
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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28 Chs


Nion slept and dreamt of beautiful paradise-like lands before him. The sky in a state of twilight and the fluffy clouds, purple and orange, filling the heavens in various shapes. The entire dreamland covered in rainbow flowers and the oceans with emerald water.

He enjoyed the scenery of his dream as he sat on top of the only mountain in this dreamland. He had a brilliant smile as he enjoyed everything worry-free.

Just as all seemed well, the sky darkened and flashes of lightning lit up the world. The cheerful and perfect atmosphere turned sinister and evil; The world plunged into chaos.

He looked up with a frown and there he saw, a crack in the heavens as if all was a mere illusion, ready to be broken by something beyond.

The crack grew bigger and a black hand with 7 fingers clawed its way out of the crack. Another followed soon.

Nion felt afraid and at the same time, he felt a strange intent to destroy it without mercy. His body shivered in terror but his heart burned in fury.

The two hands tore apart the heavens of the dreamland as they opened up the crack. Nion glimpsed upon what was beyond. He let out a world-shaking scream of madness and laughed like crazy.


Beyond the crack lied something truly horrifying, Incomprehensibly terrifying. Nion laughed with bloodshot eyes and grinned with malice. His voice filled with unimaginable hatred.

"I see it now... when I find you, I will slaughter your race, your family, your children in front of you, and then your existence. The Void will BURN! THAT I SWEAR!"

He woke up, his body covered in a cold sweat. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest as his head hurt terribly.

'What was that dream? Didn't I isolate the memories of the void? How could they affect me now?! What the hell happened in the void? How can I hate something so much?!' He thought unsurely as he stood up from the bed and noticed he was naked.

The door to this room opened and Ava entered with a smile. She was naked and only had an Apron on. In her hands, she carried a delicious feast.

"I learned everything about cooking last night and prepared this for you with the rarest ingredients in the world. Come, let's eat."

He looked at her and remembered last night. He said seriously, "Ava, Scan the nanobots in my brain, something should be wrong."

Ava's eyes turned calm and serious as she focused on him for a moment and said, "The parts of your brain seem to be evolving to destroy the Nanobots... The property of the cells are changing inexplicitly to something unknown. As if something is trying to take over your brain. It is parasitic in nature but since it is part of you, it can't be destroyed."

She frowned in worry and put down the food, "Nion, you could die if we don't fix this! Even if you are immortal..."

Nion's face turned cold, "Ava, we are leaving this universe Asap. I am going to focus on what's important. Strengthen the Nanobots and replace them with better ones. I initially wanted you to grow a bit and interact with the world here but it seems impossible now. The plan of facing Darkseid is terminated as well. Focus everything on our main goal. I am going to focus on the VNS and power source."

He put on some casual clothes that were nearby put there by Ava and left the room.

"Focus on the suit, I don't have the luxury to waste time on food or rest."

Ava nodded in worry, put down the food, and teleported it somewhere; She looked at a file in her hand and signed it, and mimicked Nion's signature as well on it. 'He doesn't have time for you...'

She teleported the file on Batman's desk in the Batcave. She also left a few words...

[We have left this world.]

Nion sat behind the Ship's command center and thought, 'The energy source for the suit should be incredibly massive and constant. Star level big… Right! A Star! I need to get a supermassive star for the core! I know the one if this universe is similar to mine from the past life then… R136a1 should do. I wanted to chill a bit but I am in more danger than I initially assumed.'

"Ava, find the most luminous and heavy star you can. Specifically, search the distances of 160k to 170k light-years from here."

Ava nodded and closed her eyes. The ship came to life and began scanning the stars...

A while later she opened her eyes. "503 stars have been found. The closest is approximately 163,000 light-years away. It is in a zone called Tarantula Nebula by Earth's population. This star is known as R136a1. Its total mass is 315 times of the local star. It produces enough energy and should live for a few billion years if we add hydrogen to it constantly since it is a newborn."

(Uy Scuti is bigger but not hot enough or luminous enough.)

"How long till we reach there?"

"Approximately… 3 minutes 12 seconds at max speed. Shall I proceed?"

"Yes, but be careful of black holes and stars on the way. Active the maximum protection shields and the Hyper Phantom Drive for max speed."

"Affirmative. HyperDrive active. 3 minutes 11 seconds till destination…"

Ava began counting down as she piloted the ship with her mind while also creating the suit and managing everything on the Ship. Nion began designing a strange thing… It looked like a Dyson sphere!

A black orb the size of a pebble began moving at many many times faster than the speed of light and avoided anything on its path perfectly. It didn't move faster than light, the space in front of it was bent so much that it appeared in such speed to the outside.

"10,9,8, … 1. We are there."

Nion nodded, "I want to see the surroundings…"

Ava disabled some of the shields and Nion got a view. He saw a beautiful blue supergiant star in front of him. The shields had reduced its luminosity by many times so it looked rather beautiful instead of blindingly bright.

He activated his Ki enhanced eyes; The nebula was a breathtaking sight. Many stars gently laying in clouds of gasses in many colors, it was like a symphony of colors with motes of bright sprinkled on top.

Ava looked at its beauty with a smile.

He took a deep breath and watched the beauty of the cosmos with awe. 'Amazing…'

He checked R136a1 with a twinkle in his eye. 'You are going to be my energy maker.'

"Ava, can you absorb the clouds of gasses and make elements necessary for many Nanobots and a Dyson Sphere. Then make them?"

"Simulating… Affirmative. ET(Estimated Time), 106 years with the current equipment."

Nion frowned. "What do you suggest to do in order to speed this up?"

Ava calmly thought for a moment, "I have simulated and found the best solution. I suggest we make an artificial singularity to absorb a nearby star for material and with a supermassive particle accelerator and Nanobot maker and begin after that. With this equipment, ET will be 100 hours to make the required number of special Nanobots and craft a Dyson Sphere around R136a1 in 420 hours. ET to make this equipment is 180 hours. I can manage all. The Dyson Sphere needs to be designed by you, however. This is the most optimal way."

Nion sighed in relief. 'Thank god… I didn't want to wait a century here… Let's do this. I have the perfect design in mind.'

The Ship grew bigger and returned to its actual size outside. Then it flew off in the direction of a nearby star. There, swarms of nanobots began crafting constructs outside with the ship as the center.

3 constructs slowly took shape. Each was hundreds of times bigger than the ship itself when in actual size.

Hours passed and the constructs became bigger. Ava was constantly creating Nanobots inside the ship constantly to amplify the workforce. The particle accelerator was active all the time creating elements and Alloy Forger making alloys to feed to 3D creator and nanobot maker to create the constructs outside.

Most of the elements weren't needed to be made since they were present in the nebula and were directly absorbed by the ship. Only a few extremely rare and complex ones were needed that were created there. These elements made the nanobots special.

Ava was busy with that and Nion was busy with designing to create the ultimate Dyson Sphere.

Days passed…

Nion breathed heavily with a crazy gleam in his eyes as he stared at his design. He had designed the ultimate Dyson Sphere.

Ava's voice reached his ears, "The constructs are finished. Shall I proceed and make the Nanobots?"

"YES! Go ahead. I am gonna sleep," Nion said and just fell asleep instantly on a nearby chair. He was exhausted, his mind overworked.

The 3D screen on the desk showing his design. It was complex beyond description. He had surpassed Krypton's science by so much it wasn't comparable anymore...

Three constructs outside the ship came to life.

One was similar to a Pyramid but hollow everywhere. It had no surfaces, only gigantic pillars forming a pyramid shape. Within the pyramid right in the middle, a singularity came to life and approached the nearby star, dragging the semi-pyramid as well.

Plasma flowed from the star into the singularity and transported to a special subspace for it to be stored as matter. It was eating the star for basic materials. This was named the Star Eater.

One was a giant hollow sphere made of thousands of long enormous metallic rings that moved in various directions. It looked like a complex 3D geometrical shape. It came to life and the rings glowed a faint white color, it was mesmerizingly beautiful.

It created any element from matter itself. It had no limit. It was science beyond human understanding; It could make any element and even Alloys. This was named, Element Creator.

The last one was a stretched hollow cube, Alloys and elements entered from one end and took a particular shape through magnetic manipulation, and from the other end, an endless amount of Nanobots exited and took formation outside.

Inside it shone brightly as millions of thin laser beams crafted Nanobots from the material. It was filled with many tubes that the materials went through and transformed into Nanobots eventually. This was named World Factory.

The sight was truly one from a science fiction fantasy but it was real!

Nion slept for a few days due to exhaustion. His mental energy was beyond drained due to designing such a thing.

He saw the sight and gasped. The star was being eaten by a black hole and its matter turned into different elements and alloys which became Nanobots.

He watched the process calmly and filmed it with his phone. He thought about the past and felt a little disbelief.

A few years ago, he was a lonely man on earth and due to a crazy email. His destiny had changed. After working hard for such a long time, he had reached where he was today. Doing crazy things like this, things that he didn't even dare imagining before…

Ava suddenly said interrupting his thoughts, "Nion, The second phase has finished. Should I proceed with the design you have uploaded to the database?".

Nion replied with excitement, "Yes, also take the constructs as well. Make a sphere around them and shrink them to a small size and store them in the warehouse with 0 gravity.".


The three constructs were deactivated and a sphere was built around them. They then shrank by bending space and became small enough to fit in his pocket. He put them in the 0G warehouse since they had mass…

They were living in 100G constantly on this ship.

The Clouds of Nanobots were much bigger than the ship as they moved. An energy shield formed around Dimension(name of the ship). The Nanobots gathered there by Ava and the ship moved toward the star he wanted to make the Dyson Sphere on.

Behind them, the star had shrunk a lot by almost half. The subspace that Nion named Storage Zone later, carried half the mass of that star. He could make several parallel subspaces with Dimension as the center. That star would later become a supernova because of that.

A few seconds later they arrived. The shield brought the Nanobots with them, the shield was for that.

Ava took out the Element Creator that also made Alloys from the warehouse and returned it to its size near the star and began dumping matter from the storage Zone into it to create the necessary materials.

The Nanobots controlled by Ava started working on the Dyson Sphere. The process was beautiful beyond description.

The star was horrifyingly hot but the Nanobots were made with special materials that could survive all the way to 7,000 degrees kelvin. The sphere was being built a safe distance away and around the star.

Nion oversaw the creation himself since no mistake could be made.

I rushed writing this, Sorry for the mistakes.

Every 20-30 chapters I will write a lemon with details like the one in the previous chapter.

TheMysticcreators' thoughts