
Greed Blooming

When a (very) depressed witch and a charismatic but timid knight are forced to work together to protect the residents of Iris College, they will get a deep look into each other's lives. With all the strange connections between them, shaking the foundations of what they thought they knew, can they manage to stabilize their lives?

Aliapanacea · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Morning Dew

Within my small garden on the edge of the Iris College grounds, I currently find myself entranced by the beauty of the rising sun. Surrounded by a field of flowers planted by my own hand, I can't help but imagine myself as one, bathing in dew and nourishing myself with the power of the sun. A simple iris with no responsibility other than its own survival.

I take a deep breath, the humid morning air and hanging pollen rushing into my lungs. The sensation is a harmony of uncomfortable burning and the strikingly distinct comfort that this particular time of day naturally brings upon my mind.

A deep, sonorous bell rings in the near distance, a daily occurrence for the residents of the college, telling them that morning has once again arrived.

I sigh, knowing that my period of rest has ended. I stand, and slowly begin my way to the gates of the college. It doesn't take long for me to realize my mistake however, rushing back and locking the entrance to my garden, a lesson I learned the hard way as a child.

Arriving at the guardhouse, I take my seat, and begin to prepare with the little precious time I have access to. Checking the magic system, I find everything in order, and a wave of momentary belief rushed through me.

A longstanding tradition, Iris College accepts new students Biannually, as there is a belief that it allows for a closer relationship to form between the students of each generation. However, it's more so that the college can save on the gold costs of teachers, since the amount they would have to pay as a whole is reduced.

My job is both rather important and pointless. I am one who is to operate the gates, and keep watch for irregulars who might enter. There haven't been issues with the students for the previous few generations, but the Headmaster had a bad premonition, so I have been called in.

As the sound of the college's bell rings twice in the distance, I take a deep breath and open the gate.

As the individuals begin flooding in, I am quite surprised to see some of the figures that walk in. Rather, I can't help but think that it's going to be a long few years. The amount of important people here this year is staggering. I almost zone out, but something catches my attention. A top member of the assassin's guild, a black soul in the form of a knife.

This won't do.

Hitting a silent alarm, I rush out of the guard house and raise my staff at the unsuspecting assassin, causing a flash of ebony light beneath their feet, which forms into a magic circle immediately. A set of black chains shoots up, restraining the target before they can react. As they struggle against the chains, a few other faculty members arrive, taking them into the guardhouse despite a bit of noisy complaints from the assassin and the people who arrived with them.

I quickly take point again, watching the tide of students enter the college, moving towards their potential futures.

Despite it feeling like no time had passed, I flinch as the sound of three bells tells me that the gates are to be closed once again.

I sigh in relief at the stressful part ending, but reality is harsh, and I can't just leave the one we captured alone.

Time to figure out what the deal with this one is.

Opening the side room where we keep 'troublemakers', I find one of the new guardsmen sitting and talking to the assassin.

I approach, seemingly quiet enough that I don't alert the newbie of my presence.

"... I'll take over. Please write for me."

They stand, and I take the seat myself.

"Let's see what you have here already... Donner, a seventeen year old male commoner on a scholarship, black hair and eyes, average build, unremarkable personality, unknown abilities..."

With a snap, a primary restraining chain loosens, allowing for conversation.

"Speak. Who are you and what are your affiliations?"

The assassin coughs.

"... Donner, normal scholarship student."

I frown.

"Please tell the truth. If you do not comply, I will have to detain you, and you will lose your chance to enter the college for two years."

"F-fine, I am a member of the Friezlant Royal families secret guard, I'm here to guard the sixth princess."

I smile, and begin to tap the table.

"Do you have proof of royal employment?"

"Y-yes, it's in my bag."

I gesture, and the newbie moves to the bag, pulling something out and handing it to me. I look at it, then back at the assassin, then sigh. With a wave of my hand, the chain I removed returns.

"Please contact Friezlant with the sender, I have a feeling they have some things to tell us."

The newbie quickly moves to the main room, and not long after returns.

"They are denying his existence, so we cannot confirm his identity through them."

"Good. The truth of the matter is they won't admit to hiring a high ranking assassin to enter the college if they have any brains at all. Newbie, watch him until the Headmaster arrives, I need to go patrol."

I step out of the room, but before I can begin my rounds, a voice from behind me stops me. The newbie had seemingly rushed after me for some reason.

"Uh, My name is Amana Diend, not 'newbie', may I have your name miss?"

I smile.

"Reina Iris. Pleasure. "