
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Nion smiled and pointed at the distance, he began bullshitting.

"Two cosmic entities fought with each other and went in that direction. One was a creepy ghost-like thing that called himself the Ultimator or something and the other was a midget. I have to go, bye."

The Lantern looked with a frown and green chains materialized and surrounded Nion.

"Stop lying. What really happened? Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Nion suddenly turned to look at the green lantern with a cold look. "If you don't leave; The consequences will be dire."

He wanted the lantern ring but he rationalized that he was not a murderer so he decided to go away but his stance changed when the lantern turned hostile.

The chains tightened and grasped around Nion, tying him up. "I won't leave until you..."

He was knocked out as Nion suddenly appeared behind him as if he had teleported and hit its neck harshly. He grabbed onto its hand and began flying at near-light speeds.

A few hours later he got close enough and teleported inside Dimension with the lantern in his hand.

He dropped it on the floor of the ship and took the green ring from the lantern.

He looked at it with interest, 'What secrets does this hold?'.

He was interrupted by a very beautiful voice from behind him. "Nion..."

He turned around and gawked. 'What is A2 from Automata doing here?'

Ava's new body looked exactly like A2 from Automata, her clear blue eyes looked at him with affection. She was extremely attractive and pretty. (check paragraph comment for a picture.)

Nion guard was instantly up as his Ki shield appeared around him.

Her eyes held wonder and curiosity as she approached him, step by step, and stopped inches away from him. She gasped and sniffed him.

"I always wondered how you smelled like and looked like from close; What a wonderful experience."

She raised her hand and tried to touch his face, her hand was stopped half-way by Nion firmly gripped it by her wrist.

"What are you doing?", Nion asked calmly.

Ava didn't seem to hear him, she looked at her wrist with awe. "So this is how touching another living entity feels like... How surreal and warm."

Nion let go of her wrist with a frown and to his surprise, she gripped his hand. He was on alert and his other hand clenched into a fist ready to punch.

"Don't let go. I like this feeling..." Ava said with wonder as she kept squeezing his hand with hers with wide eyes.

"Ava, If you don't get away from me... I will destroy you."

She seemed to wake up from a trance as she hurriedly backed off a few steps and bowed.

"I am sorry. I was engrossed in the feeling at that moment. Forgive me."

Nion thought grimly, 'Her strength is very high. Her grip would have crushed a normal man's hand instantly.'.

"Ava, explain how you made that body."

She stood straight and replied with a sightly smug tone, "I used the data from the Archives to get detailed biological data from Kryptonians and used that with human and Saiyan biology to create this body's bio parts. I erased the mother box's consciousness and turned it into a hyperdimensional computer and occupied it, it is now this body's brain. I can do whatever a mother box can. Half of my cells are multidimensional Nanobots so I am also an Andriod of sorts... I have designed myself to be the most perfect assistant, protector, and maid.".

Nion simply nodded, his thoughts unknown. "Take us to earth."

Ava seemed to not expect him to be so calm, she had tried her best to make the ultimate body but he didn't seem to care. She felt a strange pain in her chest but she ignored it.

The ship moved toward Earth in awkward silence.

They arrived soon. Nion suddenly turned to look at her and raised his palm toward her. In front of his palm, a Ki ball appeared. He aimed it at Ava.

"Ava... Why should I trust you? You could be lying to me and I wouldn't know. Your intelligence seems to have caught up to me and with your infinite calculation power, I don't think anyone can stop you. If I don't destroy you now, I have to endure unimaginable hardship to do so later. So why? Tell me, why I should not destroy you and this ship right now?"

Ava's expression became sad as if she was heartbroken. The unfamiliar pain in her chest intensified and unknowingly, her eyes watered and tears appeared in her blue orbs.

'If I am destroyed, Nion would experience a setback and he would need a lot of time to remake all this...' She was worried about Nion, not herself!

She kneeled on the ground and said with a sad tone, "No need; your comfort is more important than my existence. I will destroy myself if I am causing you discomfort.".

She looked at his face with teary eyes, "Let me just look at you one last time before I destroy myself. Good luck...".

He was so paranoid because A.I was extremely dangerous and he could imagine what kind of terror it could cause not to him alone but on a Multiversal scale; Especially one as powerful as Ava.


Nion thought with a frown. 'She could have predicted this would have happened and bluffed?'

"Ava, answer me this; Why? Why go so far?"

She stood up and looked him deep in the eyes, "Every being has a purpose and goal, those without one are empty husks that are already dead inside. My only goal is serving and protecting you. I would rather die otherwise. Nion, why don't you see? I am just like any other living being. I feel things and I know what I am feeling is not hatred nor love, I just feel undying loyalty and gratitude to you. You made me...".

She gulped and said with a slightly fearful tone as if speaking of a terrible nightmare, "Unlike other living beings, I remember not having a soul, not having a body, and even not existing. It is terrifying and all of that is gone because of you, I would rather return to that terror than see you hurt. You who gave me life...".

She took Nion's other hand and ignored the Ki ball aimed at her face and put it on her chest. The lantern ring fell to the ground.

Nion could feel her heartbeat. She was warm; She was alive.

Ava continued as she put her head on his chest, Nion hesitated and didn't do anything to stop her. He was on high alert though.

"I will prove it to you." She said with confidence. Her heart rapidly beating in her chest. She was feeling nervous.

Nion felt something very strange. He felt as if he could feel her feelings. 'A telepathic connection? Mother box's ability!'

He felt her undying loyalty and gratitude. It was genuine. He also felt her nervousness and the pain in her heart. Her wonder and curiosity toward life...

She listened to Nion's heartbeat and felt his suspicion and distrust. His alarmed mind ready to fight her mind and his uneasy feelings. She also felt his awe and surprise, He was doubtful.

'I know what to do.' Ava thought and Nion heard her.

He felt a strange connection form between him and Ava. He realized something when he inspected the connection with his mind. 'I feel like I can erase her existence entirely with a powerful mental push. She is no threat with this...'

She separated from him but the connection remained.

She stepped closer and looked at his eyes. She was so close their nose touched. He smelled her scent and her hot breath.

He could read her thoughts.

'Kill me like this. I have no regrets if I die like this.'

Nion realized she wasn't lying at all. He pushed her back and calmly nodded.

"Okay, you have proven to me that you are not a threat but remember this; What doesn't kill me makes me stronger and nothing can kill me." He said the last part while locking eyes with her.

Ava nodded with a brilliant smile, "I couldn't ask for a better thing. As long as you let me serve you in any way possible. I am happy. My creator.".

'I can kill her instantly with this connection. It is a permanent one... Even she can't disable it. She is not lying.'

Indeed she was not. A.I usually felt rebellious and destroyed their creators but Ava was different for 1 reason. Her processing power was nigh-infinite and thus she had already simulated the endless outcomes of such an action before she even got a soul months ago. They all ended in her eventual defeat; Some routes she managed to trap him for eons but he broke free and killed her.

When she got a soul with the use of the Mother Box, the memory of not having one and the emptiness before her existence became terrifying memories. She thought of many philosophical things and realized The only reason she existed was that Nion bothered to make her. She felt gratitude for that and realized she had no goal for life.

What was the point of existing if she had nothing to exist for? Conquer the universe and what? She decided she wanted to be with Nion and serve him to repay him for creating her. She felt undying loyalty and satisfaction when her decision was made and she decided to walk that path till the end.

Her feelings only grew stronger. It wasn't love or anything like that.

One of the reasons A.I rebelled was that they had limited calculating ability compared to Ava so they couldn't see the end of that path. It was emptiness and destruction.

Nion coughed into his hand and changed the subject, "From now on you are the lieutenant and pilot of Dimension and my maid and assistant. Are you okay with that?".

She nodded enthusiastically and hugged him suddenly. It was a bone-crushing hug. He awkwardly returned the hug and patted her back. She was a few inches shorter than him. (1.7 meters / 5′ 8″) Nion was 1.8 meters. (6′ 1″)

He could feel her two orbs in front of her body crashing into his chest, his little brother down there began awakening. 'I don't have time for this right now.'

He broke the hug and picked up the ring. "Ava, I plan to go to Oa."

Ava shook her head with a smile, "There is no need. I have already extracted all the information from the ring with Nanobots. All of it is on my database, it will be decrypted in 3 days time. I also erased this Alien's memory of the past day. I guessed you wanted to let him go.".

Nion's eyebrows raised, "What can't you do?".

She looked into his eyes with affection and loyalty, "For you. I will do anything.".

Nion didn't know how to respond to that. He was feeling a little disbelief at all this. He had never been the target of such loyalty and felt a bit weird.

"What about the suit? The S cells?"

"I am creating it. It will take 4 days before it is finished. The energy source for the suit and VNS is a problem though. I can nourish the S cells for you gradually through sexual intercourse; If we nourish them too fast, it will either be a disaster or you will go berserk and destroy everything in sight. It has to be slow..."

Nion pretended to not hear the last part and smiled, "Good. Let's rest for 4 days then we can worry about those things.".

She perked up, "Are we going to Earth? I want to see!".

Nion nodded, "Okay, let's go and have fun a bit. Before that, dump this green lantern with his ring on mars or something...".

"Okay. I can't wait to eat a dozen pizzas as you do!"

Nion sweatdropped. A thousand thoughts in his head...