward," That's right! We just received the letter from His Majesty stating that we need to stay for a year more because monsters are again starting to show up."

Grand duke took over the conversation, "But There is good news too, His Majesty said he will throw a banquet on your return and honor the all knights, And His Majesty Apologizes to the all knights for letting them down."

All the knights heard the news and agrees while going back to their positions, Leaving the captions behind.

I was a little irritated too since I got ignored by old man. He totally ignored my questions and continued his conversation. As I was about to say something, "Old Man, And Your Highness-"

"Ho! No need to call me Your Highness! This feels distanced and too formal for a shitty brat like you."

Former emperor who gets close to Fena while patting her head," You sure look awful when you give respect to someone, Or is just that we aren't used to your this way of talking."

'I was more irritated at this old a$$ Who kept messing with me on purpose?'

"Old man! Just tell me, Do you want to be respected, Or Do you not want to be?"

"Whatever you want to call except the former emperor and your Highness title."

Fena who have absurd look in her eyes, Looks at Former emperor, I got it! You just want to be insulted."

I wanted to ask something from both of you, Since you people served the emperor for so long and obeyed without asking anything as if it's just natural.

Duke who looks at Fena with surprised eyes,"Hmm! Now I am curious to know too! What's that makes you so interested in this matter?"

Hearing what Fena said made Max and Lucas interested too. They also Join them, It's natural that Dion and Fena would also follow them.

While everyone was looking at me with curious eyes, wondering what is that I want to ask?

"Why is that Emperor is so respected despite being so much of a coward?"

The duke and Former emperor looks at Fena with shocked eyes.

You Idiot!, Former emperor steps forward and smacks Fena on her head.

My head was in so much pain after getting hit by Former emperor. I was rubbing my head while asking,"What's that for now? I just asked a simple thing, Do you really need to smack my head?"

"Of course! Think before you ask? And Think well how to ask something? You could be beheaded by now, If it hadn't for the current emperor."

"Wait! What I want to say is that? Why he is still an emperor despite being so weak? Who never touched a weapon?, Never raised a sword at someone's throat. Who is only making others to do the dirty work?"

Lucas who was looking at Fena, Duke and the former emperor.

'That's right! This is what I wanted to know to from my father, But he never said anything, he always said one thing," One day you will understand it." How am I supposed to know that which day is that "one day" I will understand it.'

The former emperor get close to Lucas, While dragging Fena and Max close too," I know What you three little shits are thinking, But It's something we can't make you understand just by saying or explaining."

The duke who was watching them," It is something you need to notice by yourself, Only then you will get it."

"I get it, So please let go of us, We are going back to our tent."

I free myself from the former emperor and started to walk away," I was a fool, Expecting these old geezers to answer me. There is no way they are going to say something in front of me. Specially when I am someone that Old man happened to pick up."

"Do you still see yourself like this? Even after spending five years with the duke? My Lady"

Dion who was following Fena....

"You know, You should say something, Don't quietly follow me around. You made my heart jump out of my body."

"I apologize for that, It wasn't my intention to do that."

I look at Dion who was making a pitiful puppy face, I started to feel guilty," Of course! I know that wasn't your intention. Just be careful next time, When you follow me."


Max glares at the former emperor," Yeah! You do that always to save your coward son from your grandson. What a lovely relationship you people got? He might be a good emperor in other eyes, But he will always be a worse father in my eyes."

Lucas who was looking at the Max, Grabs Max from collar," What are you doing? You idiot, Let's go! Fena and others already left. Don't expect anything from grandpa, He isn't going to open up his mouth."

Both of them left the duke and Former emperor alone....

Former emperor who turn and faces towards Duke, "Say, Why we suck at treating our grand children's properly? Why can't we come open with them at once?"

Duke starts laughing sadly," We suck at being their elders, I guess! Fena for the first time showed interest towards something other than money, progress is made."

Former Emperor who looks at the duke," Say, Edward four years already passed, And we were asked to spend this fifth year here And You still don't know how long you can hold out in this illness?"

"It's okay I can tell by my body movements, I can hold out this year too. So don't worry too much Lucifer."

"I see! Then let's look after them together for a little while more."

"That's right! We should do that."

At that moment nobody knew the two friends who were together from a long time, From childhood to old age were standing there holding back tears in their eyes and were trying to pretend that they haven't seen each other pain.


Lucas was looking forward while walking, "Max, Don't go on taunting grandpa like that ever again."

Max who was staring at Lucas for a while and smiled," If you are the one who is saying, Then I won't say."

Lucas who was dragging Max and Max who was getting dragged by Lucas stayed quiet after that.

Both of them were smiling lightly.....

Extra story Time

(At nighttime)

Max : "Can anyone explain to me, Why this ugly pig is sleeping in my place? Why she isn't on her bed?"

Lucas : "They were on purpose when they said to share room with girls."

Max : "No, Seriously! I wouldn't mind sharing my room with a girl. If only she were to be a cute girl unlike some ugly pig and ugly witch."

(Little did Max know that sena was standing behind him while holding the stick in her hands.)

Lucas : "I think you should think before you speak. Why not reconsider and give them some nice names?"

Max : "Nah! They deserve this and nothing suits them better than this."

Dion : "Please! Your Highness! You shouldn't call ladies this way. It's offensive to them."

Max : "Who cares if it's offensive or wha-"


Sena : "You dare to my call my love Fena ugly pig and how dare you to call me an ugly witch? You lousy womanizer."

(They spend the whole night fighting and arguing while Fena slept like a log.)

End of the story Time