
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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28 Chs

Training and Making Ki Techniques (2)

Nion focused all his Ki to move at max speed. He shot off and disappeared.

He couldn't see anything and felt the gravity weakening and instantly stopped. All he saw was a field of grey and black with complex shapes bending in the distance as he moved at faster than light speed.

'This can't do... If I am moving faster than light I need a way to react to battles at such speeds. Let's try enhancing my eyes first since moving is not a problem.'

He looked back and saw the planet was quite far away, in seconds he had moved a very great distance.

He moved back with half the speed of light to the planet and landed on the ground.

He began moving his Ki to his eyes and tried to enhance them. The moment his Ki reached his eyes, they both exploded.

He did not expect it and cried out in pain as he crouched. A second later, his eye fixed itself.

He looked at his hands covered in blood and eye parts and shook his head. 'Too much Ki.'

He tried again with a very little amount of Ki.

He felt his eyes burn a little and stopped. 'Maybe I am going at it the wrong way?'

He tried the front of his eye and his eye exploded again.

He tried over and over and ignored the pain. His eyes exploded, burned, or fell out of their sockets.

'It is not the amount of Ki, I am channeling it to the wrong part!'

He channeled the Ki to the very back of his eyes. They didn't explode and he felt his eyes changing somehow this time. His vision slowly changed.

He could still see but new things appeared in his field of vision. He saw waves in different colors everywhere, his vision took a slightly red tint as a new world opened up for him. The slight color shift of his sight was so little it wasn't that noticeable.

He looked at his hands and a precise aura covering them. He opened and closed his palm and the aura also did it.

'This is not Ki, I am seeing the electromagnetic field of my body. All Matter has an electromagnetic field so I can see everything. But how?'

He stopped channeling to one of his eyes and that eye's vision returned to normal. He tried it again with his palm and something very interesting occurred.

'The unenhanced eye had a little delay compared with the enhanced eye, why?'

He looked at the distance and fired a ki blast. It exploded and the same thing occurred with his vision.

'There was a delay again! Holy Shit! I know what it is; What I am perceiving is the delay in the speed of light! Enhancing the back of my eye not only gave me this vision but it also gave me faster than light reaction speed.'

'The only explanation is that I am seeing through space with energy... Ki is very miraculous. I am observing the effect of electromagnetic force and gravity on space that is why it is absolutely instant! The waves must be electromagnetic waves and the curves emanating from the planet are gravity!'

He looked up and saw an entirely different universe with his enhanced eye compared to the other one.

Some stars had gone supernova and some new ones that were born weren't in the sky. He saw everything without the delay of light.

His eyes saw through space and observed the fundamental forces. This meant that distance was an illusion to him. He cloud see infinitely far things as if they were infinitely close and his brain sorted this information by observing the fundamental forces to create the illusion of distance for him. Since the distance was meaningless, he could see everything instantly without the need for light or its speed delay.

He tried the same with his ears and his eardrums exploded.

After they healed he tried again.

A while later, he achieved a similar effect.

He heard strange noises. He heard infinite sounds he couldn't comprehend. It didn't take him long to realize what he was hearing.

'I am hearing the ripples in space caused by gravity. Every object has gravity and the ripples in space are much faster than light so I can hear and understand the position of something by hearing its gravity waves in space. What I am hearing now are the planet and the star and other things in the galaxy that's why it's so noisy and incomprehensible. I am hearing blackhole as well!'

'I can hear anything if I train this.'

He focused on making his ears only hear in a certain range. It took him a few hours to get it right. He had to shut down the noise caused by the entire galaxy. His ears didn't hurt but his head ached so he tried to focus on one thing and eventually filtered out the noise.

'I can hear absolute anything not by a sound but by gravity which causes a curve in space and when it moves, it causes an insignificant wave that my ears somehow detect. I can feel its position like this.'

'These two combined will give me absolute reaction speed! Let's try using more Ki.'

He tried it and saw time slowing down. He used as much as possible and he saw time stop.

'Seeing everything instantly doesn't mean reacting to all of it instantly. I should be able to perceive and react to speed faster than light. Based on the rate time is slowed in my sight, it should be twice times faster than light. That is the limit of my reaction speed.'

He stopped enhancing his eyes and ears and everything returned to normal.

'Compared to the normal vision, the enhanced one is more detailed and better but I prefer the normal one out of battle, I have gotten used to it.'

He felt joy and a great sense of accomplishment. 'I have overpowered eyes like Superman! HAHA!'

He calmed himself down and clenched his fist and enhanced his senses. The vision returned.

He tried to move at max speed. He saw everything perfectly passing by. He saw the aura of the air, the clouds, the planet, and himself. It was a breathtaking scene.

The most interesting thing was that he saw everything moving slowly like the acid raindrops in the air but he was moving at normal speed. Everything seemed to be frozen in the air as he reached his max speed.

If he didn't have his Ki shield covering his body. The air around him would have collided with his body at light speed and caused countless nuclear explosions on the way...

'This is what flash feels and sees. How interesting. He has normal vision though... Whatever.'

He stopped and looked at the distant mountain range.

'Ki covering my body to make a Ki shield, check. Enhanced senses, check. Now we have to deal with offense since the defense is the Ki shield. I only know Ki blasts and a Kamehameha look-alike. I need to train in martial arts made for sky battles to get really good but that has to wait since intelligence doesn't solve it; Experience does.'

The reason he was advancing so fast was that he had trained his Ki controls for years. His foundation was extremely solid so he made the techniques on top of it. As for the strange phenomena that occurred with enhancing the senses; It had to do with him being from a different universe.

Ki manifested powers differently because he was in a different universe. It could be said he was lucky in this regard that he got such a unique vision. All Saiyans with enough power level got faster than light reaction speeds but they fought by sensing Ki not seeing such things as the fundamental forces through space.

Nion pointed forward with his index finger and flowed his Qi and formed a blue ball in front of it. The ball of Ki gently glowed with a blue light. He began twisting it and rotating it as he forced it to become smaller.

The ball of Qi buzzed and released a strange sound as it began to turn red. It suddenly exploded in his face. A loud boom echoed in the empty land.

Nion wasn't harmed though. He continued and tried again.

And again.

He failed a dozen times until he managed to stabilize it.

A fiery red orb the size of a ping pong ball floated in front of his finger pointing at the distance. It made a very strange noise as the Ki inside was hardly stabilized. He had condensed a lot of Ki into it and made it rotate at his speed.

'Cero.' he internally named it and fired it as he intended.

The orb suddenly became a giant red beam the size of Nion himself. It reached the mountain range and exploded.

Dozens of mountains were instantly blown up as the beam exploded in the distance with blinding light. A Thundering sound soon reached Nion as the explosion's shockwave changed the landscape. The entire planet trembled faintly as terrible earthquakes and hot winds hit the nearby lands of the explosion.

Smoke and dust filled the entire scenery as they expanded to the upper atmosphere of the planet. It was clearly visible from space.

Nion flew out of the planet and viewed the destruction.

'If that had been fired on Earth, it would have destroyed a country like the UK completely.'

He flew and landed on the ground far away from the explosion.

He had just begun.

'It's too slow, I need to be able to fire that in less than 1 second. It took me 8 seconds to make it. I need to practice. I have a few other techniques to create after this, then I will deal with Ava. After that, I am going to either live a hedonistic life till the suit is finished or rebuild dimension. It all depends on Ava...'

The planet continued to faintly tremble, maybe it was scared of his training and its inevitable fate?

When he first arrived in DC his power level was 4 million. Now it's 20 million.

TheMysticcreators' thoughts