
Greedy Player's Guide To Rule An Empire In A (Not) Game

Magic and science were made to fight each other, but what if someone was able to combine both and create extraordinary technologies? Here in 'Civilizica', that is possible. Become an adventurer and explore the vast world! Or gather people and create a community, lead them, and build a formidable Empire! A game where you can be whoever you want! A (not) game. Everyone suddenly fell unconscious, and when they woke up, they realized they couldn't exit the game. What's this? A bug? Server error? Whatever it is, the fate of the nation, the people, and all the players trapped now lies in her hands.

MiesRoe · War
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

5. Coastal Defense Pt.3



Gunshots echoed through the city as more troops entered to bolster the defense. Though it seemed almost comical for an advanced army to struggle against sword-wielding barbarians, urban warfare was a different beast. Enemies could appear from nowhere, and in the blink of an eye, it was a matter of who spotted whom first. Despite this, the Imperial army, equipped with carbines and machine guns, held a significant advantage.


A 10-man squad was advancing through the main street of Himmelshafen, the quickest route to the beach. Many troops on the frontlines had already retreated due to being outnumbered, leaving Captain Cord's company as the only remaining force. With around 200 men, their supplies were running low, and no one knew how long they could hold out. There were rumors that the enemy had breached their defenses and was planning to encircle them. The squad's mission was to prevent this. Two light tanks led the men, providing some reassurance against the dangers ahead.




-Inside Light Tank No.96-


"Watch for obstacles. There's not much room to maneuver," Michael Rosberg, a 38-year-old tank commander, cautioned. He had been commanding tanks for six years, previously leading a fearsome, slow-moving behemoth. Now, commanding a small light tank felt more like a demotion than a promotion.


"What's going on? Why are they stopping?" Michael opened the cupola hatch and poked his head out. The other tank had come to a halt, white smoke billowing from its engine. A man emerged from the cupola of Tank No.144.


"It's overheated again! This is the fourth time this month! I changed the oil and cleaned the radiator, but it's no use!"


"Alright, stay here. I'll continue alone," Michael ordered. He then addressed the squad leader. "Hey, Sarge! Can you leave some men to protect them?"


"We're only a ten-man squad; we'll lose a lot of firepower," the sergeant replied.


"Leave three of them here. They'll be busy repairing the engine and need someone to watch their backs. Besides, we're facing an army with swords and bows. It shouldn't be a problem."


"Fine, I'll leave three," the sergeant agreed reluctantly.


After a slight delay, they continued with only one light tank and seven men. Time was of the essence, as it would take another hour before larger battalions could mobilize. Fortunately, they controlled the skies, so there was no need to worry about an aerial attack. Planes swooped down, firing their guns and dropping bombs, signaling they had found their prey.


The LPz I was a light tank developed to replace the slow, cumbersome tanks previously used by the military. Its design prioritized mobility and firepower over sheer size and armor, making it ideal for urban combat.


Specifications of LPz I:

Weight: 12 tons (estimated) Length: 4.9 meters Width: 2.3 meters Height: 2.4 meters Armor: Hull: 25/15/15 mm; Turret: 25/25/25 mm; Roof: 15 mm Engine: 4.5L V8 Petrol Engine with 150 HP Top Speed: 45 km/h Armament: 50mm Cannon, 7.7mm Coaxial Machine Gun, 7.7mm Hull-Mounted Machine Gun


Despite its thin armor, which heavy machine guns could penetrate, the LPz I's combination of mobility and firepower marked a shift in tank warfare. The cramped interior was a common complaint among the crew, but it was a small price to pay for the tank's battlefield effectiveness.


"Hey, you hear that?" a soldier asked, breaking the tense silence.


A strange noise, like hundreds of metal plates clapping, came from the right side.


"Contact! Right side!" another soldier shouted.


"Rotate the turret faster! Load HE!" Michael commanded.




The infantrymen fired their bolt-action rifles, but their efforts were futile against the massive wave of enemies. Seven men and a tank against two hundred medieval-looking warriors were daunting odds.




The tank fired an HE round, which exploded near the enemy, sending shrapnel flying and causing chaos among their ranks.




The 7.7mm machine guns joined in, mowing down scores of enemy soldiers in seconds.


"Get behind the tank! We're pushing!" Michael ordered.


The squad quickly moved into position, using the tank as mobile cover. The street was narrow, with buildings on either side providing potential hiding spots for the enemy. They advanced cautiously, the tank's engine rumbling as it moved.


Suddenly, a door burst open, and a barbarian warrior charged out, swinging a massive sword. One of the soldiers, Private Jenkins, reacted swiftly, firing his rifle and dropping the attacker before he could reach them.


"Stay alert! They could be anywhere!" Sergeant Anderson barked, his eyes scanning the windows and rooftops.


As they pressed on, the sound of battle grew louder. The air was thick with the acrid smell of gunpowder and smoke. They knew they were getting closer to the beach, where the fiercest fighting was taking place.





Meanwhile, on the enemy side:


"Sir, our men are falling! We can't fight them! We must retreat!" a panicked soldier reported.


"Are you insane?! Where would we retreat to? The beach? Remember what happened there? There's no escape!" the commander barked.


"But if we stay—"


"We must. Everyone, push forward! Don't forget what these savages did to our friends on the beach! There's no way back. The only way to survive is to win! We outnumber them, so let's show them the might of the Presians!"


"OOOOOOOOHHHH!" the soldiers roared, rallying behind their commander for one final charge.






Back at the tank:


"What the...?" Michael muttered as another HE round exploded midair, hitting an almost invisible barrier.


"Incoming!" someone shouted.


A massive fireball flew toward the tank. Michael ducked inside just in time before it exploded against the front hull. The armor held, but the heat was intense.


"Tch, load AP! Let's see if they can hold this," Michael growled.


The gunner loaded an armor-piercing shell into the chamber.


"AP loaded!"


"Aim for the middle, FIRE!"




The 50mm AP round struck the barrier, causing it to crack.


"It worked! Load another AP!" Michael ordered.




On the enemy side:


"Sir, the barrier cracked!"


"Impossible! What kind of weapon are they using?!"


"These carriages hinder our movement! Why are there so many on the street?!"




Another AP round shattered the barrier.


"N-no! The barrier!" the commander cried out in despair.




The machine guns opened fire again, cutting down the retreating soldiers. Only 36 remained from the original 200.


"Hey, why are you stopping?! Do you want to die?!" the commander screamed.


"T-that's—" one of the soldiers stammered.


A platoon-sized force, around 40 men and three light tanks, emerged from a side street, heading toward the beach.


"C-CURSE YOU!" the commander charged at the tanks in a final act of defiance.




He didn't make it 20 meters before being gunned down. There was no mercy; every enemy was killed, leaving no prisoners.


Michael stared in silence. The brutality of it all was evident, but it was their job: to kill and to win.


"Let's join the group. Driver, take us to them! It's time to get to the beach," Michael commanded.


The squad regrouped with the larger force and continued their push toward the beach. The sight of reinforcements boosted their morale, and they pressed on, knowing that every step forward was a step closer to victory or death.




At the beach:

As they approached the beach, the intensity of the fighting increased. The squad moved in a tight formation, using the tank for cover. Bullets whizzed past, and the ground shook with the impact of explosions.


"Get ready! We're almost there!" Michael shouted over the din of battle.


The tank rolled forward, its gun blazing as it provided cover for the advancing troops. The Presian soldiers, realizing they were being flanked, began to panic. Some tried to flee, only to be cut down by the machine guns.


Even if they successfully reached the open seas, where could they go? Almost all their ships were sunk, leaving only small vessels that weren't even worth bombing. It was the end for them.




"Quick! We don't have much time!"


Several Presian soldiers pushed a cannon toward the beach. They had successfully landed a cannon after all the bloodshed. Unfortunately, it was the only surviving cannon; the others didn't make it to the shore as the boat that carried them sunk.


"Hurry up, load the cannonball!"


After a few seconds, the cannon was finally loaded. It was a miracle that no machine guns had targeted them.


"That! Aim at that... whatever that is!"




The cannon fired, but it missed the intended target. Instead, it hit another tank several meters away from the one they originally targeted. Well, a hit is a hit.


The cannonball struck the tank's cannon, causing it to bend and disabling the gun.



"That concludes the report" 


"Eeeeh..... even though they are just some barbarians they are able to make the Imperial Army struggle. Perhaps, our strategy and tactic are already obsolete?"


The man who previously read the report only stands in silence with sweat streaming down his head.


"They manage to disable one light tank. It's not much, but it proves its vulnerability"


"The General of The Army has also seen the report. They will come up with a solution in no time"


"Hmm, I hope so. Anyway, about this Presian..."


"Some of them have been taken as prisoners of war. The IIS (Imperial Intelligence Service) will make sure they give you as much information as possible. Also, our soldiers have found this map when they are inspecting surviving enemy vessels. The original map was taken to the IIS building to be examined, this is a crude copy of the map"


"Hmm... either the land looks so badly formed or someone must be bad at drawing"


"It's likely to be the latter, Your Majesty"


"If that's all, you can leave now"


"Thank you, Your Majesty"


Thus, the man walked out of the room leaving Amalia alone.


"Presia huh? I wonder how rich are you?" Said Amalia with a smirk on her face.