
Greedy Time Limited Duchess

I am a road side dirty bastard thief from the day I was born and abondoned by my mother at the age of three. I did nothing but stealing. Now I am thirteen years old and still with same situation. But suddenly a scary old man with mix pink and white hair and same green eyes as me appeared out of nowhere telling me that I belong to a richest and dignified family of rose empire. Being dragged by the old man roughly. I was throwed into the carriage. "I am Edward Blanchester your grandfather and I came here to bring you back to home. I have been looking for you for 12 years." Alex,"Do you think you can stay here? " Viola,"Trash should be in dustbin." Rio,Ray,Rin,"We will never welcome you as our family go die wench." I am being hated from the moment I stepped into the mansion. Is there something else is remaining to surprise me. How I will survive in this mansion with such five evil kids and scary old man. I am in deep trouble someone please take my place. ' I came here in thought of living luxuriously but why am I living here as a stress out bag.'

Choco_Muffin · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 19

It's been a week to the match, And I am finally going to leave the bed now.

I stayed in bed for a week, I didn't even get to taste the strawberry cake. I am still having regrets about falling asleep.

Fena who left the bed and went to living hall, she threw herself on the couch, While making a lifeless face.

Dion who watches from a far comes closer to Fena and stands a side," My Lady! What is not up to your liking that you are again making a lifeless face. While lying here like dead body."

Fena who looks at Dion with lifeless eyes, "Because I am lifeless now. I don't know what to do or how to do? I am only going to stare at this ceiling since I can only do this."

'Furthermore, I have no idea or any plan about how to escape from here. The security is tight outside and the old man is also keeping an eye on me.'

'I should have escaped the time when I got to know about the successor thing. It's too late to regret now. This old man is going to take me with him to the border for sure. There is nothing can be done simply by thinking.'

"I will just go and do something else instead.", While I was lying lifeless on couch. The three of them came.

Max, Who was pissed at the attitude of Fena for ignoring him and not welcoming him, "Why are you lying there lifeless? Get up! We need to go?

"Ehh! Where is that? I am not going anywhere, I am just going to stay on this couch."

Lucas who was staring at Fena from a far, Gets closer to her and grabs her from behind by arms and start dragging her with him.

"Did you already forget? We are going to cake shop today since we didn't get to go that day. So let's go."

"I see! Then what are we waiting for! Let's get going now."

Fena started running while grabbing the hands of Max and Lucas.

All Four of us went to visit the cake shop. The cake shop looked too cute. If I get the chance I did like to spend my whole life in this cute cake shop while eating cakes.

We went inside and ordered the sweets that we wanted to eat.

"I don't like sweets that much, So I will just have coffee.", Lucas said while making a face of expressing his dislike towards the sweets.

"I am going to have dumplings and a chocolate cake, I hope it doesn't matter to anyone what I am doing here?", Max said while showing his attitude towards the other noble sitting there.

Dion who was sitting while making a serious face, "I will just have pie because I heard the pie here is very tasty, But I did like to order few more pies too. I want to remember this feeling of eating pie here since I don't know, I'm ever going to get the chance again."

Everyone ordered the things they wanted. When my turn came," I would like to have str-"

"Strawberry cake with top filled with full of strawberry cream.", Lucas said while looking at the menu card.

Max and Dion looked at Lucas with a surprised face.

"Yes! Yes! Like this, I want one.", I said while nodding happily.

"What's the matter? Why you all are looking at me like this?"

'I was surprised at the fact how did Lucas knew What I was going to say?'

"Say, Lucas! How did you know that I want the top of the cake filled with strawberry cream?", I asked innocently.

"Isn't it obvious? The way you were eating the strawberry cake at the banquet hall and complaining how they did not fill the top part with the strawberry cream?" Lucas said with a smirk on his face.

Fena who wasn't paying attention to the fact that Lucas was watching her at the banquet, Said innocently," Is that so? You are right! They really didn't add the cream on top of it even though it was a royal banquet."

Dion and Max who left staring with their mouth opens at Lucas attitude with such a straight face and Fena dumbness to not notice the real motive behind his actions.

Max who couldn't take it and said, " You know Lucas, Were you that bored? To watch someone eating cake at the banquet?"

Max words get ignored when a new member joins them.

"Greetings to Everyone, Can I join you too?"

"Heya! Sena, Come join us! We are having strawberry cake. You like it too...."

Sena standing there smiled purely and joined Fena and the others.

"Yes! I like that Fena! Let's share, Mine is also strawberry cake."

Both of the girls shared the cake with each other and enjoyed well, On the other hand the boys ate their own except Dion who take bites from the other shares too.

I looked at Lucas who was sipping from his coffee while staring at us with an irritated expression. I felt he too wanted the cake but because of his personality he can't express openly so as usual I feed the cake of spoon to Lucas.

Lucas who was sitting there with an irritated expression on his face suddenly get feeds by Fena, Left staring blankly at Fena.

"You! What are you doing? Didn't you liked the cake to the point that you didn't want to share with anyone else?"

"Hmm! I do but I wanted you to eat it. Here have this dumpling.", Fena feeds the dumpling to Lucas.

Max who once again left staring at them gets mad," You shit! That's my dumpling, Don't go on giving to others without my permission. I was saving that chocolate flavored one for the last part."

Max who was grabbing Fena by the collar gets suddenly thrown away by a wind spell.

It was sena who did that," You! What do you think you are doing to my Fena? You insect! You piece of shit, You-"

Max who was listening to all the insults were slowly started to disappear while having a lifeless look in his eyes. He never got this insulted his whole life by someone.

Everyone was looking at Sena with a shocking eye...

Sena realizes that she is found out and decides to come out openly with everyone," Because of this damn crown prince I let out my true nature. That's right! I am not a two goody shoe girl, I got a worse personality. I was forced by my father to act sweet in order to get near Fena."

Sena who comes near Fena and sits in front of her," But when I did, I found having you around is fun and I like being with you, So I decided to keep up the act but because of this trash bag I lost control."

Fena who was staring at Sena starts laughing," Is that so? Then why not we become friends?"

'I was wondering about her why she always shows up around us, But now the reason is out. I don't need to keep up my guards around her.'

Sena who was surprised at Fena reaction, Are you sure you want to be friends with me even though I have such a worse personality?"

"Don't worry I got too, So no need to think anymore."

Max who was on verge of disappearing comes to life again," You should apologize to me right now! I might think of sparing you otherwise, I will behead you for insulting the Future Emperor."

Sena comes forward and grabs Max from collar," Why should I apologize to a trash like you? Who doesn't show respect to ladies? Future Emperor my a$$! First learn to become a gentleman then try to be something else."

Max who was defeated very badly by sena in argument lost the will to say anything and sits in a corner.

"First! Fena with what kind of people you are hanging around? One who is nothing but a trash, Two who do nothing but use people around him, A pure devil and three who do nothing but eats and is useless"

Max : "She said trash countless times. If she said one more time, My soul will leave my body. You! On what right judging us for Fena! You bi$h..."

Dion : "Why am I the only one called useless here?"

Lucas : "Did you see me once using someone? Aren't you a pure witch?"

The three of them were pissed by Sena to the point to finish her.

Sena who came closer to Fena and hugged her from behind, " I'm judging you on the right of her sister. I am her sister! Did you get that? Fena and I are cousin. She is my favourite and younger aunt daughter. I adore her so much, Be glad I showed mercy to you jerks at the party when you were insulting my love."

Before anyone could say anything the Marquis enters and grabs Sena from collar, Starts dragging her while apologizing on behalf of Sena.

"I apologize for my daughter actions. She is still small and doesn't understand things well. Please enjoy your time and If you don't mind My Lady! Fena can we talk for a while?"

Fena stares at the hand of the Marquis that was reached out to her....

Max gets up from his seat and steps forward while taking out his sword pointing at Marquis throat," I believe that the Marquis will leave right now without putting up a fight, If he understands the fact who he is going to serve next, And I hope that Marquis haven't forgotten his promise made to his majesty."

I was a little surprised at Max behaviour. He looked very serious and scary more than anytime he was.

Max who was still glaring at the Marquis says in a serious tone, " Calm down! hold your sword down for now! he will leave soon, Don't step forward Lucas. I order you as a crown prince."

Lucas who was standing while menacing a dark aura, Holding his sword in his hand stopped from stepping forward on Max words.

Max knew that it wouldn't be a problem if he were to do since he is a crown prince and the next ruler of the empire. In case if lucas were the one to step first, Things might get messy due to his position.

Marquis who understands the threats of Max bids his farewell and leaves with his daughter.

I watched Marquis leaving and looked at Max and Lucas who were still looking scary. I slapped them on their backs.

" What are you making such faces for? They left already! Let's have fun outside..."

All of them leaves the cake shop and starts walking around the streets and stores.

Extra Story

Sena : "I get less scenes, Why is that author?"

Max : "Because you got a shitty personality that's why even author doesn't want you to come up in the story a lot."

Sena : "I don't want to hear from a insect like you. Shut up! you're not even the male lead."

Max : "I am the male lead that's a plot twist!!"

Sena : "If that's the plot twist? Were you allowed by the author to say here?"

Max : "My soul left my body "(the person you are trying to reach is not available at the right moment)

End of Extra Story